Ice cubes face: the use of recipes. The use of ice cubes for the skin

Great Russian Empress Catherine II used daily ice cubes face. She wiped their skin to look attractive. What is the strength of the ice?

The need for cosmetic procedures

Human skin is aging very quickly. Especially this fact is unpleasant for women who want to always remain attractive, delicious and irresistible. Any representative of the fairer sex wants to look graceful and younger than his years. That's why the ladies show up on your face first wrinkles, panic starts. In the course are various creams and masks, serums and other means, the use of which is intended to smooth out the skin. And some women are turning for help to the plastic surgeons to remove more quickly emerging signs of aging.

Ice cubes face: the use of recipes. The use of ice cubes for the skin

There is a very effective way to give a person the freshness. He is to use ice. This method is recommended not only healers but also specialists, cosmetologists of the highest class.

Ice cubes are used for the face in the morning wiping skin. This procedure is designed to replace the usual washing. However, it can be carried out, and in the evenings, as well as at any time to instantly freshen up.

The use of the procedure

Ice cubes are used for the face at home. This method can be considered a kind of cryotherapy, but having a softer action. The use of ice cubes for a person lies in the following:

- soften and nourish the skin;

- improve the complexion and tighten its oval;

- due to the low temperature of the skin tone;

- smooth fine wrinkles;

- removes dark circles appearing under your eyes;

- improving metabolic processes in cells of the skin;

- made from herbal broth cubes eliminate inflammation and redness.

Ice cubes face: the use of recipes. The use of ice cubes for the skin

The ice cubes are useful to the person in the case, if there is acne. They eliminate this cosmetic defect. Anyone who uses ice cubes for a person gets rid of closed comedones, supports the immune system of the skin. After this procedure is enhanced production of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen, that is, substances that allow the skin to look great.

Contrast massage

A particularly strong effect can be obtained by using the cubes from the ice face after hot baths, compresses, shower baths.

The skin can be a fairly simple way to steam. You will need to take a towel, wet it with hot water and apply to the twenty-second-to-face. After that, the skin should be wiped with a piece of ice, wet a soft cloth and apply any day cream. Such a contrast necessary to make the massage once or twice a week.


Frozen ice cubes for a person to use is not always possible. The main contraindication is certain dermatological diseases. Their list includes eczema, rosacea, and severe inflammation in the affected area. Cosmetic ice is not used during the winter care of the skin.

Sometimes it happens sometimes that after the procedure, during which the ice cubes used for a person of this method negative reviews come. Some people, even in the absence of skin diseases, the state covers deteriorates. If there are complaints procedures should be stopped.

Preparation of

Ice cubes for wiping the face must be made only on the basis of a mineral or purified water. The liquid from the tap is better not to take. Such water is considered "dead" since it lacks many useful properties.

To prepare ice cubes need special molds. It is filled with fluid and placed in a freezer.

Ice cubes face: the use of recipes. The use of ice cubes for the skin

Prepare and cosmetic ice can be. Its main difference from the conventional frozen blocks enclosed in the presence of additional beneficial ingredients. To this ice take various infusions and decoctions of herbs. They may also be used berry and fruit juices. Herbal ice cubes face due to their content of useful plant components have on the skin particularly beneficial effect. To obtain the desired result can be used additives with different properties. The positive effect is seen during procedures which use ice cubes made from conventional mineral water.


How to wipe the face with ice cubes? The procedure requires a particular sequence. It is important to follow some rules. First of all, we should remember that for a few seconds in one area to detain a person can not be ice cubes. They need to be constantly moving. This will avoid hypothermia tissues. In addition, it is recommended to keep ice cubes using dense tissue, as can be frostbitten fingertips. And the most important condition: the movement should be carried out on the massage lines. They should start with the chin area and gradually climb up to his forehead.

Facial massage lines are located in the following locations:

- from the center of the chin to the tips of the ear lobes;

- from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear;

- on the edge of his nose wings to the temporal hollows;

- to the temples from the middle of the forehead and from the same point in all directions to the scalp.

Ice cubes face: the use of recipes. The use of ice cubes for the skin

The procedure can be carried out in two-three approach. Separately it is necessary to rub the skin in the neck and eyes. After the manipulation of a person does not need any wash or promakivat towel. The dried skin smeared with cream.

Cooked cubes of ice for the face to be used for a month. If this period has expired, it is better to re-fill the molds.

Universal cosmetic ice

The most suitable and readily available means is frozen broth herbs such as chamomile, peppermint, sage, St. John's wort and series. ice cubes to wipe face may be made from tea leaves of green or black tea. This tool is suitable for all skin types.

How can make herbal ice cubes face? Recipes for this you can apply a wide variety. But in general the principle of manufacturing the same. Primarily brewed herbal infusion, which was then poured into molds, placed in the freezer.

Ice cubes face: the use of recipes. The use of ice cubes for the skin

In order to provide bleaching, nourishing and toning effect on the skin and narrow pores, use the juice of various fruits and berries. Particular attention is given recommended quality used in the preparation of cosmetic ice water. It can be non-carbonated mineral water, purified drinking water or melted snow.

