How to use the protein correctly? Types of proteins for recruitment of muscle mass

Many modern sports include not only regular exercise, but also requires a commitment to a particular diet. To understand how to use the protein, you must remember that it is necessary at long and effectiveness sports activities such as fitness, bodybuilding, powerlifting and other such load variations, in which great importance is the strength of muscles, as to commit exercises is their development .

How to use the protein correctly? Types of proteins for recruitment of muscle mass

What is Protein?

This substance is one of the main components of the human body. This is one of the protein names. With the participation of protein builds the majority of tissues in the body, so it is impossible to live without it. Protein the body needs to produce energy for a full life. As you can see, its value is very important.

Identified two protein species. The first are considered important for the body amino acids. They are essential substances, since without them the human body can not exist. The second type are considered interchangeable acid value are also overestimated. The substance in the natural configuration is found in most animal products. Other types of proteins found in cereal.

How to use the protein correctly? Types of proteins for recruitment of muscle mass

So that the body was functioning normally, there were no failures in its work or loss of strength, it is necessary that a day per 1 kg of body weight have been reported for at least one and a half grams of protein. The best is, if a person uses in the proportions of two grams per day.

Forms of preparations containing protein

Drugs, which are produced for both athletes and ordinary people, are not the result of modern chemical research. They are extracted from natural products, are removed unnecessary substances that are less useful to the human body. Synthetic reactants or products is not applicable, since the protein can only use the one which is obtained naturally.

How to use the protein correctly? Types of proteins for recruitment of muscle mass


This is the best whey protein in a standard form. It contains the minimum amount of impurities, a natural protein is greater than in similar formulations. It takes place in a record of utility and assimilation by the body speed. Keep in mind that, together with the highest protein quality and price rises, it is the highest on the market similar products. If you use the best whey protein, you should use it immediately after your workout. It helps to make up the energy balance, as well as maintain muscle condition.

How to use the protein correctly? Types of proteins for recruitment of muscle mass



It is produced in a similar manner, but is less careful handling. The impurities in it can be a large number (up to 60%), however, there are variations of the preparation in which foreign matter of about 20%.


This drug has a special property quickly absorbed by the body. After entering the digestive tract it is taken almost instantaneously and immediately begins to spread to organs and tissues. This is due to excellent purity, and together with this aspect - preparation and fermentation. Body quickly take all necessary material, as you can use the protein in peptide configuration. It has side effects due to the rapid process of assimilation of the body leads to the fact that proteins cleavage received fewer enzymes released than when the protein used in their pure form.

How to use the protein correctly? Types of proteins for recruitment of muscle mass

Types of proteins

There are some data groups of substances which are formed depending on which elements served as donors for production of the product:

  1. Egg protein is the most valuable and useful protein. Usually it is digested by almost 100%, so it is a model, which is reckoned the usefulness of other types of proteins.
  2. Whey protein is the most valuable and effective nutritional supplement. Its composition is enriched with the largest number of essential amino acids BCAA. Cleavage of the substance takes place very quickly, so in the shortest possible time a person receives reinforcement forces. Also, this is the best protein for gaining lean muscle. Take this drug preferably in the morning, when the full awakening from the dream has not yet occurred, as well as immediately after the workout.
  3. Casein protein is quite different from a complex structure. To get it, milk is curdled using special enzymes. Casein has a special structure, so after getting into the human body is able to create a cheese curd, which is relatively slowly digested completely. If you need a long time to get the dosage energy can use his name. Also common protein intake before bedtime.
  4. Soy protein has a composition containing large amounts of acid, which allows it to help regulate blood cholesterol levels. This protein is designed specifically for those who wish to lose weight as quickly as possible. If a person suffers from lactose intolerance or have a lot of excess weight, the protein delivers him from the problem. Dosing of the drug with caution, since you need to use the protein with the idea that its main side effect is to create problems with the digestive system.

Additional species

Each of the following types of protein can be purchased separately or in combination:

  1. collagen protein has a positive effect for strengthening the skin, ligaments, joints, and various connective tissues. With it you can easily enhance your own body, to make it more resilient. This protein, in most cases, used as an additive to other species.
  2. Milk protein formed by creating a mixture, which involves whey and casein components. They are mixed in a proportion of 20% to 80%, as well as added milk carbohydrates.
How to use the protein correctly? Types of proteins for recruitment of muscle mass

It should be remembered that modern manufacturers manufacturing practice complex varieties of products, which include two or more components. So did the creators, to make the Matrix protein, using the most useful and natural substances.

Features the use of

When an optimal dose calculation, it should be remembered that there is no protein, one hundred percent made up of protein. Typically, the saturation varies between 50-90%, however some manufacturers produce preparations in which the main component occupies 95% of the composition, which confirms the Matrix protein.

How to use the protein correctly? Types of proteins for recruitment of muscle mass

Before using the drug must be dissolved in any liquid. Its amount does not matter, but you should make sure that you can fully stir the material. You must know that in boiling water to plant protein can not, because in most cases it is minimized, which negates all the benefits of the application.

Keep in mind that egg white is the most useful protein, so the appearance of such an opportunity is better to give preference to him. A natural protein can not be consumed in an amount in which it is sold as a drug. It is necessary to calculate an optimal dose and not to miss the reception hours, then the body will get enough nutrients.

The daily dose should be divided into two. First and normally used in the morning, then it is recommended protein drink after training. If active sports in a given day is not provided, you must take medication before dinner. The basic rule of receiving is that you can not at once use the entire dose, as in this case, be acquired only part of the protein.