Superficial peels: types and descriptions

All women want to look attractive. This is possible only with a clear matte skin, which does not have acne and blackheads. But due to various factors, it lost its tone. Cosmetologists developed many facial improvement procedures. One of them - the superficial peeling. This procedure has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as described in the article.


Superficial peeling is of several types, each of which has its own characteristics. The main include:

  1. Mechanical, which includes a vacuum process.
  2. The physical performed only in beauty salons.
  3. Chemical.


Superficial peels: types and descriptions

The last option is:

  1. enzyme at which the effects on the skin of natural substances.
  2. The acid. The epidermis is treated with acid agents.
  3. combined. In this case, the various cleaning methods.

Before performing any procedure, you need to consult with a specialist. After all, not everyone fits this shoe.

The mechanism of action of

Superficial peels person called to the skin abrasion, physical, chemical means. As a result of this exposure to exfoliate dead cells of the epidermis and are eliminated. Therefore, the lower layers of cells gets more nutrition and oxygen, which activates them and causes division. Such a process has a name regeneration - restoration of epidermal cells.

Superficial peels: types and descriptions

Of the advantages are the following points:

  1. The procedure involves only the layers that are above the basal layer of skin. Therefore it is not damaged by deep-seated membrane dermis are not violated its structural links. This procedure can be performed frequently, on average - 1 every 10 days.
  2. Use alternating peelings. For example, enzyme and acid held alternately, allowing the skin to rejuvenate. In this case there is no violation of metabolism in the epidermis and the exhaustion of its regenerative capacity.
  3. Surface peeling is carried out throughout the year, even in spring and summer. To eliminate the risk of pigmentation, apply sunscreen.
  4. In comparison with the more serious procedures. When an injury to the upper and deep layers of the dermis, the surface cleaning is a low price, even if they are performed in the cabin. Mechanical exfoliation is from 2800 rubles, ultrasound - from 2200 rubles, and chemical - from 3400 rubles.
  5. The procedure is performed not only in the cabin, but also at home.


Superficial peeling is carried out under the following signs:

  1. Aging skin.
  2. The uneven pigmentation.
  3. Peeling.
  4. Pimples and black spots.
  5. The loss of elasticity.
  6. The presence of scarring.
  7. The high production of sebum.
  8. clogged pores.
Superficial peels: types and descriptions

procedures are performed at home, but the best effect is expected from the salon event. Specialists perform peeling on all the rules, so do not worry about the result.


Superficial peels can not be performed when a person:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. The presence of residues of sunburn.
  3. diseases of the heart, blood vessels.
  4. Oncology.
  5. scratches, wounds, ulcers.
  6. fever, fever.
  7. herpes, warts.
  8. Allergies.
  9. pathology of the nervous system.
  10. diabetes.
  11. at exacerbation of chronic pathology.

You after the event was not irritation, selection tools, it is desirable to entrust the beautician. He will choose the suitable makeup that does not harm the skin.

How do I?

Superficial peels performed in the following stages:

  1. Preparation. Skin should be thoroughly clean: wash it with a mild gel or other means. Then degreased special preparations. Additionally, at the discretion of the skin is processed cosmetologist means revealing pores and prepares the surface for deep cleansing.
  2. The main stage. acid preparation should be applied to the skin, using the instructions rules. This is done hands with a cotton pad or a special brush. Manipulations should be performed slowly.
  3. Then, the neutralization of the acid attack. This is done by a special converter which is applied to the skin massaging movements. Then it is washed off with warm water.
  4. To prevent complications of the skin is processed nourishing mask or other means that advise beauticians.
Superficial peels: types and descriptions

Surface peeling is only useful if it is done regularly. One event will not be enough. Number of treatments depends on skin type, sensitivity, cleanability. Important is the existence of problems in mild or severe form. For the treatment of acne and blackheads is recommended to perform 10 procedures. And enough to rejuvenate and 7.

Preparatory care

The use of surface chemical peel will only appear if it is performed by the right care to the procedures and after them. There is a basic list of actions that allows you to prepare for this event:

  1. A few days before peeling face is necessary to grease a weak acid solution to protect against burns and skin preparation.
  2. Sometimes used creams that prevent sunburn.
  3. Often, experts recommend the use of cosmetic means with salicylic acid.

