"Fitoval" (shampoo): reviews cosmetologists. The best shampoo for hair

Unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, poor diet inevitably affect the health of curls. Dermatologists have developed a series of products which are manufactured under the brand name "Fitoval". Shampoo reviews which sound mostly in a positive way, allows you to restore the normal state of the scalp and hair.

Series for damaged strands

Dermatological contains many useful components. This nettle extracts and sage, protein, lecithin, D-panthenol. As additional ingredients used substances such as sodium laurylsulfate, betain. Shampoo Composition is absolutely safe for any type of hair and scalp, even if on its surface there are small wounds and injuries. The drug has passed dermatological testing.

The pharmacological action of

"Fitoval" - Shampoo (ratings will be discussed below), which is a neutral detergent. All the power of natural ingredients in its composition, aims to care for damaged, istonchonnymi, weakened and troubled tresses. Herbal ingredients exhibit biological activity that contributes to the strengthening of the hair follicles, it prevents loss and violation strands structure.

The protein and lecithin block the formation of excessive dryness, protect against the damaging effects of the environment, act on the deep hair restoration. Panthenol involved in the reactions of the repair, which helps restore the vitality of curls. In addition, regular care, organized with the participation of the therapeutic agent, improves blood flow to the scalp, and has an antiseptic effect. Now you should be familiar with what deserved "Fitoval" shampoo feedback on its pharmacological action.

Most users will note that the drug has a neutral pH, which can feel when applied. It does not cause irritation of the scalp and the hair becomes soft and smooth. They are very easy to comb, even without the additional use of the balm.


Shampoo for damaged hair is used for their excessive loss; in that case, if there are violations of renewal and growth, as do weak hair, brittle, lifeless. These symptoms may occur after intense perm, repeated and frequent staining, against stress, an unbalanced diet or during puberty in adolescents. In addition, the shampoo is A full care for healthy hair.

A method for reducing drug applications

"Fitoval" (manual contains identical data) is used every day in the case of care for healthy tresses. Adult persons and adolescents who have reached the age of fifteen years, the means employed on a regular basis for two or three months for the treatment of hair loss and growth disorders. The dosage amount of the drug intensively rubbed into the scalp and allowed to stand for 10 minutes, after which the lather removed with warm water.

The composition and the use of shampoo from the series "Fitoval" dandruff

The medicament contains high concentrations ihtiola. This substance of natural origin, in which there are the optimal concentrations of sulfur. This component is characterized antidandruff properties; relieves irritation and itching, localized on the scalp; It can be used for topical treatment of such diseases, such as psoriasis. In addition to this pharmacologically active component, shampoo contains zinc, panthenol, white willow extract, arnica, rosemary. This combination of ingredients helps to improve blood circulation and works on the healing of small wounds of the scalp.

The method of application of anti-dandruff agents

A small amount of the drug is rubbed into the scalp and is aged for about three minutes. Soap cap washed off with warm water. Means applied to the head is not more than two times in one wash cycle. The shampoo is recommended to use 1-2 times weekly.

If the patient is sick shedding any kind of treatment course lasts 4-17 weeks, psoriasis - 8-12 weeks. Shampoos, reducing health scalp, patients suffering from dandruff (high peeling scaly particles) used for 6 weeks. According to the testimony therapy duplicated.


The medicament may not be used if there is high sensitivity to its constituent elements and to identify the allergic response. Practical experience has shown that "Fitoval" - shampoo (feedback is fully confirmed), which does not cause side effects. In case of contact with soapy substance in the eyes they must be rinsed thoroughly with water.

It should be understood that the experience of the use of the drug in children under 14 years are not available. The detergent can be used for hair restoration pregnant and lactating women, but only after prior medical consultation. The treatment does not affect the person's ability to properly manage the dangerous machinery and vehicles.

Evaluations of

reducing agent

All consumers of therapeutic agents, with few exceptions, noted that "Fitoval" - is the best shampoo for damaged hair. Assessment of consumers on surprisingly unanimous and tell that the drug is very comfortable to use and helps to achieve stable results after completing a full course of treatment.

The active ingredients, starting with the first washing of the head, have a profound regenerating effect. Hair become obedient and gradually gain new vitality. The drug causes irritation and has a pleasant aroma. Users acknowledge that this is the best shampoo that is easily washed away and does not leave an unpleasant film curls that are often inherent in medical-reducing drugs.

Those women who did not like shampoo action, say that means practically useless. It copes well with any hair contamination, but does not contribute to the restoration of the deep, that is, can be used as a simple, not a medicine. However, such assessments are very few, according to experts and cosmeticians, they may be based on the fact that consumers simply do not comply with the instructions for use.

Evaluations of anti-dandruff agents

Opinions relating to other product line ( "Fitoval" - dandruff shampoo), the effect of which is aimed at combating pathological detachment of skin flakes, it sounds no less attractive. But suggest that you first become familiar with what they think about such products professionals.

Practitioners in the field of cosmetology and trichologists experts say that the shampoo is designed in accordance with all the standards adopted in the pharmaceutical industry. Means comprises complex valued components having deep therapeutic action aimed at restoring scalp. If the treatment is carried out in accordance with the instructions, and after medical advice, the result will not take long. Simple consumers say that against the background of dandruff shampoo use begins to fade after a few uses, and after the treatment course is held completely. There is a low rate of recurrence, ie the pathological education does not appear again.

Persons suffering from oily seborrhea, note that the remedy - this is the best shampoo, perfectly restoring the scalp. This quality is especially important when the disease affects persons of teenage age older than 15 years. With greasy hair fading plaque, hair longer stick together and look more aesthetically pleasing. From the patient's hair is no longer emanate a characteristic aroma that often occurs during the course of the disease.

Reviews leading cosmetologists

Is it true that "Fitoval" - is the best shampoo for hair loss? Experts say that both dermatological means well established in the practice of cosmetology. Along with medical discloses high aesthetic effect that is a merit of high concentrations of plant components. Deep restoration and strengthening produced by the action of panthenol, lecithin and protein allows to obtain curls elasticity, gloss, thickness. Hair beautifully jet cascading over her shoulders single canvas.


Due to the high popularity of the products on the market, a large number of fakes series "Fitoval". Regardless of the purpose of shampoo, it is recommended to acquire the specialized drugstore chains. When buying, you can check with the pharmacist or pharmacist's certificate of availability, which will help get rid of all doubts. "Fitoval" - shampoo, the price of which varies from 133 to 170 rubles. It is intended for the treatment and hair restoration. If you want to get rid of dandruff, seborrhea and psoriasis, have to spend a different amount. Vial formulation with pharmacological activity is from 330 to 387 rubles.

Instead of completing

The therapeutic agent designed for the treatment and recovery of any type curls. It is equally effective for dry, combination or oily hair. However, the presence of serious skin diseases trichologists heads do not recommend self-medicate. Prior to the use of products of this type is better to pass the preliminary doctor's advice, then the best shampoo for hair loss and dandruff treatment will be really effective.