How to lighten the skin at home

Fashion for a tan gradually losing its relevance. In its place came the trend of light, marble skin, and with it the gentle refined image, the beauty of which lies primarily in kind.

Light skin

Now in vogue light tan or its absence. This has its advantages, if we consider the fact that UV photoaging and contribute to dryness of the epidermis. In addition, the lightening of the skin hides scars, removes pigmentation and gives freshness to your face. However, not all are lucky to receive this gift from nature - light, smooth skin. Then you have to find different methods that can help in this matter. How to lighten skin? To this should be fine products which are in the arsenal of almost every housewife. Nature offers women a natural substances that help maintain and renew youth, not only the face and skin, but also the whole organism.

How to lighten the skin at home


Many of the tools, lightening the skin, contains in its composition, usually acid. One of the most common products used for these purposes is lemon. Owners of its oily juice can be used in pure form. However, one should be wary of allergic reactions. The best way to use - the preparation of masks, lotions or any other cosmetics in the home. following recipe is suitable for normal skin. It needs a teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of honey and a tablespoon without slides oatmeal. They must be pre-steamed small amount of boiling water. All the ingredients you need to mix thoroughly, then apply to face about fifteen minutes. After this time, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

How to lighten the skin at home

lotion with lemon

How to lighten the skin at home? An effective method is treatment lotion prepared on the basis of a lemon. This will require about 100 ml of purified water, which is better placed in a container with a spray. There also add a teaspoon of lemon juice. So easy to prepare means should be treated areas of the skin where there is pigmentation. The procedure should be carried out every morning and evening. After a week and a half will get smooth skin tone. Bleaching is due to fruit acids contained in a large amount in citrus. In addition, its juice is rich in nutrients, especially vitamin C. How to lighten the skin between your legs? Just thereby lotion. Cotton pad impregnated with an aqueous solution of lemon juice, it is necessary to process areas of the skin, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes. It can cause irritation. Wipe the skin should be daily for 7-10 days.

How to lighten the skin at home

Sour cream and juice

Lemon juice and mix with sour cream in equal proportions. This mixture is applied to parts with intensive dark pigmentation. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, after which the skin should be washed thoroughly in running water.

lemon rind

How to lighten the skin can be more? Now we will understand. When these procedures are often used not only the fruits of lemon, but his zest or peel completely. The fact that it is rich in essential oils, which also have similar properties. Cut off a small piece of skin from a lemon, you can spend them on sites with strong pigmentation. However, before you start the procedure, there should be a test for sensitivity to prevent the possibility of an allergic reaction. In addition to lightening effect, this method is excellent also helps soften the skin. He is perfect for owners of oily skin type.

Mask with honey

based on the peel also exists a plurality of masks, for example, honey and olive oil. This embodiment is best suited for dry and normal skin. To prepare the masks need one teaspoon of chopped lemon peel, honey and olive oil. The latter, incidentally, can be replaced by some other options, such as grape seed oil, almond or peach. All the ingredients you need to mix well and apply on face, avoiding the delicate eye area. After about twenty minutes, the mixture should be washed off with warm water.

How to lighten the skin at home

Soda help!

How to lighten the skin without harm? A further known method is the use of common and versatile means in the home. It's about baking soda. Its advantages are so many that to list them all is unlikely at a time. The home of cosmetology soda is used not only for skin whitening, but also for the teeth. It is rather soft on the degree of exposure means, but excessive use of it can lead to dryness. But with the use of baking soda you will not only find the answer to the question of how to lighten the skin, but also decide the issue with the cornification of the upper layer. Pereuserdstvovanie but in this case leads to the appearance of microcracks.

To avoid such troubles, in cosmetics along with soda must be added to neutralize the components. For example, a teaspoon of honey added to the mask to whiten a person is able to moisturize and nourish the skin a little. Then soda will not have a strong impact. It should also make it clear that its impact is more peeling, it is due to this lightening of the skin occurs. Mask with soda and honey should be applied on the face for no more than ten minutes. Then you need to thoroughly wash with cool water.

How to lighten the skin at home

Yogurt Face

How to lighten the skin at home with the help of yogurt? In general, this procedure will fit any milk product without preservatives and dyes, i.e. in pure form. The required amount - one tablespoon. Also need a small piece of gauze, folded several times (until then, until a square of approximately 2x2 cm). With it, should be applied to yogurt, yogurt or yogurt on face and accurately perform the movement along the rim, and then again in the wet sour milk products and process face again. The procedure should be performed in 3-5 sets at a time.

The main thing, do not rub the skin. Using lung movements gauze fabric structure and lactic acid pigmentation lightened even after the first time. The result also largely depend on tanning intensity.

Skin Scrubbing

How to lighten the skin at home? For effective methods also includes peeling, ie cleaning with a gentle mechanical action. You can cook their own means, which will cope with this task. To do this, grind oatmeal in the amount of one teaspoon and add to them the same amount of liquid honey. Cereal crumbs perfectly cleanse and remove dead skin particles. Honey, in turn, will have a softening and moisturizing effect. After the application should massage the skin with gentle circular movements (to make a few of these approaches). Then you need to wash the face with cool water. If necessary, apply a moisturizing cream.

Tonal foundation and powder

How quickly lighten skin? To do this, there are rapid tests. They all tend to have only a cosmetic effect. After preliminary and thorough cleansing of the skin surface from dirt and keratotic particles can be coated lightening cream. After a while, when it is fully absorbed, you can use a special powder. Its tone should be chosen from a palette of light, but in this case is very easy, of course, overdo it. In order not to get the effect of a Geisha doll with marble or face, do not apply too dense layer. Need only lightly powdered those areas where the skin is the most dark. For such purposes, you can also use ordinary baby powder. But it should be handled very carefully, so as not to become like a clown.


How to lighten the skin at home

It is also used in cosmetology techniques that lighten skin creams. Thanks to special tools, you can achieve amazing effects. In this manner, dispose, for example, from pigmentation. However, care should be taken during procedures, as the main active component is a substance called hydroquinone. For a long time this ingredient was banned, as in the course of the investigations it became clear that it is carcinogenic and can cause health problems. Among other active substances having a whitening effect, frequently used in cosmetics bearberry or beta-arbutin. Their tests at some stage also showed similarity with the properties of carcinogen.

Another material applicable as a whitening cosmetics is kojic acid. Her two percent concentration is very effective and also safe for the skin and body as a whole. The use of special creams can be made both in terms of beauty salons and offices, as well as your own, at home.

How to lighten the skin in such a way? Very simple. You just need to follow the instructions of the particular agent. Typically, the cream is applied to the pre-cleaned or skrabirovannuyu skin once a day. These funds have a whitening effect of varying degrees of intensity, which should always be considered when using. Apply the cream can be for the person and for the body, because the problem with dark areas are everywhere.

The cucumber + cream

How to lighten the skin at home

The zones with darker pigmentation also include inner thigh, near the groin, and sites located in close proximity to the genitals. How to lighten skin in intimate places? Here it is necessary to select more sparing methods, because this area is very sensitive. For this purpose, suitable mask from one part cucumber and cream with whitening effect. Ingredients should be taken in equal proportions. The mixture is applied to the pigmented areas for ten minutes, then thoroughly rinsed off under running water.

Cleaning the face

Before lighten the skin, it should be thoroughly cleaned, because, perhaps, the dark areas - this is not pigmentation but just horny particles. Get rid of them, you will notice that the skin immediately became brighter and more uniform. Also, after the cleaning procedure normalizes metabolism and overall condition. Among all the bleaching agents is better to give preference to natural.