Vitamin E face: the mask reviews. Vitamin E for skin

Vitamin E (or tocopherol) - one of the most important needs of our bodies. No wonder the Greek language it means "giving life", because without its active participation does not pass any metabolic process in the body. Vitamin E deficiency can cause a malfunction in the body and cause a number of unpleasant diseases, including cardiovascular and skin. Also, from the tocopherol it depends largely on the proper functioning of the reproductive system. When infertility this element is mandatory component of a medical complex.

Vitamin E is also called "the potion of youth and beauty." It was he worried about the appearance of healthy skin, hair and nails. You can smear the face with vitamin E instead of cream or add it to shampoo ... In any case, tocopherol will work for your beauty.

Natural sources of vitamin E

The most effective way to supplement vitamin E in the body - is to consume foods high in its content. As a fat-soluble element, the greatest number of his can be found in oil products and cereals. The most valuable sources of vitamin - is wheat germ. Other suppliers of this useful element in the body are almonds, walnuts, liver, fish, olives and olive oil, sea buckthorn, grain mustard, sunflower seeds.

Vitamin E face: the mask reviews. Vitamin E for skin

Tocopherol is an integral part of all multivitamin complexes, because its full digestibility possible in the presence of selenium and zinc.

The use in cosmetic and reviews

If necessary, self-acceptance and for cosmetic purposes can buy capsules of vitamin E. In order to face is the best nourishing and regenerating agent, which does not replace any cream.

Vitamin E face: the mask reviews. Vitamin E for skin

A sense of commitment to excellence is familiar to women since ancient times. In search of funds to maintain the natural beauty and youthfulness of the skin, they have tried many different recipes. As a result of vitamin E face it was open. Reviews about this product surpassed all expectations. Many women say that the cosmetic compositions with a high content of tocopherol perfectly cope with the excessive dryness and peeling of the skin.

Women who choose this vitamin as a method of anti-aging, also note the considerable progress. Wrinkles are significantly reducing their depth, and fine and all smoothed.

Identified as tocopherol healing effect pigment spots and acne.

So, consider a few effective cosmetic recipes in which vitamin E for face plays the role of "first violin".

youth Glycerin mask

Over the years, the skin becomes more and more demanding to nutrition. Metabolic and respiratory processes are slowed down, reduced collagen production, resulting in relief of the epithelium loses former smoothness - the first wrinkles appear. To stop the aging process, require replenishment from the outside.

Hereby rescue for withering skin became mask comprising glycerine, vitamin E face and olive oil.

Vitamin E face: the mask reviews. Vitamin E for skin

For the preparation of a cosmetic agent must 25ml glycerin, vitamin E capsules 8 - these components can be purchased in a pharmacy, and 1 tsp.. olive oil.

Mix all the ingredients and put on preliminary cleared from makeup and skin impurities. Because of the kind of consistency mask can cause a feeling of viscosity and stickiness, but it quickly passes. After about half an hour and fully cures the mask film is formed on the skin. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and then rinse with barely warm water.

As a rule, after the use of the mask the skin is not intended for additional moisturizing. But if pronounced dry, you can use additional cream containing vitamin E for the face. Consumer reviews say that in order to achieve a visible result of this procedure should be carried out twice a week for six months. After several treatments noticeable positive trend in the reduction of wrinkles, skin surface is more smooth and pleasant to the touch. After a full course there is a significant reduction in the depth of existing wrinkles and inhibition of new irregularities on the skin.

Vitamins jelly

Who does not love a fruit dessert with a consistency of playing? But not everyone knows that the jelly is not only tasty, but also useful for our skin. Gelatin mask is one of the most effective tools in the fight against wrinkles.

Gelatine - natural source of collagen, and as part of renewing the mask he could easily replace glycerol. Vitamin E possesses facial softening and smoothing properties. And the fruits are a natural source of nutrients

So how do you create a nutritious dessert for the skin?

Vitamin E face: the mask reviews. Vitamin E for skin

Take the '10 conventional gelatin, which can be found in any supermarket. Fill it with 3 tbsp. l. Cold water, after half an hour in the swollen granules adding 50-70 ml of hot water and stir until dissolved. Add the vitamin E oil for the face of the ten capsules. Take two strawberries, a quarter of an orange, a couple of slices of lemon, half kiwi and mix in the blender, after having washed and cleaned all the ingredients. As a result, should get a homogeneous puree. Add the gelatin and vitamin E for the skin. Without waiting for hardening, apply the mixture to your face. Leave for 40 minutes, then remove the mask with a cloth. Is best done in the evening and after manipulation does not wash. During the night the skin will be able to get the most out of all the components of the mask.

This powerful tool will return a vitamin healthy appearance, even the driest skin. Due to the advantageous combination of components, the mask has a smoothing and anti-aging effect. Fruits saturated epidermis useful substances, liquid Vitamin E face ensures adequate humidification, and the gelatin creates invisible on the skin surface film, allowing to keep a favorable effect.

Furthermore, the combination of gelatin and lemon provides a whitening effect, which allows to get rid of pigmented spots and freckles.

combination with retinol

Vitamin A (or retinol) is a fellow tocopherol against photoaging. It stimulates cell division, while helping to exfoliate dead skin cells. The antioxidant properties of vitamin help free the skin of accumulated toxins. But the main advantage of retinol is an active stimulation of production of collagen. That is why the age the skin needs vitamin A, which, in turn, digest only when included in the vitamin E for the skin. Therefore, it is logical to use these substances simultaneously.

