Women's haircut - the ladder with a bang

Women's haircut - bangs ladder with

Owners haircut-ladder always look stylish, fashionable and attractive. Haircut "cascade", "ladder" - the options expired for several years, as they are quite diverse. They can be done with or without bangs, different stack - the straightening, the little twisting strands. It looks great on a haircut highlighting and coloring. Mowing ladder with fringe (or without it) it can be performed on both the long and short, and medium hair. The main thing - to choose the hairstyle to face.

Women's haircut - the ladder with a bang

haircuts Technology

To perform the shearing each strand is cut sequentially (from the top) in such a manner that they are flowed smoothly into one another. Then the upper strands fall on the bottom, creating the effect of the ladder rungs, making hairstyle and got its name.

Features hairstyles

Women's haircut ladder ideal owners of straight hair, whether thick or not. Curly hair requires extra effort - they can not leave without daily styling utjuzhkom or hot curlers. From this hair loses shine and fall out, because of such procedures, their structure is destroyed. It is best hairstyle with bangs ladder looks into clean and freshly washed hair. bangs

Women's haircut - the ladder with a bang

As for the bangs, it can be straight, jagged, slanting, long - falling on the eye - or short, opening his eyebrows. If you are young, you have an oval face shape, forehead wrinkles, and there is no age spots, you can do quite a bang. That is how you will pick the right bangs, affects the appearance of the entire hairstyle. Do not forget about the image:

- smooth smooth fringe on the eyebrows rejuvenates, gives a youthful appearance;

- ragged fringe shows perky character;

- oblique bangs with dyed locks - a hint of personality, a kind of mystery;

- long bangs, breaks into two sides - energy;

- long and flat bangs covering her eyes, shows some reticence or desire to distance.

Women's haircut - the ladder with a bang


In addition, that haircut with bangs ladder looks stunning, it is also very practical - it is easy to lay yourself. It gives the pomp and volume of the hair, making them visually thicker. Sufficient to apply the foam to damp hair to give shape hairstyle - and after drying, you'll look like just left the salon. Sometimes, for a change, you can tweak a little curls upwards or underneath - and already your hairstyle will look in a new way. Maintenance

Note that haircut with bangs ladder looker, not only to the individual but to the ends of the hair, so they should be well-groomed. With each hair washing, always use conditioned, and once a week - masks or balms. If you really whipped tips, ask the service technician trim your hair with hot scissors. They sealed the ends, and then the hair becomes more healthy and well-groomed look. If you style your hair dryer, be sure to use protective equipment. If pushatsya curls, use tonic or indelible balms to give hair shine and smoothness.