Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

• Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

Once, not so long ago, there is still running 10-year-old girl, the daughter of the French bourgeois, financiers, industrialists and bureaucrats simply governor-general, who came to live thousands of miles from his native France and settled in here in its Asian colony.

Today here the wind howled, stone walls overgrown with moss and grass and only occasionally among the empty eye sockets of windows you can see glimpses of women's red caps. Only it is not a French-flirtatious, and local peasant, preying on tourists ...

Seeing a broken road in rural landscape and rice fields gloomy ruins and flashing around them silent shade with baskets behind, we stop and go look at a strange structure, which was abandoned by the French women's board.

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

The French colonization of Indochina postponed quite a noticeable impact on the current Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, and for almost 100 years ownership of these territories, the French had a lot to do here.

Following the formation of the French chic resort of Sa Pa, at these places began to appear private villas, forts and even ... this one female board.

But it so happened that under the colonial rule of Vietnam was not so long, and now it is looking empty windows of the rice fields and a passing Vietnamese peasants

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

It is very unusual to see amidst the rice terraces and the huts of the poor local farmers as a major building stands out, moreover, had to explicitly architecture.

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

In spite of the fact that the houses of the peasants in these places are built mostly of wood and bamboo, lack of stone in the neighborhood Sa Pa is not perfect - the local rock is almost entirely composed of granite, it is not surprising that the walls and the colonnade of the guesthouse were not built of brick and hewn from the granite blocks that are in production ... it is much cheaper than brick.

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

The French went away immediately after the Second World War, the building is still some time to perform other functions, but it was soon completely abandoned.

The fact that it is located far enough from the "resort" Sa Pa, in the countryside on the road to Ta Ping, and find a use for the local farmers is just not possible.

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

So gradually furniture, utensils, and even hardwood floors between the floors of local residents carried off to their homes, and settled among the bushes empty walls, vines and bamboo

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

Former corridors and halls of the guesthouse

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

It is interesting that in different areas of the window completely different building. Look at this picture, and slightly lower

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

The unusual shape of the two neighboring window

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

But once there must have been nice

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

When the fireplace room of the girl going to the evening, discussing past activities and preparing for the next day

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

The new inhabitants of the guest house

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

The openings from floor beams

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

The gaping void

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

Last Breath

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

An incredibly beautiful rusty lichen on the marble walls of the guesthouse

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

The remains of the canopy, who went to the Colonnade

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

Near one of the windows in the plaster are clearly visible traces of bullets.

This is probably one of the many signs of armed clashes in the province of Lao Cai in northern Vietnam Giap release by French troops in 1950.

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam

Despite the fact that the guest house for a long time no one lives, around its walls you can often see a lot of women.

These days, it's not French, and girls nationality red zyao in embroidered national costumes, which are on guard heading in Ta Ping tourists to try to sell them for a few dollars their handbags, purses, embroidered bracelets and charms ...

Abandoned French female guest house in Vietnam