How do Belarusian crystal

• How do Belarusian crystal

In Berezovka very little population - 10 553 person. Of these, 1,844 are employed in glassworks "Neman". In a weekday around the quiet, snow and the first long-term parking of bicycles, popular not from hipster, and for practical reasons.

How do Belarusian crystal

crystal production begins in the dusty workshop, which composes charge. Burden - the amount of sand, potash and lead oxide. The crystal factory "Neman" 58% quartz sand and 24% lead. Other - additives. Sand Ukrainian. The Belarusian lot of iron - glass turns green. The sand is very, very small - hence the dust.

How do Belarusian crystal

The two-storey room everything depends on the computer that adjusts the dispensers according to the recipe. The required amount of raw material falls on the conveyor belt and goes to the containers, mixing into a homogeneous mass.

How do Belarusian crystal

In general, glass and crystal - it's the same thing. However, in the crystal have a lead, which stains the local cask orange "eye gouge" color.

How do Belarusian crystal

Harvested blend happily falls into the most spectacular factory workshop. Straight sets of clips mature Rammstein. Here everything radiates heat. Two furnaces in the shop. Previously, said to have been more than a dozen. Furnaces - almost perpetual motion. Pause do only forced - c distraction for repairs. Term unceasing work - five to seven years.

How do Belarusian crystal How do Belarusian crystal

Because the glass is done in three shifts. First - 8: 00-16: 00, the second - 16: 00-0: 00, the third - 0: 00-8: 00. The working day involves a half-hour lunch and two "smoke break" for 15 minutes. Schedule from local workers sliding glass industry.

How do Belarusian crystal

In the workshop noticeably hot. Participants teams chelnochat between ovens and vats with water enough home form - T-shirts, slate. They say they were offered a uniform, but the idea was not supported.

How do Belarusian crystal


How do Belarusian crystal

Temperature "Tashkent" is complemented by the intense noise. Someone just does not notice him. Someone lowers headphones.

How do Belarusian crystal How do Belarusian crystal How do Belarusian crystal

The employees are divided into teams. In each of six people. Two blowers. These are people with "magic wands" that give the red-hot glass of the required shape of its force developed lungs. They make swipes - the upper part of the glass. To add a pair of blowers typesetters. The first takes the raw materials for the legs, the second - to bottom. Complement brigade presser and the foreman, at the same time is also busy polishing.

How do Belarusian crystal How do Belarusian crystal

Blowers - a top profession in the factory, which assumes the highest harmfulness. Person who has received seven years of "hot" experience, has the right to retire early. Women - 45 years, men - in 50.

How do Belarusian crystal

Billets future products come with a hot production for a wide conveyor belt which sends them in a much more quiet and cool room.

There, with the future of glasses, vases and other plant products is de-energized, so that the glass is not cracked. Plus workpiece cools.

How do Belarusian crystal

Each product has its own cutting height. First applied the necessary labels. Thereon by a gas burner is cutting. All residues fall into the container, and then pulverized in a special mill and again become raw materials. There is also the first commercial control department (QCD). Cash marriage sent to the smelter. By the way, once the workers had to be melted and well-made products. Just in the Soviet Union began to struggle with alcohol, and therefore received an order to send all the fire Wineries and other forms associated with drinking. As a result of the decanters made vases fruit.

How do Belarusian crystal

On the tape could be seen almost vases - glasses of some unrealistic dimensions. It turns out that this is an order from Azerbaijan. In general, 65% of production is exported.

How do Belarusian crystal

- We buy this crystal even Americans - boast workers.

Products are shipped from Russia to the United States in containers. Most of all it is interested in the company North American Crystal, with which Glass cooperated for about ten years.

After the first quality control of some glasses / cups / glasses neatly packed, some come in a special machine for grinding sharp edges. That no one was cut. The process is called "otopka".

How do Belarusian crystal

Upon completion of the beating and otopki glass falls into the processing plant. Here it applied clay required labels. Everything is done by hand with a brush. Then, scribed the product goes to the carver conveyor belt. Each of them knows what to take to work. There is also a second point of quality control.

How do Belarusian crystal How do Belarusian crystal

cutting shop - echoing room with high ceilings. Here are working with diamond cutters. One of the cutters is suitable with a vase at the ready. Vase acts as either an exhibit to showcase, or weapons threats.

How do Belarusian crystal How do Belarusian crystal How do Belarusian crystal

Cutters replaced himpolirovkoy. The fact that the original product turns opaque. A processing acids gives it a proper trade gloss.

Dust and the fire on the factory floor are complemented by water, which is abundant on the floor. Workers splashed through the puddles, filling big cassette. They can download almost everything that is produced in the factory.

How do Belarusian crystal How do Belarusian crystal

Packed tape applied to one another, forming a giant roll. Its mesh rope and sent into the bathroom with an acid. Cassettes are constantly rotated. Wash lasts approximately 40 minutes. Glasses are polished hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids, and parting processed water.

How do Belarusian crystal

In principle, everything is ready. After immersion in acid to glass may send additional cut or to induce final marafeta - e.g., deposition of gold Cantica. The relevant employee doing this from 7:00 to 15:00. On each glass is applied to real gold.

How do Belarusian crystal

The life of any product in the factory is completed in the packaging department. There also is the last point of quality control.