The slopes with a barbell on your shoulders: the description of technology, effective exercises and recommendations

People engaged in the gym a few years, you know how important is the power back. Strong muscular corset helps to avoid various injuries that are possible when working with weights. Not all pay attention to the back of thighs. This is a mistake, because that will not work to build a beautiful body. It is also necessary to develop the gluteal muscles, because the body needs to be proportionate. This aspect paying attention mostly women, but also men developed buttocks will not interfere. The slopes of the pole on the shoulders - universal exercise which is effective for the study of the back bottom, Femur and beyond.

Which muscles are involved?

gluteal muscles are actively involved in carrying out the exercise: small and large. In addition, if the exercise slopes with a barbell on your shoulders while standing, the more work is added back extensors and abdominal muscles. Few involved in the hamstring muscles. They are responsible for flexing the legs in knee and hip joint.

The slopes with a barbell on your shoulders: the description of technology, effective exercises and recommendations

These muscles are very important for achieving success in sports activities, as well as in the prevention of various diseases. For example, degenerative disc disease, which is characterized by the weakening of the lumbar muscles and the lower extremities. Moreover, you will add the functionality of the shoulder muscles at the expense of a clear interaction with the belt. Thanks to this power back, arms and chest muscles will increase significantly, which will perform a variety of exercises with ease.

Options exercise

The slopes of the pole on the shoulders may be performed for two different purposes: to strengthen the waist and elaboration Femur.

In the first case, you must first slightly bent legs, in order to ease the burden on them. You must select a smooth surface for the exercise, body weight transfer to the socks. In the process of lowering the pelvis should push back a little. If you want to load the muscles strong loin, should stand on a small hill, and the weight transfer to the socks.

The slopes with a barbell on your shoulders: the description of technology, effective exercises and recommendations

In order to strengthen the hamstring, you need to shift the work to his feet, and the weight transfer to the heel. The slopes with a barbell on your shoulders to be performed in this case is a little different. You can not bend his legs, should be to keep them flat. At the same time the pelvis during exercise significantly recedes. This is done in order to load the gluteal muscles.

Technique of the slopes with a barbell on your shoulders

To begin to occupy its original position: on the shoulders neck, feet wider than shoulders, shoulder blades and the back stretch, bend slightly at the waist. You can then begin to bend forward while pulling the pelvis back. Be tilted before the body takes the horizontal position. Then you need to go back to the starting position.

Most effective way to perform the exercise in three sets of ten repetitions. The above method is standard, and is used in most cases. However, the technique of the slopes with a barbell on your shoulders can be varied. Thus, it is possible to perform the exercise to a lesser amplitude. Each person, depending on the characteristics of the body and fitness level decides for himself how to use the method.

The slopes with a barbell on your shoulders: the description of technology, effective exercises and recommendations

In no event it is impossible to bend the back, as this will greatly increase the chance of injury. This refers to the stooped posture. To prevent such a development, stand sideways to the mirror and monitor the process.

How to choose the right weight?

It is understood that this exercise is not designed to use the maximum weights. In pursuit of them, you get an injury, and it can put an end to further career. Leaned forward with a barbell on your shoulders should be done gently, without sudden movements. As for weight, the athletes take approximately 20-30% of which is used in the squat. For a start is better to master the technique, which is the most important component in the exercise. During training, use an empty fingerboard. Then, gradually can be added weight. However, it should be remembered that it is not necessary to achieve maximum value. This exercise is best used at the beginning and end of the training day back.

If you want to put the record in weight lifting, it is better to do it in other exercises. Excellent for this purpose, suitable deadlift and dead pull, during the bar is located on the extended hands down.

Basic error

As in any other case, mistakes happen, and they are learning. However, in sports the cost of failure is much higher, since because of it, you can get seriously injured. Consider the two main problems during the execution of the slopes with a barbell on your shoulders:

  1. is not true boom on the body. It is worth noting that the neck should be on the trapezius muscle. Many put it too high, then there is a whole load goes to the neck. In this position, there is discomfort and increases the chance of injury. Therefore, make sure the position of the bar, it is very important.
  2. amplitude. When you perform a slope, in any case can not be hunched back. In addition, the view must always be ahead of aspiration. When a man looks down, it relaxes the body, and technology implementation becomes irregular.
The slopes with a barbell on your shoulders: the description of technology, effective exercises and recommendations

When he came to the gym, you can consult with a fitness instructor. They will show you how to do the exercise and what muscles are strained while.

The slopes with a barbell on his shoulders for women

As is known, the fair sex come to the gym, mostly to pump his buttocks. The slopes of the pole is one of the best exercises to achieve this goal. Slender legs and buttocks tightened - every girl's dream. However, apart from beauty there are a few useful points:

  • psoas muscle for women is very important as during pregnancy, it is they who receive the greatest load. The center of gravity is shifting, carries most of the work on the lumbar spine. Therefore, if a girl developed these muscles, it is easier to sustain a pregnancy.
  • In addition, the movement of the hip joints activates blood circulation. With this occurs prevention of diseases such as varices, uterine fibroids and t. D.
The slopes with a barbell on your shoulders: the description of technology, effective exercises and recommendations

Therefore, the slopes with a barbell on your shoulders should be done not only men but also women. It is important to understand the technique of the exercise, and then it will go much easier.

What can be replaced?

Despite the usefulness of this exercise, it is not the only one of its kind. There are a few that use motion committing extension in the hip joint.

Of the most prominent tasks allocate:

  • Dead rod at which there is a knee joint flexion.
  • Trainers. This exercise is used in every gym for a workout. His many people underestimate, although it is very effective. To use as an alternative to hyperextension of the slope with a barbell, you can use a complication in the form of goods in the hands or on the back.
  • Squatting-plie. As follows: feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell or kettlebell. When lowering the load hanging on his outstretched hands.

Some features of

Most often in practice slopes with a bar called "good morning". This is due to the fact that during exercise a person's actions resemble the sun salutation upon awakening. Although, despite the name, it is performed mainly during the day or evening. It was at this time athletes spend their workout. We can say that this exercise has been used for a long time. In the XIX century, wrestlers and athletes use it in their classes. It should be noted that the methods and means of exercise have long been changed, but the foundation has been laid since ancient times.

The slopes with a barbell on your shoulders: the description of technology, effective exercises and recommendations

Athletes have used different variations in order to find the most suitable and effective. They tried a lot of exercise, and the best was repeated several times. Some even managed to carry out the slopes sitting with barbell on your shoulders. But abandoned the idea.

How do I start?

Before you begin to exercise directly, it is necessary to conduct a warm-up. Then select the method of the slopes with a barbell on your shoulders, depending on the desired goal. After that, take out the weight. Remember not to overload the back, the best option - 20-30% of the weight used in the squat.

The slopes with a barbell on your shoulders: the description of technology, effective exercises and recommendations

Now you are ready for the exercise. Aspiration look forward, not back stoop. Perform all movements smoothly, without sudden movements. The main thing - the desire, and you can learn everything. Train performance technique exercises and you will see dramatic results within a few months.