Curly Horse - a true miracle of nature

• Curly horse - a real miracle of nature

Imagining a horse, most people imagine an animal with a smooth silky hair and fluffy long mane. That is why the pictures of curly horses usually makes people wonder and suspect that it is probably some kind of newfangled artificially bred breed. However, things are not so simple.

Curly Horse - a true miracle of nature Curly Horse - a true miracle of nature

Mention of curly horses can be found in Chinese manuscripts dating from the year 161 AD. A photo of the Bashkir curly horses, which are made in Russia in the 1800s, suggests that these animals were carried out not only in Asia but also in Europe. Moreover, in the XIX century, Charles Darwin also described this kind of horse, whom he met on the American continent.

Curly Horse - a true miracle of nature

By and large, curly horse can be, regardless of other natural data. It could be raven or piebald animals, stunted or more slender. What unites them is only a gene that causes their hair Curly - and this feature is greatly enhanced in the cold season. For example, some horses summer look completely normal, and closer to winter their fur gradually curled in ringlets. Someone kucheryashki only appear on the mane and tail, in others the whole body is transformed into plush. There are also horses that run all year round with kucheryashkami.

Curly Horse - a true miracle of nature

It is interesting that in the coat of curly horses missing protein responsible for the induction of allergies to wool in humans. That is why curly horses are considered to be hypoallergenic. Other such species including horses yet.

Curly Horse - a true miracle of nature

Moreover, these horses are often characterized by endurance and savvy, so they are ideal for co-operation with the person in almost any field. For example, a Bashkir horses at one time actively used in battle, and now it is used for agriculture. Canadian and American breed curly horses are widely used for movement on a hilly terrain, since these animals are hardy and complaisant that allows people to fully rely on them when it comes to the safety of his own life. Such as horses used for equestrian sports of those people who are allergic to wool.

Curly Horse - a true miracle of nature

The only reason Curly horses are not suitable - it is for the race. And even if you cross them with other breeds of horses, such horses, too, will be considered not suitable for fast running.