Doping for running: the use and consequences. Athletics

Athletes always want to improve their abilities, and as quickly as possible and better to overcome long distances with obstacles. Achieve all of this help for a drug run. But before experimenting with such a miracle drug, you need to know about the rules of its application, as well as the consequences that may occur after this.

Doping for running: the use and consequences. Athletics

Doping when running

After the advent of modern drugs to improve athletic performance, particularly relevant was the question of whether it would be appropriate to their use in general. Despite all the controversy, doping process of applying for a run is in full swing, so now these funds are very popular.

Experts made a documented list, which shows the illegal drugs. Athletes who take them can safely forget about participation in various local competitions, and even more so in the Championship in Athletics. In this list there are always new names of drugs that are never out of it. For example, the use of erythropoietin result in disqualification of the athlete, because it increases hemoglobin Oxygenating cells.

Prohibited substances

In the ill-doping for a run around with various steroids and anabolic steroids. Their method leads to the irreversible disqualification of the athlete. Although it is worth noting that there are anabolic steroids, as part of which there are no steroids, so in this list are not.

Together with them can be found in the list of drugs. They are known to dull the pain and fatigue, so that the athlete can achieve the best results during the competition. Strictly forbidden are such substances as cocaine, caffeine and amphetamine.

Doping for running: the use and consequences. Athletics

Corticosteroids are drugs poluzapreschennyh list. Receiving these substances is permitted only in minor amounts. In addition, it prohibited the use of beclomethasone, cortisone, sinaflana, dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, and other resources to help improve endurance. Therefore, getting a drug for running pharmacies, be sure to make sure that it is legal.

There are some methods which are also not allowed to use because they are equated with the use of drugs. Among them:

  • masking, hiding traces application doping substances;
  • extended oxygen carriers (non-standard set of cells, unconventional therapy, drugs to increase hemoglobin);
  • gene doping, the essence of which is to change the genes by their expansion or crimping.

List of allowed substances

In addition to illicit drugs, and there is a legal doping. Runners can safely use it without fear of being disqualified. So, to the number of permitted medications include:

  • "Riboksin". A non-steroidal anabolic agent used to maintain the heart muscle. This is really a legal doping can be purchased at a regular pharmacy for a fairly low price. Overseas athletes use the same drug, but with a higher value, which is called Inosine.
  • "Geptral". An excellent tool for maintaining liver helps runners do not worry about the pain in his side while overcoming the distance. Geptral refers to the more expensive segment, although the residual effect it has not.
  • "Ferropleks". The drug can be used during the grueling workouts in order to eliminate the negative effects.
  • "Fitin". Taken shortly before the competition and helps to speed up recovery processes.
  • "Cernilton". The substance is more important for athletes who are in regular flights. It gives the opportunity to adapt more quickly to changes in time zones.
  • "Fermatron". The drug is able to restore lost vitamins during training.
Doping for running: the use and consequences. Athletics

The use of ZMA

In the long-distance running is widely known such means as zinc aspartate monometionin. Its name comes from the composition, where the presence of zinc, vitamin B6 and magnesium. The number of doping products he entered because the accelerated muscle growth and endurance increases as a result of its use.

This tool is not recommended for nursing mothers and pregnant women. In addition, it is better not to be combined with any other drugs.


This drug is a doping in sport, which is particularly useful for athletes who prefer cyclic species sports, particularly running. Means capable of accelerating metabolic processes, to develop muscle mass, as well as to remove the excess weight. But to achieve the desired result can only be a regular exercise.

Doping for running: the use and consequences. Athletics

This drug is often underestimated, because it is actively used in the diet period. The main problem is that there is absolutely any variations carnitine will have a positive effect only in conjunction with cardio. If you apply it that way, positive results can be obtained fairly quickly.

The consequences of the use of

Active use of doping in sport and brings negative results. Most athletes taking anabolic steroids in doses which are significantly higher health care regulations. Usually, side effects are studied directly to users. For this is not required to carry out various scientific experiments.

In case of anabolic steroids can cause serious side effects. Many of them (physiological and psychological) can appear absolutely everyone who accepts them, but some may be specific depending on the gender of the competitor.

Doping for running: the use and consequences. Athletics

The side effects for men and women

The representatives of the stronger sex can occur following specific reactions:

  • breast augmentation and breast;
  • impotence;
  • a reduction in the amount of the testicles;
  • the deterioration of sperm production.

Women may notice at such side effects as:

  • brutalization vote;
  • enlargement of the clitoris;
  • termination process of breast development;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • the active growth of hair on his stomach, face and back.

There are effects that are common for both men and women. These include:

  • acne or large number of small pimples all over the body;
  • baldness;
  • increased risk of tendon rupture, because the ligament is simply not able to quickly strengthen the muscle mass (often observed after the administration of the drug);
  • disorders of the liver, as well as the development of cancer;
  • reduction of the "right" cholesterol;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • sufficiently high blood pressure;
  • mental disorders, often leading to severe depression;
  • drug addiction;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • increased aggressiveness that involves abnormal sexual and even criminal behavior;
  • the development of infections and diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B;
  • increased "bad" cholesterol (lipoproteins with a fairly low density).
Doping for running: the use and consequences. Athletics

Do beginners need drugs?

Novice runners often wonder whether they should take dope. For professional-level athletes, he certainly needed, but newcomers to overcome only 3-5 km, it is unlikely to be required.

Increase the pace of the results achieved can be with the right diet, as well as individual training program. It is these two points will help rapidly develop their abilities in running, without spending money on illegal drugs.

When the sample doping is important to understand that the meaning it has only to achieve greater results, if not get yourself to go further. Professionals take these drugs under such scheme.

Doping or energy?

Between these drugs have several significant differences, chief among which are the duration and residual effect. Of course, a single application of a doping agent is not enough to win the Championships in Athletics, but the energy in effect for 24 hours. Despite this fact more than the athletes prefer steroids.

Doping for running: the use and consequences. Athletics

With regular use of performance-enhancing drugs, athletes can fix their own achievements and to improve them further. If use of such drugs in long-distance running, it is possible to observe the growth of muscle structure improvement, which is fed substances, regularly enters the blood. The constant use of doping agents to maintain good effect for a long time. But they come from the blood of just a few years after the end of the reception year.

If we talk about energy formulations, they make it possible to improve the results only for a while. Just one day after the completion of their action, speed and endurance runner will be exactly the same as they were before receiving the funds. Despite this, athletes are accustomed to taking such substances shortly before the marathon or workout routine.

Another fundamental difference is the fact that the energy detected in the study is much easier than doping. This is due to the increase in the number of different substances in the body. Prove the existence of doping in the blood - it is rather time-consuming procedure that takes a lot of time.