Hunting the hare: the methods and tricks

Gambling in its hunt for the hare is no less interesting than the big-game fishing. This long-eared rodent very agile and cautious, therefore, in order to get it, you need to have certain skills: shoot accurately, to understand the habits of the animal and be very sturdy.

Hunting the hare: the methods and tricks

The main place of his habitation: fields, meadows, bushes, and vines, especially favorite hare. Hares are to live where are born, trying to place throughout his life do not change. Although the danger they leave the territory, however, as a rule, after a certain time return. For feeding rabbits go either early in the morning or at dusk. They eat grass, shoots of trees, root crops. These animals are very fertile: their female offspring can bring up to four times a year. hare hunting usually opens in late October and lasts until the end of the year. There are three main types of it: the collective, and of tracking with hounds.

Hunting the hare: the methods and tricks

Collective hunting

Nowadays, the most commonly used method of fishing is the collective long-eared hunting hares. The gist of it is this: a few hunters form a corral figure - a horseshoe, and such a "systems" are moving in the selected direction of advance over rough terrain. The distance between them should be not more than thirty meters. And when on their way catches any beast, then he climbed out of his maturation, immediately reveals itself. Such hunting hare lasts as long as the production is enough for everyone, and each hunter taking part in it, will be on the trophy. Hunting of tracking

Such hunting hare involves tracing the footsteps of production left in the fresh snow. It is considered the most difficult in relation to other types of fishing, but also the most fascinating. According to many, this kind of persecution production is the most "honest" because its result depends on the skills and training of the hunter.

Hunting the hare: the methods and tricks

Hunting with Hounds

Today it is the most rarely found a way. Its meaning lies in the ruthless pursuit of 'lift' the hare coursing and throw it under the hunter's shots. In the middle zone of our country it is permitted to the first decade of November, when the trees have already circled the leaves, and the land became moist. It is considered that the hunting of hares with hounds in the autumn is the most dobychlivoy. However, for obvious reasons (the hounds have not in every house), this method is gradually dying out.

Hunting the hare: the methods and tricks

Tricks hunting hare

As in any other, in hunting the hare, too, has secrets. For example, if it takes place after the rain, the long-eared to properly search the plowing, as the wet stubble animal does not feel very comfortable. Hunters know that if lifting a rabbit, they'd still have lost, then you need the next time to look again at the same place as its maturation it does not change. In the expiring beast to aim on the ears, and in the running to meet - at his front paws. Knowing these tricks, many hunters return home with rich booty.