The lives of children in North Korea

• The lives of children in North Korea

Childhood - the best time in a person's life. Carefree time of knowing the world. Agree, do not want to have someone of his childhood passed in hard work at a construction site or field. And no, not here meant to help parents in the garden or with a repair.

The lives of children in North Korea

This is a very hard work, suffered by children under the age of 14 years, and after all these children for more than 5 million. that way passes the childhood of people who were born in North Korea.

Kids learn to love their country, to know its history (which, in general, quite good) and traditions. Of course, different types of creative schools also exist in Korea, but in any view must necessarily be a political idea. What else do we know about his childhood in the native-born Koreans?

The lives of children in North Korea

Child labor in North Korea - not a rare phenomenon, and if we speak accurately, mandatory. However, if our Soviet past, children just cleaned the school and went to the labor camp in North Korea children from a very young age are involved in heavy and compulsory for all work.

It can be harvested on a farm, and can be a real building (though it often concerns students and high school students). Speaking about the harvest, not to mention that the kids have a "labor standard" - the amount of work that a child should perform daily, weekly or monthly basis, depending on the type of employment and age. There is evidence that the absolutely worst idlers and loafers can be fined or sent to prison camps (though not for long). It sounds like this is not so crazy, if we forget that we are talking about children.

The lives of children in North Korea

In the remote and provincial areas, even the road to the school may not be safe: for regular building or across ravines. As for the school bus, then, firstly, they are everywhere; and secondly, many of them are already so old that they could die at any moment. Not to mention the fact that not all school buses were originally created for this purpose: often it is simply old trucks.

The lives of children in North Korea

Orphans also lives difficult. They often return to the shelter by those who had once them out of there, "pick up the family." This usually happens if the family is not accepting their financial difficulties and they occur more than are possible include a foster child.

The lives of children in North Korea

However, in families with higher income parents can afford the little luxuries - make or buy national costume for a child.

The lives of children in North Korea

But money can not possibly spare the family from political ideology. So, in many families there is a tradition: to visit the monuments to politicians. Pro we are no longer talking about the worship of these figures - that goes without saying.

The lives of children in North Korea

Even during the holiday, called "We are the happiest in the world", the children do not seem quite so funny. This event was organized by the decree of Kim Jong-un in the past June and marked the 70th anniversary of "the Korean Children's Union."

The lives of children in North Korea

This photo was taken during the children's parade. As you can see, the children are dressed in the representatives of different professions and the military profession - is no exception.

The lives of children in North Korea

Kindergartens exist, but many of them do not meet sanitary standards. Kindergarten, which you can see in the photo is located in the textile factory. Most likely, it is visited by children of employees of the factory.

The lives of children in North Korea

In this case, obviously, it is the essence of social inequality in North Korea (which, alas, inevitable): the better-off people can give their children a happy childhood and more happy moments.

The lives of children in North Korea

For example, in this photo you can see the girls during a training session in Acrobatic studio. The studio is located in the Palace of Children tvorchestva- something like the Palace of Pioneers. In addition to the section of acrobatics there is also a computer literacy courses, singing schools and other organizations of this kind.

The lives of children in North Korea

In this painting class, according to one of the visitors looked pretty strange time in its observations, he never witnessed the process of creating at least one of the finest works, facing the students. He saw a child sitting next to the works that have already been drawn (possibly by someone else).

The lives of children in North Korea

In any case, in the Korean Palace of Pioneers can be trained up to 5,400 children at a time.

The lives of children in North Korea

However, no matter how colorful and bright idea may seem, political themes it does not leave.

The lives of children in North Korea

It does not matter what is the occasion of the concert - a national holiday, or foreign visitors: a political subtext in any case, will be present in the formulation.

The lives of children in North Korea

On the other hand, in the context of modern life, especially in North Korea, the children grow up very quickly. So these few years of childhood, may become one of the happiest years in the lives of these, yet small, people.

The lives of children in North Korea

After all, children are not even able to understand how much information they are surrounded by propaganda, and they do not notice the harsh living conditions.

The lives of children in North Korea

As it is strange, childhood - this is the short period of time, during which the North Koreans are the most similar to the inhabitants of the rest of the world. This is understandable: the childhood language understandable to all, because everything we once knew to perfection.