How to braid a braid waterfall? Quickly and easily

Every girl has a lot of in the range of hairstyles for each day that can be done without much difficulty. These hairstyles can be attributed, and a scythe waterfall. How to braid a braid waterfall? Not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Of course, the first time can not get the perfect braid, but eventually you will be able to easily and quickly create such a miracle on his head.

Spit waterfall photos!

It is impossible not to admire marvelous hairstyles that you can see in the photo in the article. All of them are based on one -, waterfall braids.

How to braid a braid waterfall? Quickly and easily

How to do it

Spit Falls unwittingly attracts the attention with its simplicity and lightness, elegance and easy negligence. It will add some coquetry to your image. Before starting any of weaving braids must carefully comb your hair. Next, you need to divide the hair parted in the center. Braid on the side from which you will be more convenient. Divide the hair into three equal parts and begin to weave a normal braid, but remember that you need to let go of the middle strand. This technique, the strands become like flowing streams of water, hence the name hair. If you are stranded three times the hair, and in your hands was an average strand, then you need to let her go, so she went down along the other hair and enhances the effect. After that we take a new strand and continues to operate under the same scheme. Reaching the end, secure the braid rubber band or invisible. All other hair should be left flowing. To create a romantic image can ostavshieya twist locks curling. Hairstyle will look unobtrusively and freely, and most importantly - feminine. The main thing - patience

Following these instructions, you will quickly master the technique of weaving, and you no longer have a question: "How to braid a braid waterfall?" There is nothing difficult. The main thing - patience, and voila! I think that this hairstyle will please any girl, and you will not regret taking it for a while. So, how to braid a braid waterfall? Very easy!

How to braid a braid waterfall? Quickly and easily

to Other embodiments hairstyles

There are many variations, waterfall braids! For example, double-waterfall braid. Spin it as easily. Particularly attractive double braid will look at the long and thick hair. First you need to curl your hair with curling irons. Then gently comb them with your fingers, ie. E. A little share, it was convenient to weave. Separating piece of hair behind his right ear, and divide it into three equal parts. We begin to spin and leave the right strand free. Next, we separate the new strand and weave on. We continue along the same lines. When you get to the end, continue to weave it down and fix. Then start weaving a second plait, only the upper grabs take from other strands. Reaching the end, connect both braids into one overall.

How to braid a braid waterfall? Quickly and easily

hairstyles Secret "Spit-waterfall"

Thus, there are many options on how to braid a braid waterfall. This braid gives huge scope for imagination. To weave the braid is very easy, and you can use it to povsednevku. This hairstyle is perfect for many occasions. If you will curl curling rest of the hair, you get a very romantic hairstyle that is suitable for parties, and for a romantic dinner. Another secret of this hairstyle - this volume. If you are not a happy owner of thick hair, you will perfect this pigtail. Hair will seem airy and fluffy.