Cryo face with liquid nitrogen: reviews and description of the procedure

All women, without exception, want to be beautiful and as long as possible to preserve their youth. In this regard, to the aid of various cosmetic procedures, such as the "beauty shots" (botox), mesotherapy, lifting treatments, massages.

Massage - it is absolutely safe and highly effective alternative to surgical procedures. Who is the most popular, and most importantly, it is effective Cryomassage face with liquid nitrogen.

Cryo face with liquid nitrogen: reviews and description of the procedure

This massage brings invaluable benefits and, importantly, provides virtually immediate effect. "Cryo" literally from the Greek meaning "cold grinding". In the modern understanding Cryomassage face - is massage, in conjunction with which there is an impact on the skin cold, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Liquid nitrogen in cosmetology

Liquid nitrogen as cooling medium is used in cosmetology for effects on certain problem areas of the body, such as hips and abdomen, dominated by cellulite or stretch marks on the face with age flabby and aging skin. Although this use of liquid nitrogen is not terminated. It is also successfully used in medicine for the treatment of spider veins, varicose veins, warts removal.

The mechanism is very simple: the blood flow is slowed down under the influence of cold, blood vessels begin to narrow, the excitability of the cell is significantly reduced. After exposure to cold passes, the vessels are beginning to recover their work - blood flow and metabolism in the blood improved, begin active entry into the dermis of vitamins and minerals.

It is worth noting that Cryomassage nitrogen, and in particular Cryomassage person - completely painless procedure.


This method of cosmetic care need at least minimal knowledge of physics and chemistry. Nitrogen is a gas that is at a temperature of -197 degrees turns into a transparent liquid having no no smell. The resulting fluid has not only odor but also color, contains 97% of nitrogen and 3% of oxygen, and its boiling point 196 degrees temperature at fluid again it turns into gas.

Process Description

Nitrogen is immersed in a special cell, resembling the appearance of a conventional vacuum flask.

Cryo face with liquid nitrogen: reviews and description of the procedure

Cryo face with liquid nitrogen can do only highly skilled, specially trained. During the procedure the chamber is opened and the nitrogen storage lowered a special tool - kriopaket or "cane", which is a wooden stick with a cotton swab on the end. Nitrogen strictly applied by massaging gently. If there is any specific problems, such as scars, pigment postacne, the nitrogen is applied in dot. The procedure is done very quickly, in just 10 minutes, as the nitrogen evaporates almost instantly. Cryo person is safe, because at the time it is no mechanical effect on the skin.

During the session, when the effects of nitrogen on the skin can feel cold rolling in tingling. This means that the improved blood circulation. The skin turns pink as if you have just a cold. After the procedure, you can not just go out, wait about 20 minutes to the skin returned to normal.

To obtain the required effect of a single session will be insufficient. To achieve the maximum effect, which will continue for a long time, will have to take the full course - from 10 to 15 sessions.


Cryo face with liquid nitrogen: reviews and description of the procedure

Cryo nitrogen face accelerates the healing of acne and minor skin damage, eliminates acne, soothes the skin and helps relieve inflammation, struggling with such defects on the skin, as increased oiliness, dryness, rosacea, tightens pores, normalizes blood circulation, perfectly relieves swelling .

Cryo face somewhat similar to the exfoliation process, but acts more gently and softly. Nitrogen quickly cools the skin and relieves pain, so it is often used in the recovery period after cosmetic operations.


Not every woman can afford Cryomassage. As with any other procedure, have a massage there are a number of contraindications:

  • Migraine.
  • mental health disorders.
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Any inflammation.
  • during pregnancy and lactation.
  • disorders of the hematopoietic system.
  • Anemia.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Ulcers and open sores.
  • Individual intolerance.

It is also not recommended to undergo the procedure in the hot season.

Cryo face with liquid nitrogen: reviews and description of the procedure

Cryo person at home

Not everyone is ready to give his face in his hands beautician and look good and try something new in the care of a want. And then quite possibly yourself, at home, to spend Cryomassage face. Reviews women speak for themselves. The thing is that this procedure can be carried out not only with the help of liquid nitrogen.

You can use ice cubes. Freeze exposed not only ordinary water but also mineral water, various juices, decoctions of herbs, finely chopped pieces of fruit and vegetables. If skin is oily, then use the juice and slices of citrus fruit. For dry skin, suitable mint and plantain. Everyone, without exception, will benefit parsley. It can be filled with ice cubes bag. It is applied to the skin of the face and gently massage begin to exercise, without pressure and strictly for the massage lines. This procedure is carried out even in beauty salons. Used special sticks, cooling tonics, cosmetic ice and water shungitnye. Preferring itself a piece of ice, you must give them to stand in air, so they melted, and only then begin to massage.

Cryo face with liquid nitrogen: reviews and description of the procedure

An interesting procedure is cryomassage using frozen cream supplemented fruit or vegetable purees. To add the cream sauce from black currant, mountain ash krasnoplodnoy, peaches, apples and any other fruit to taste. Still it is possible to add a basic or essential oils. For example, for moistening using jojoba oil, for skin rejuvenation - wheat germ oil.

Cryo face with liquid nitrogen: reviews

Women who have heard about this miraculous procedure immediately want to try it. Cryo often referred to as just a gift for the person. Owners of oily skin respond with delight to mention the fact that the skin is no longer zhirnet, as if lit from within, appears fresh blush, bored shine away from the face. Sufferers of acne is called nitrogen only as a wizard. Eruptions dry up and go away over time.

Cryo face with liquid nitrogen: reviews and description of the procedure

Women struggling with the fading of the skin, too, respond about Cryo positively. If you do this procedure regularly as a supplement to other methods of anti-aging, it is possible to get the effect of tightened skin. Some women say that the wrinkles actually declining. But, unfortunately, the experience is cryomassage face and bad, and this depends largely on the specialist performing the procedure.

Warning! Cold!

Cryo those reviews which often positive, can not always be magic. Chill is evil and ...

If nitrogen is used inexpertly, the skin may remain scars. Cryo should do only professionals, mainly with medical education who have undergone special training in this technique.

With extreme caution should be approached to massage nitrogen in the eye area. A qualified beautician will never start a session with the handling of this delicate area. In the case of eye area is not allowed complete dipping tool to nitrogen, the substance gain on the edge of the tool, whereupon good shake residues. The eye, the patient must be closed. During the session, you need to ensure that the nitrogen does not enter the mouth, because in contact with wet surfaces, it will "cling" and "stick" like frozen metal.