Retinol is badly combined with acids, so the beauty products to its content it is better not to add the lemon juice.

Vitamin E face: the mask reviews. Vitamin E for skin

There are many recipes that include retinol and vitamin E for the face. The use of these agents is recommended to eliminate the problems of dryness and aging of skin.

It is believed that the vitamins can be applied directly to the skin in its pure form. But beauticians strongly recommend not to use concentrated products, so as not to "earn" his allergies. Receiving any money, even the most useful, should be limited, otherwise its use may be directed to harm. Therefore, for the mask is better to use olive oil as a base. In addition, it requires 5 mL of retinol and vitamin E for the face of the capsule 5-6.

mask with ginger and honey

Another miracle cure developed folk cosmetologists - ginger-honey mask. These products are known to all, and as juicy addition to the dish, and as therapeutic agents. Now is the time to get acquainted with their cosmetic properties.

Came to us from the East proved to be the spice as an antiseptic and stimulant. Its presence in cosmetic products helps to improve the complexion, restore blood circulation in the integument, increases the skin's resistance to external factors, has a smoothing and exfoliating properties. Honey - one of the most valuable products, which gave us Mother Nature. This is the source of many vitamins and minerals. When used in medical cosmetology well established as a firming agent and wound healing.

Vitamin E face: the mask reviews. Vitamin E for skin

Vitamin E face is successfully entered into the anti-aging composition.

To create a mask, you need to peel 100 grams of ginger, rub it on a fine grater or chop in a blender. Add to mashed 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 5 drops of Vitamin E and 2 tbsp. l. orange juice. The mixture was put on the face, neck and décolleté. During the first minutes there is a pleasant warming effect, which says that the mask operates correctly. Active components affect the blood circulation. As a result, the skin is supplied with all the nutrients it rejuvenate the cells, returning the former elasticity. In addition, ginger and honey mask cleans the sebaceous glands, eliminating the unpleasant moments such as pimples and blackheads.

The mask of kelp: rejuvenation and exfoliation

Green algae, most commonly used in the food, is also an excellent platform for the mask. Its composition is quite rich in mineral elements. Iodine stabilizes the sebaceous glands, prevents the growth of bacteria in the skin, whereby the skin surface substantially purified. Magnesium constricts blood vessels, removes swelling and bags under the eyes. Potassium is responsible for a healthy complexion. Vitamin C is a natural stimulant of collagen responsible for skin elasticity. Vitamin A and D is also aimed at keeping the skin young.

It would replace such a magical part of the usual mask or cream? Vitamin E for a person already included in the kelp, so that its further addition is necessary only in cases where the skin is too dry and dehydrated, or as a rapid anti-wrinkle treatment.

Vitamin E face: the mask reviews. Vitamin E for skin

So, to make a mask, you need to take 50 grams of kelp algae, grind in a blender, optionally add a few drops of tocopherol, 1 ch. L. olive oil, 1 hr. l. flower honey. Algae can also be used in the form of powder or tablets, they are sold in a pharmacy. Apply a thick layer of the mask, gently massaging and smoothing the surface of the skin, leave for 20 minutes.

The super-moisturizing aloe and vitamin E for a person

Aloe - a natural component that has the most penetrating and moisturizing ability of all the gifts of nature. In its juice composition includes more than 200 active ingredients which are aimed at improving and maintaining a youthful skin.

Vitamin E face: the mask reviews. Vitamin E for skin

Mask with Aloe acts as a bio-stimulator, reinforcing the vital activity of cells and their stabilizing function. Such means is indispensable at the first signs of skin fading, avitaminosis epithelium, peeling and chapping.

Make a mask is very simple: the juice of aloe and vitamin E applied to the face with a thin layer and leave until completely dry, you can at night. skin moisture balance is restored and the skin is noticeably tightened after the first procedure. It is recommended to repeat the data cosmetic manipulations as necessary as prophylaxis - 1 time per week.

Mask-peeling with mummy and white clay

Whatever may have been inventive modern cosmetology, the most valuable ingredients for creams and masks - natural. One of these elements is a miraculous mummy. Its good for the skin can not be overemphasized. Mummy - a real fount of useful elements in its composition of more than thirty.

This natural product has a rejuvenating effect, promotes cell regeneration, tightens scars reduces acne lesions, cleanses the skin, reduces the pores, reduces inflammation, toxins.

For preparation of multifunctional mask must be dissolved in 2-3 tablets mumie 50 ml of water or herbal infusion corresponding to your cosmetic problem. Add in the white clay to the consistency of sour cream and vitamin E. The oil for the face is necessary to soften the skin and make it velvety. Apply mask on face and enough for 5-7 minutes massaging movements rub into the skin. After that, it is recommended to wash away the remnants of the means of cool water and apply moisturizer.

The cosmetic improvisation

Wisdom known cosmetologists states that applied to the skin should mainly natural ingredients that are not afraid to use in food.

Vitamin E Face itself is a powerful component, so to create cosmetic products with its participation will suit a variety of bases, including those that are often present in our kitchen.

Vitamin E face: the mask reviews. Vitamin E for skin

For example, oat flakes are ideal for nourishing masks. Cucumber pulp, vitamin E for skin to help get rid of blackheads. Milled raw potatoes has a bleaching and tightening effect. A rice flour acts as peeling and tonic component.

Choose the components that are suitable for you, create the unique beauty products and be beautiful!