Scuba cemetery military equipment

• Scuba cemetery military equipment

Scuba cemetery military equipment

On Veno Island, which is located in the Pacific Ocean, it is home to about 14,000 residents. It is the center of the atoll Chuuk (Federated States of Micronesia) - tiny, barely visible point on the globe between Guam and Papua New Guinea. Now it is calm and quiet. However, it was not always.

70 years ago, two days of continuous bombing, US warplanes sank more than 50 military and transport ships of the Japanese fleet. Then he called Chuuk Truk yet. During World War II it housed one of the most important air and naval bases of the Japanese empire. Atoll, which lies on top of an underwater volcano and consists of approximately 100 islands, used as anchorage for large transport and military vessels. Now many of them lie on the ocean floor, is an impressive ship's cemetery in the world.

At a depth of 60 m divers admired fighters and cruisers, passenger ships and cargo vessels, tanks, and guns. Rusty decks up the whole fairy-tale forest of sponges and corals of unusual shapes and colors. Stairs lead down to the cargo compartments that are filled with aircraft parts, barrels, trucks and ammunition. Between them scattered masks, cookware and shoes. In the engine room on the walls still hang tools, but central control bulb has long been extinguished. Sometimes in the fall of human skulls and bones, reminding curious divers that it is - the cemetery. During the first operation, Operation Hailstone 30 echelons of American dive bombers and torpedo bombers two days bombarded ships and land. During the second attack on Truk were dropped more than 700 tons of bombs. They destroyed more than 400 aircraft on the base, runways and about 200 buildings. About 80 ships were burned, damaged or were at the bottom of the lagoon.

Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment Scuba cemetery military equipment