How to download pecs: tips for beginners

Chest muscles are one of the most massive and significant in our body. Someone trains these muscles in order to take more weight on the bench press, someone just wants to have a big chest muscles. All professional Builder pay special attention to them, devoting a day of training. How to download the pectoral muscles, and what kind of exercise is best done? Today, we will pay this subject the whole article .

How to download pecs: tips for beginners

Unshakable base

In fact, how to swing the pectoral muscle, will help us to understand the "base", namely lying bench. This is the first and most basic exercise that you need to perform to your breasts grew. Without it anywhere. Bench press is working efficiently middle of the chest, triceps, shoulders, and even gives a static load on the legs and abs. It must perform on the vertical bench, laying down so that the back is curved (loin and blade lie on the bench). How to download pecs: tips for beginners After the rod has been removed from the racks, the blades should be kept and will not move them. The projectile begins its movement from the top, until it touches the middle of the chest. After a brief pause, you need to exhale, bring the bar to its original upper position. In no case can not be separated the buttocks and lower back off the bench and raise the foot. It is fraught with injuries. But when asked how to properly swing the pectoral muscles, one can not speak highly about their middle, there is also the upper and lower part of the chest. The ideal exercise for the chest bottom - bench press on an incline. In many modern gyms specifically for this purpose there are special beds. Equipment and mode of action is absolutely identical to the normal bench press, only the feet are not already on the floor and are attached to the beds, the upper part of the torso is tilted down and the bar is lowered to nizhnuyuyu of the pectoral muscles. Exercise on the upper part - press 45 degrees. Among other things, it effectively circulates the shoulders. Starting position - sitting, the body is slightly tilted (45 degrees), the bar rises above itself and falls directly on the top of the chest, thereby including the muscles in active work. All these 3 types of bench press is a great help and a basis for answering the question, how to swing the pectoral muscles. More Exercises

Also the pectoral muscles can be trained with the help of other shells. After the basic exercises it is advisable to do some isolation. How to swing muscles dumbbells? Firstly, with them you can do bench press, and secondly, - the wiring. These are two very useful exercise, to effectively pursue his chest. The first option is the same as the pole. The difference lies in the fact that the exercise with dumbbells is insulating, and therefore, it is more personal and deep pectoral muscle is working, speaking in such a case, an excellent option to score them to the limit.

How to download pecs: tips for beginners

The second version tells us about how to properly stretch the chest muscles. If possible, you should try after all the different loads to relax and stretch your muscles. Layout - a great version of the completion of training of the pectoral muscles. Performed with dumbbells lying. Starting position - arms straight, are brought together. Then you slowly raise your hands to the side, while slightly bending them at the elbows. Wiring - the perfect exercise to achieve chest. All of the above options are absolutely effective. Fulfill them, you should no longer be a question: "How to download the pectoral muscles?" The main thing - it is the right equipment, and heavy weights will come with time.