White dress with black collar - fashion classic.

Popular in modern fashionistas white dress with a black collar is nothing more than how to beat the designer version of school uniforms. A similar model was proposed in 2011 in the collection of Louis Vuitton, however, was done dress in black. It should be noted that the black version, this model is much more common than in white. However, the black dress looks too formal and suitable office employee, whereas white - this is an unusual option for all occasions.

The types and forms of collars

For the first time to sew collars on female dresses offered by Coco Chanel. Until that time, the collar was exclusively male accessory and sewn to the shirt. Now designers are experimenting with this piece of clothing, making the collars not only from tissue, but also of metal, ceramic and plastic. Especially convenient fashion and can be called removable collars, devised as a universal accessory.

White dress with black collar - fashion classic.

Usually, they are decorated with a variety of chains, beads, sequins, feathers, fur and pearls, giving fashionistas the opportunity to transform any clothes. In addition, the collar in a dress can be both quite small, made a stand, and quite voluminous, reaching up to his chest.

Models dresses

White dress with black collar may be either a daily or designed for special cases. For example, if the model is decorated with black lace collar, this dress is the best fit for a romantic rendezvous. Often there are styles in which the collar is not completely black, but, for example, stripes or cell; such an option will look very original, both in everyday life and in the evening at the restaurant.

White dress with black collar - fashion classic.

A white dress, complemented by a black collar small size is perfect for the business woman, tending to look stylish. It will be especially important to look such a model with cuffs and buttons. Knitted white dress with a black collar clamp well suited for cool weather as everyday clothing. If you want to give a warm dress originality, the collar can tie tracery viscous.

Very elegant and stylish looks white dress with a black collar and cuffs. This style perfectly accentuate the figure and will be appropriate in any situation.

How to choose a white dress to the figure of

White, of course, very beautiful and solemn, able to transform any girl. However, if the shape is not ideal, it is necessary to choose carefully white dress with black collar. Photos of famous people are the best proof that a dress can not only beautify, but also put on display the body imperfections. Therefore, in order to feel comfortable and confident, it is important to choose the right style of dress.

White dress with black collar - fashion classic.

First of all, do not rush to buy a fashionable novelty, not looking with a critical eye on their figure. Of course, if you see in the reflection of a girl with a perfect physique, with proportions, reminiscent of the shape of an hourglass, you can not hesitate to buy any dress cut. Of course, it is desirable to choose a model that emphasizes the perfection of the body, such as a dress-box, which will make an exquisite silhouette and highlight all the advantages. If a woman has wide hips, the excess amount will hide perfectly flared skirt. In this case, the dress should fit tightly figure in the chest area and emphasize the waist. To figure with narrow hips and broad shoulders, you should choose exactly the same style. Fit full women white dress with a black collar free cut, decorated with drapery and folds.

How to choose the shape of the collar

Also, when choosing a dress, and you need to pay attention to the shape of the collar, as this part will help to emphasize strengths and hide weaknesses. Slim girl with sophisticated features necessary to give preference to surround a round collar. Obese women with a short neck fit dress with a cone-shaped neckline, supplemented narrow collar. And exactly the neckline, but with an extended collar, combines well with a round face, making it visually more elongated.

From what to wear a white dress with a black collar

White dress made of light, flowing material with contrasting black collar, is very stylish look with the boots with thick soles on the rough and tiny clutch.

If a white dress decorated with only a black collar, it must be supplemented by any accessories in black. This can be a bag, shoes, jewelry. If the model has a few dresses black details such as cuffs, buttons, the accessories can be selected as the black and white colors.

White dress with black collar - fashion classic.

Concise shift dress, suitable for office work, perfectly complement the classic court shoes and leather briefcase. Such an image is not particularly in need of the accessories, so they should be small and discreet, made in the same style.

Very stylish look will dress in black and white, complemented by a bright bag or shoes.

If you want to have a universal thing that will, depending on the accessories worn whenever a new look, then you just need to buy a white dress with a black collar. Picture the most relevant images created on the basis of this model dresses can be found in fashion magazines.