How to take "Mesomorph" (predtrenik)? Composition and reviews

What is "Mesomorph" (predtrenik)? Why is it needed? On these and other questions we will answer in this article.

Through repeated experiments and research well-known American manufacturer of sports nutrition AOS Nutrition has created one of the best pre-workout complex called APS Mesomorph. This drug gives the athlete everything you need to achieve high scores. Its effectiveness proven in practice. This product is nothing superfluous: no ballast substances, half-portions, drives.

The composition of the sports food additives

How to take

What is "Mesomorph" (predtrenik)? This preparation comprises the following components:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - a deficit of this substance in the body adversely affects the overall health of the athlete.
  • Inkarin - acts as an anabolic agent and antioxidant.
  • Creatine nitrate - one of the last formulas creatine improves recovery processes, stimulating the growth of muscle mass, increases strength, stamina. Also activates the production of testosterone in small amounts and streamlines circulation (improved blood circulation quickly transports nutrients to muscle tissues).
  • intracellular buffer - kreatinolfosfat. Needed to maintain the standard level of glycolysis in the allocation of lactic acid, which accumulates in the muscle during training, provokes starvation cells and destruction of relations between muscle fibers and nerves. With the help of this substance can increase the time occupation. Creatinol-O-phosphate makes it easier to work muscle groups to increase the number of approaches.

In the "Mesomorph" (predtrenik) also includes some other elements - citrulline malate, taurine, beta-alanine, and other components.

Supplements Benefits

How to take

What is good "Mesomorph"? This drug has many important advantages:

  • Increases stamina and strength indicators allows you to engage more intensively and to increase training.
  • It gives a lot of energy and effort in the classroom.
  • contains a lot more active ingredients than similar drugs.
  • Use of the drug "Mesomorph" (predtrenika) provides the effect of designation of the saphenous veins and Pumping while training.
  • Contains a thiamine, inkarin, creatine nitrate, geranium extract, Creatinol-O-phosphate, and many other necessary components.
  • Great dissolved in the digestive tract and contains the most productive creatine formula.
  • As shown by the reviews and research, "Mesomorph" in its effect similar to antidepressants, increases concentration, enhance mental abilities, strengthens bones.

Terms of use of

How to take

So, you already know what a "Mesomorph" (predtrenik). How to take it you need? Take one of the drug portion (15, 5 g) and stir it in cold water (200-300 ml). Take this solution should be half an hour before training. In the days of rest can be consumed on an empty stomach for half servings.


Athletes praise "Mesomorph" (predtrenik). Its composition is unique. From taking sports supplements you the first day you feel a positive effect. To use the drug can be two months, and then a couple of weeks should take a break.

How to take

The fact that the human body can produce creatine itself. This property disappears if a long period of time to take creatine supplementation. After discontinuation predtrenika work the body to normal in two weeks. Packing hold 388 g of the preparation - 25 portions of 15, 5 g


Do not take "Mesomorph" in those cases, if you have heart problems, pressure, liver. Also, do not drink the drug for pregnant women or nursing mums. He is contraindicated in children. To avoid possible problems is necessary before taking "mesomorph" consult with a specialist.


Athletes like "Mesomorph" (predtrenik). Reviews about this drug good? Yes, in most cases, this sports nutrition is a positive experience. Athletes talk about the powerful effect of the energy supplement of its effectiveness, to increase the motivation and high tide forces in the classroom. As on side effects no one complains, it can be concluded that they appear very rarely.

How to take

It is known that predtrenik "Mesomorph" has different tastes. It is available in four variants. Reviews show that athletes are best suited drug tasteful grapes or watermelon, and pineapple and tropical punch like not all. Some athletes believe that predtrenik overpriced (package costs 2,500 rubles), but the other drawbacks of the drug they had not noticed.

Athletes write that burst of energy after receiving portions "mesomorph" crazy, good mood. They claim that despite the fact that the rest between sets decreased, weight, they were able to add! No fatigue, relax do not want any loads are on the shoulder. Athletes say "Mesomorph" - the king of pre-workout products. Such a drive, and explosive power they have not experienced any of predtrenikom. There is a mad desire to train and euphoria, which lasts a couple of hours! The main thing is not to exceed the dose.

Harmless components

How to take

What other properties has "Mesomorph" (predtrenik)? Side effects are? For a start list completely harmless components. These are vitamins, do not cause any health damage at reception to think about, as well as natural substances produced by the body:

  • Glucuronolactone - Controller synthesis of glycogen.
  • Vitamin C - ascorbic acid.
  • Beta-Alanine - a valuable amino acid.
  • Citrulline malate - amino acid compound, and malic acid.
  • Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate - a combination of arginine and alpha-ketoglutaric acid.
  • L-Taurine - sulfonic acid, which is a precursor of cysteine.
  • Creatine nitrate, di-creatine malate, Creatinol-O-phosphate - forms of creatine without side effects.

Hazardous substances

How to take

At that complain about athletes who use "Mesomorph" (predtrenik). Side effects are possible, because this drug contain components that adversely affect the human body (at misuse):

  • Pentoxifylline - an alkaloid, which improves microcirculation and saturates the limbs and the brain with oxygen. If a person has no problems with blood pressure, there may be only a few side effects associated with intolerance and individual characteristics.
  • Caffeine - it pobochki very inconsistent. As Energy this component in the excessive use can cause problems with blood pressure, nervous exhaustion, gastrointestinal disease. However, if its use is limited to "mesomorph", he was not inflict any harm, and even will greatly benefit from training in the area of ​​fat loss, increase the tone of the body. Naturally, it is contraindicated for people with heart diseases and hypertension.
  • Geranaburn - perhaps the most illogical component. It can hardly be found in the imported goods, except in the production of Hi-Tech. The fact that the FDA has determined that this substance is harmful, and imposed on him a ban. However, Hi-Tech is actively protested against this decision in court, arguing that the harmless components clinically proven. It is known that before the withdrawal from the market, millions of cans sold, and no buyer has not presented claims to the manufacturer. It should be noted that the sale of DMAA is not banned in Russia.
  • Naringenin - natural citrus flavonoid. It has a huge number of useful biological properties. Nevertheless, in some cases, this component can complicate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. And the substance is able to react with some drugs. Therefore, if you are taking any medications, consult your doctor in advance about compatibility.

pobochki exist, they are standard - nausea, dizziness, cramps. Nevertheless, they have not been officially recorded. The connection between the additive intake and the appearance of these symptoms is not proved. The rest of the "Mesomorph" enhances lipolysis, increases stamina, mood and suppresses fatigue.


When receiving the "mesomorph" need to adhere to these important tips:

  • In the period of fatigue or ill health supplement to take is impossible. In such a situation it is better to rest at home.
  • The best time for receiving predtrenika - 1-2 hours after a meal or half an hour before your workout.
  • Do not take the drug on a daily basis. Otherwise, you can get used to it (the body adapts to the constant updating and cease to react to it).
  • clearly demonstrated dose (information on the packaging).
  • This type of sports nutrition alternate with other additives.

Please note, abuse and overdose predtrenikom harm the body. So the choice is yours.