Masks of acne at home. Effective mask for acne

Cosmetic defects - a rather common skin diseases in our time. They faced almost everyone and not only during adolescence but also in adolescence, and sometimes even as an adult. On the appearance of acne is influenced by various factors and, therefore, the treatment also depends on the reasons for the appearance. In any case, such skin defects should be treated not only eliminate the external defects. The main thing - the treatment of the problem from the inside.

Masks of acne at home. Effective mask for acne

The main causes of

Sources of acne may be different, but basically they are divided into two groups: non-hormonal and hormonal. Hormonal often occur after the impact of external influences: it may be improper hygiene, touching the face with dirty hands, stress, overindulgence tan. In fact, if we exclude the impact of factors, some of the undesirable manifestations on the face can be removed using a mask for acne at home.

But with hormonal sources of acne, everything is much more serious. From hormonal imbalance is difficult to get rid of, respectively, and acne too, since enhanced the sebaceous and sweat glands. Without consulting a doctor in such cases can not do. But also about the masks do not forget, as they will hydrate the skin and remove redness, thus not allowing it to run the terrible state.

Acne in teenagers

Quite often the adolescent pimples in a variety of forms: it can be blackheads, red bumps, small, virtually invisible, but in large quantities. It is connected directly with the imbalance and changes in the body. In this case, get rid of acne is difficult, but possible. In the fight against acne all means are good in this period of life. It will not always help of creams shops, but in this case perfectly fit properly fitted homemade mask for acne. This may be, for example, a mask made on the basis of honey, since it has healing and soothing properties. Acne will appear smaller and the inflammation will decrease.

Masks of acne at home. Effective mask for acne

The masks for acne for teens - is a powerful tool, but also need to eliminate junk food and go to a more regular when the diet includes fruits and vegetables, in a word - vitamins.

Acne in adults

In adults, acne is not as massive as in adolescents. The causes of the same. In order to get rid of acne, simply excluded from the daily diet junk food, reduce the amount of sweets and give up bad habits.

Masks of acne at home. Effective mask for acne

If it's hormonal failure, in which case it is necessary to treat the problem from the inside and outside. It should try to go to the beautician and make facial masks against acne, combining them with the means to improve the hormonal state of the body.

The varieties of masks made at home

There are plenty of recipes that describe how to make a mask from acne at home. Ingredients can be virtually any: this is kefir, yeast, vegetables, bananas and even oatmeal! The main thing - to know how to make a mask. In fact, they all have a calming effect and relieve irritation, some to a great extent, some to a lesser. For example, if in the mask add lemon juice, it will provide not only soothing, but also whitening effect. In the struggle with acne all good, including masks for acne, reviews of which in most cases are positive.

Mask of soda

Plain baking soda helps to get rid of acne in adolescence. This will require a little bit of water, soap and, accordingly, soda. Tablespoon soda mixed with the soap solution and applied to the skin.

This mask is good if the skin has lots of small pimples. Use it for severe cases of acne, as well as when the face has penetrated the pustules, it is impossible.

Masks of concoctions

The powder of this tool is inexpensive, and get it easy, because the fresh-water sponge is sold in almost any drugstore. This recipe also uses hydrogen peroxide, which can be purchased there as well.

It is necessary to mix the two components, the mask turned out, resembling the consistency of fat sour cream. Applied to the skin it can be when the mixture becomes lighter. When the mask dries, wash it with warm water. You should be careful with this tool as bodyaga can cause irritation. Therefore, it is not necessary to apply a mask to the skin around the eyes and mouth.

Masks of eggs

Eggs are rich in vitamins and trace elements, so they are often used in various sectors of medicine, including for the preparation of facial masks. They are very simple - on the preparation takes only a few minutes. There are several ways. The most popular ones are:

  • chopped boiled boiled egg and put it in this form on your face;
  • beat egg whites and the resulting foam was applied on the face for 20 minutes;
  • are the same egg whites mixed with the juice of aloe and lemon and use it as a mask.

Masks of oat flakes

Oatmeal is a very useful product. The positive effect appears not only in the use of it for breakfast, but when it is used as a mask.

Masks of acne at home. Effective mask for acne

To do this, make a paste of 3 tablespoons of cereal and 5 tablespoons of boiling water. After 10 minutes, can be applied to clean skin. Rinse possible after 15 minutes.

Mask of yeast

Yeast is rich in the necessary body vitamins B, PP, H, and trace elements, so the masks got very nutritious and effective. You need to take a tablespoon of dry yeast and dilute with boiled water. It should get a thick homogeneous paste, which is applied to the face and hold until completely dry. Thereafter, it was simply washed off with water at room temperature.

Honey mask

Honey mask as a remedy for acne have been used for many generations. This is not surprising, since the honey has many beneficial properties. It moisturizes the skin, nourishes it and disinfects. Honey contains B vitamins, which are responsible for skin regeneration, respectively, removing pimples, while without drying the face.

Masks of acne at home. Effective mask for acne

The mask of honey for acne is perfect even for those who just want to moisturize your face and give it a fresh look. In order to get rid of acne, you need to mix one tablespoon of honey with one egg. Hold the mask takes about 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. We can not forget about the individual intolerance. The mask of honey on the acne will benefit only if it will not have an allergy.

Masks with the drug "aspirin"

The mask for acne with "aspirin" is one of the most popular in the control of these undesirable effects and redness on the face. She is best known as just one day can relieve redness and pimples themselves will not actually be seen. Of course, if the problem is not on the origins of hormonal background. One of the most simple recipes - Mix three tablets of the drug "aspirin" with lotion, which use every day, to make pulp, hold the mask for 20 minutes and wash off with water at room temperature.

Effective means of

The most effective remedy is a mixture that uses a mask for acne with "aspirin" and honey. When applying it on the face of the result will be stunning on the next day! Since the drug "aspirin" excels itself with redness in one day, if you use with it, and honey, the skin becomes more smooth and soft, and can be recovered quickly thanks to the saturation mask vitamin C. The recipe is light and easy - just mix three tablets " aspirin 'with one teaspoon of honey and add a few drops of warm boiled water. Hold on your face to twenty minutes and rinse. The result will be striking.

Clay in the fight against acne

Another type of mask for acne at home are a mixture of clay. This is one of the oldest methods of treatment of the skin, and it was used not only for the face but for the entire body. Clay in general has a positive effect for the joints, and general body condition. It is no less effective than others, and for the person, but the result is not immediately, but after some time of use.

Masks of acne at home. Effective mask for acne

There are several types of clay, we are interested in blue and white. In the struggle with acne best use of the blue. If a pimple is large or is it acne, white clay will not give the expected result. It helps more if necessary, to improve blood circulation and when the fight against skin defects over. Blue same due to the powerful antiseptic properties has anti-inflammatory action. Such masks can be done yourself, buying clay and diluting with water or oil, adding lemon to whiten stains that may appear on acne. It is best to do it for prevention, and for an instant effect is better to use masks with the drug "aspirin".

at home masks Benefits

In the care of problem skin at home masks great help. Of course, you can use other means, but effective mask for acne - are those that are prepared independently. What could be better for sure if you know what ingredients are in the mask, and the benefits of them, respectively, more than from store-bought vehicles.

When applied to the prepared mixtures do not forget to do facial massage, to more blood rushing to it, thereby providing a healthy color and a good view.

Masks of acne at home. Effective mask for acne

Masks for acne at home - it is best that you can give your skin. Constantly maintaining the skin with moisturizing and regenerating masks, you can completely eliminate the appearance of acne, of course, if you combine all of these procedures with proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and a full eight-hour sleep.