When preparing irregular or no burn can occur. The negative effects include skin roughness or, on the contrary, a strong vulnerability.

Care after the procedure

According to reviews, the surface peels should only be done in compliance with the recommendations of the beauticians. After the procedure you need to perform the following maintenance:

  1. Failure to sunburn, use sunscreen.
  2. The use of moisturizers and creams nourish the skin with vitamins.
  3. Do not remove crusts that appear after peeling. Because of this, they may form small scars. The positive effect is noticeable after one procedure, or even better results can be seen within 2 weeks.
Superficial peels: types and descriptions

With proper care face after peeling surface will acquire a neat appearance. To perform this type of procedure is necessary on a regular basis, because only then will a positive result.

The effectiveness of

After superficial peeling facial skin gets a fresh look. By the results include the following positive aspects:

  1. Troubleshooting greasy.
  2. Improve complexion.
  3. Treatment of acne, blackheads.
  4. Skin Rejuvenation.
  5. Narrowing far.
  6. Start of metabolic processes in the skin.

procedure eliminates dermatological problems in adults and adolescents. Exfoliation removes the shortcomings that have emerged for different reasons. But keep in mind that if there was a rash of failures inside the body, the problem will be seen again and again, until the main cause is resolved. The effect remains at least 4 months. But usually it lasts 6 months.

Possible risks of

To superficial peeling procedure has brought only positive results, it is necessary to take into account some of the risks:

  1. Do not perform the procedure at an exacerbation of acne, because due to this condition may worsen the epidermis.
  2. Clean spring and summer, you need to use sunscreen.
  3. In the abrasive components at runtime mechanical surface peeling should not make an effort and rub them into the skin, as this can result in injury. Because of this, perhaps the appearance of irritation that require treatment.
  4. If the unknown means to be used, there should be a skin test.
Superficial peels: types and descriptions

At home,

Home peeling can be carried out thanks to the availability of funds, which are sold in pharmacies. Though it does not require the presence of a cosmetologist, yet some of the tips you need to consider before you perform this cleaning. Usually superficial peeling is performed with lactic acid or fruit acids - strawberry, apple, lemon.

When it is desired to remove dead cells and pigmentation, it is necessary to use glycolic acid or median peeling. So that nothing is confused and does not harm the skin, the finished product must be purchased at the pharmacy. Only apply it should be after reading the instructions. Should pay attention to the composition, as there may be some components that cause individual intolerance.

Before use, check the safety of the drug. This is done as follows: funds are applied to the skin a little bit, which is especially sensitive - elbow bend or an area behind the ear. Leave it must be 5-10 minutes. When the redness should not perform the procedure. If, however, any unpleasant moments are not followed, the tool fits perfectly. Compared with the saloon, superficial peeling, performed at home, due to the low concentration of acid is considered safe and easy way to cleanse the skin. For oily epidermis treatment are advised to do every week. If the skin is dry and sensitive, the peeling is carried out every month.

A few minutes after the application of funds will be some tingling. This is due to the influence of acid. Duration of treatment is usually specified in the instructions, it is better not to break, as it is likely the appearance of burns and other negative consequences. After the procedure with means for eliminating facial skin by washing with warm water. The first 10-20 minutes after the treatment there may be some redness of the skin. For the home cook peeling agent based on coffee grounds or ground organic coffee, sea salt and oils.

Complications and disadvantages of

People performing a superficial chemical peeling face, can not worry about the appearance of complications. Often there is a little red, but it disappears after a few hours.

This procedure has no significant deficiencies. It does not lead to such results expressed as a deep peeling views. But this lack of overlapping benefits such as short period of rehabilitation, at least contraindications and side effects. But there are some nuances that need your attention before performing superficial peeling face. Reviews cosmetologists suggest that:

  1. this procedure may not work, radical measures are needed skin after 40 years.
  2. If there are minor dermatological problems, it needs a lot of procedures, which have much cost.
  3. If your skin is sensitive, the active substances can penetrate deeply into it, so the recovery may take up to 10 days.
Superficial peels: types and descriptions

There are also options for sparing peeling performed at home, but they have a nourishing mask effect. But notable changes greatly when they will not. If found peeling, then you should not worry. This phenomenon is considered to be a normal response.

On sale there are many trains to run home peeling. Beauticians are advised to first consult with professionals before using any makeup. If a caution to perform such procedures, the expected positive effect.