8 questions about dental implants

Beautiful smile - not so much a question of aesthetics, how much health. Tough urban water, lack of vitamins, non-compliance with hygiene, stress - all this leads to the fact that we have to go to the dentist not only for new fillings, but also for your teeth.

Since implantation is the most perfect way to replace lost teeth, Heroine met dentistry specialists Mendeleev and understand all the nuances of the procedure.

1. What is an implant?

8 questions about dental implants

Iplantat - a titanium post that is surgically placed in the jawbone. After the implant grows together with the bone, it is fixed ceramic crown, which imitates an upper portion of the tooth. Compared with the artificial implant is superior because no loosened and needs no support on the adjacent teeth.

2. Are there any contraindications for implant placement?

Any medical intervention there is a contraindication. To implant a list large enough, including: a bleeding disorder, cancer, immune system disorders, insulin-dependent diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases, osteoporosis. In addition, before the procedure is necessary to cure the teeth and gums, for 2 weeks to stop smoking, as this week - drink alcohol, aspirin or other blood-thinning drugs. If a woman is pregnant - it is better to wait until the baby is born because of the influence of anesthesia unsafe.

3. What medical tests should pass?

8 questions about dental implants

In the absence of chronic diseases examination includes a standard list of diagnostic procedures: general blood and urine tests, determination of glucose level tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, blood coagulation and hormone levels. Otherwise, the list may be extended. Thus, the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system are usually assigned consultation cardiologist, cardiac ultrasound, Doppler vessels and circadian blood pressure monitoring.

4. How does the procedure itself?

Implants can be placed in several ways, the only difference - the time limits.

The most common is considered to be a two-step implantation. First install the implant, and after 3-4 months - ceramic crown. This method works best when the patient has a weak immune system, there are signs of osteoporosis bone of the jaw or in the area of ​​the implant revealed inflammation installation.

8 questions about dental implants

Single-stage implantation allows you to get a beautiful smile instantly. The only negative - as long as the implant and the bone does not grow together, and it takes 4-6 months, will have to be like with a temporary crown.

Learn more about teeth imlantatsii

Prosthetics All-on-4 is used when you need to restore the entire dentition, or in cases where the patients teeth is easier to remove than to cure. Feature of the procedure is that the permanent prosthesis is installed in a few hours after implant placement.

Learn about the All-on-4 procedure

5. How is the recovery process?

The main thing to observe - the minimum load implants the first 3 days to accelerate the healing process. There can be through 3 hours after the operation, eliminating hot and cold foods, hard, sharp and acidic foods, hot coffee and black tea. Better to prefer warm soups, mashed potatoes, soft cheese, yogurt, herbal tea and water. Drinking alcohol is prohibited on the entire recovery period - in combination with antibiotics, it can be life-threatening. Use a soft toothbrush can be 3-5 hours, when inflammation and swelling will decrease, until gently rinse your mouth pharmacy saline or chlorhexidine.

In the coming months after implantation should also abandon the exercise, visit saunas, steam baths, swimming pools, swimming in the sea. If you planned ahead of holiday should take into account that the flight should refrain from the first 3-5 days.

Furthermore, appointed antibiotics, antihistamines to reduce swelling of tissues, and painkillers to relieve pain after the end of anesthesia.

6. What complications can occur?

Complications after implantation appear infrequently, and still need to consult a doctor immediately if your condition does not improve. Reasons for treatment may be different, for example if at 2-3 days after surgery revealed bleeding, pain and swelling did not fall off or increases, the temperature rises suddenly, there is a sharp pain when pressure is applied to implants or split seams.

7. How do I care for implants?

8 questions about dental implants

Oral Care after installation of implants is not different from the usual rules of hygiene. Brushing the teeth twice a day, carefully remove food debris between teeth using dental floss or irrigator, use mouthwash. And yet - it is important to visit the dentist every 3 months.

8. How much do they serve?

On average, implants last up to 20 years. Manufacturers, which co-operates dentistry Mendeleev, give a lifetime guarantee of quality, the main thing - to properly care for them. MENDELEEV - dentistry, where the quality of services and the European service and reasonable prices for each patient.

Dentistry advantage that is not to impose unnecessary services, and a treatment plan is made individually, taking into account the peculiarities of each case.

only experienced dentists work in MENDELEEV, so feel free dentistry provides a lifetime warranty on the implants, and up to 15 years guarantee on all services. All procedures are performed under local and general anesthesia, so the pain is not felt.

If you are concerned about the problems with your teeth, sign up for a consultation and get a detailed treatment plan for free. If you arrange everything, the administrator will be an agreement and a detailed financial plan for the treatment with a final price for the service.

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