For normal skin

How to prepare ice cubes for the face? Recipes that are recommended for normal skin, involve the use of valerian and peppermint, sage and fennel, yarrow and plantain. Herbs and mixtures thereof can be purchased at the pharmacy.

For the care of normal skin of the face with ice cubes are recommended fresh juices of strawberry, watermelon, grape, apricot and peach.

Ice cubes face: the use of recipes. The use of ice cubes for the skin

Cosmetic ice for normal skin type, you can make some decoctions of cereals. For example, from rice. It is prepared as follows. Take two cups of water and tenderize the amount of fluid a handful of cereal. Ready broth is filtered and frozen.

For dry skin,

This type of skin in need of moisturizing. Also, it is desirable to tone and moisturize using ice cubes face. Reviews of people who use this technique indicate that excellent remedy for dry skin are frozen infusions of mint, lemon balm, chamomile, yarrow, parsley, dill, lime and hops. Remarkable effect makes it possible to obtain dandelion root, rose petals and thorns Eleutherococcus.

When caring for dry and sensitive skin are recommended to use frozen red berries infusions. This may be hawthorn and cranberry, cranberries and mountain ash and red currants. It is necessary to bear in mind that the validity of berry ice is limited to five days.

For oily skin

There can be a myriad of options. For oily skin type perfectly suited wormwood, and calendula officinalis chamomile and birch buds, St. John's wort and leaves mother and stepmother, peony and chicory, yarrow and rose white lily, horsetail and Japanese Sophora, erect cinquefoil and rhizomes crassifolia Bergenia, bay leaves and aloe, nettle and mountain arnica. For the preparation of infusions can be used and some herbs and a variety of fees. A beneficial effect on oily skin has ice made from semi-dry white wine, sage and St. John's wort. How to get it? You will need to take 2 tbsp. l. St. John's wort, 3 tbsp. l. sage and boil them in a third cup of boiling water. Thereafter, the mixture was allowed to stand for half an hour in a dark place, filter and dilute the wine in a proportion of 1: 1. The cooled liquid is frozen. These wine cubes rubbed face twice a day.

If the skin combined

What ice cubes face is best to use in this type of covers? For the procedure, all of the above extracts of medicinal herbs can be used. However, in this case the frozen slices should not be present cucumber juice and lemon.

When skin problems

This type of covers requires softening and moisturizing. This task will help train and manage infusions of camomile, calendula and oak bark. Good for oily skin ice cube face of strawberry juice or potato.

When existing acne is recommended to use a frozen juice of aloe. Magnificent effect will have ice cubes with sage and chamomile. With their use of recommended procedures when prone to irritation and sensitive skin.

Get rid of acne, you can use the salty ice. For its preparation will need to dissolve 1 hour. L. salt in 200 g of water. Wipe the skin such cubes should be long until they are completely melted. This will allow the salt to soak into the skin. After completing the procedure, the person should rinse with cool water.

For skin whitening

Cubes cosmetic ice can contain the juice of a citrus - orange or lemon, mandarin and grapefruit. In this case, the procedure will produce a whitening effect. How can cook these ice cubes? To this juice in a ratio of 1: 2 were mixed with mineral water. It should be aerated. In the absence of an allergic reaction can be used undiluted juice. Store these frozen cubes should be no more than 3 days. Whitening effect has Viburnum juice, cucumber and strawberry, and a decoction made from parsley seeds.

Ice cubes face: the use of recipes. The use of ice cubes for the skin

The ice cubes will help to eliminate existing dark spots on the face. To achieve this effect should be frozen congee.

Cosmetic ice with a rejuvenating effect

Smooth out the existing age-related changes to help the frozen cubes of green tea (they can add a few drops of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of avocado oil). Action resulting mixture reinforce few drops ethereal extract obtained from geranium, lavender or orange.

Decreases fine lines half a lemon mixture with 200 g of water. Rejuvenating effect has the juice from the buds and young leaves of dandelions, which are mixed with olive oil, as well as the infusion of mint.

Skin with the first signs of aging show milk. For freezing it is diluted with mineral water in equal proportions.

The composition can include ice cubes 1 h. L. any oils (olive, avocado, almond or derived from wheat germ), which is diluted in a hundred milliliters of mineral water. This massage will soften the skin and will provide them with the necessary nutrients. Daily conducting these procedures will return tired skin radiance and freshness.

There is another recipe for cooking a rejuvenating ice cubes. When freezing in each mold to be put on any piece of fruit or vegetable, or berry medicinal marijuana, and then add water. Prepare these cubes in the evening.

Remove the under-eye puffiness

To address this issue as a part of cosmetic ice must be 1 tbsp. l. parsley juice and 0.5 hours. l. peach oil. These ingredients are diluted in one hundred and fifty milliliters of green tea.

Also removes puffiness under the eyes of the composition of a teaspoon of low-fat cream and ten to fifteen drops of coconut oil, which should be diluted in one hundred milliliters of decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort. The ingredients are mixed, poured into molds and freeze.