How to get rid of the mustache girl forever?

Facial adorns the only representatives of the stronger sex. The hairs do not always ask, in whose face they appear, and often vegetation on the upper lip there and in women. Some even like it, but most of the beautiful ladies dream of parting with excess hair forever. How to get rid of the mustache girl and prevent their re-occurrence?

Why is this happening?

How to get rid of the mustache girl forever?

One of the most common causes of whisker girls - a hormonal imbalance in the body. Often unwanted vegetation in the area indicate an excess of male hormones. To solve the problem, consult your doctor take a blood test to determine the hormonal levels. If the antennae were always on his face, and only became more noticeable with age, and are available for female relatives, then the problem is hereditary. Especially characteristic of oriental beauties. Well, the reasons are set, we think, how we interfere with the existing cosmetic defect and choose a way to eliminate it.

How to get rid of the mustache girl at home?

How to get rid of the mustache girl forever?

First of all, we should mention that resort to shaving in any case not worth it. Regular hair removal razor stimulates their growth and change in the structure. If the hairs are thin and not too much, you can try them discolor. From folk remedies work best lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Despite the fact that both agents seem very safe to use them with caution. Lemon juice can cause irritation and skin retain moisture and peroxide - to accelerate the aging of covers. The easiest way to help get rid of the mustache woman - removing hair with tweezers. Cheap and cheerful, but if the dense vegetation, the procedure may take a long time, and the effect of it - the short-term. Another way to remove excess hair on the face - hair removal compositions based on sugar or wax. Painfully and effectively, after the procedure, the mustache does not grow from three weeks to one month. May cause irritation. There are also special cream for depilation of the self. Use them with caution is required, having an allergy test. Select compounds that are designed specifically for the face. How to get rid of the mustache girl: Interior methods

How to get rid of the mustache girl forever?

Any modern aesthetic medicine center will offer several options for removing hair from any part of the body. Among the most simple and safe - hair removal with special formulations, or strips, which can also be done at home. If you are interested in how to get rid of the mustache for good, turn your attention to the photoepilation and laser hair removal. The main disadvantage of these procedures - their high cost. Depending on the thickness of the hair, it may take 5 to 15 sessions. At the same time, and laser devices for hair removal and can not work due to the individual characteristics of the skin and hair structure of the patient. But it is the most modern methods of how to get rid of the mustache girl. Take carefully to the choice of interior and master for the procedure. When improperly disposed, may cause burns, discomfort or lack of results.