Rafting on Chusovoi on kayaks and catamarans: route, reviews

Rafting on the Chusovaya - is the most popular sport in the Urals, which captures its scenic route and a surge of adrenaline. Committed kayaking. For the sake of experience and successful completion of a water route people from all over Russia come to this beautiful place. Let's find out what famous rafting on the Chusovaya, a route must be overcome and who is available this extreme sport.

A little about kayaking

Kayak - small boat designed for rowing. It is a structure, which is clearly visible pointed nose. Now kayaks are gaining popularity, because such a tourism demand as rafting on the river, only increases.

Rafting on Chusovoi on kayaks and catamarans: route, reviews

Short abstracts about kayaking:

  • vessel speed can reach 7km / h, but it depends on the flow of the river, and on the size of boat. It's simple: the lighter the canoe, the faster it will go and vary on steep slopes, so now there are both single and three boats.
  • Kayaks are divided into several types: tourism and sports, frame and inflatable. the boat is also selected based on the type of river, flow velocity, depth and maneuverability.

River Chusovaya: history, location

Chusovaya River is a navigable aqueduct that connects Perm, Ekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk, where often held alloy. Its length is 592 km, so the river on its way affects the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions, and Perm. It is believed that the Chusovaya - is one of the largest rivers in these areas. Due to the fact that the river is deep enough for her annual walk cargo ships and ferries.

Rafting on Chusovoi on kayaks and catamarans: route, reviews

Those who have ever seen the river, can say that it is truly a wonderful creation of nature, because it is bordered by thick forests and high mountain ranges of the Urals.

The so famous alloy

Rafting on the river Chusovaya famous by the picturesque countryside. Rafting on the river, you can see the wonderful creation of nature. It is truly an unusual place, because for many millennia Chusovaia sweeps along the echoing over Asia, Europe and the Urals.

What you can see during the rafting on the Chusovaya? Amazing birds, which continually strive to enjoy fresh fish. Beavers, who together with his family to build the dam. Around the river stands a solid wood - natural reserve. This rare man has gone before, so there is still an abundance of live wild animals such as wild boar, elk, bears, wolves and lynxes. To see firsthand all the natural beauty of a nude, people learn to raft on kayaks and catamarans, studying the character of the river and are preparing for a long swim.

Rafting on Chusovoi on kayaks and catamarans: route, reviews

Rafting on the river Chusovaya attracts both experienced hikers and lovers who want to know the nature of the amazing river. To do this, create a safe and extreme routes, opened tourist areas, and hired experienced instructors.

The five-day route

Experienced travelers say that the longer route along the Chusovaya alloy, the more experience you can get. One such route is designed for 5 days. Typically, the alloy occurs in conjunction with the group and the instructor. If you are a professional, you can follow the route along with like-minded people on their boats, and if you only will know the basics of the alloy, then you are encouraged to fuse with the group after the preliminary preparation.

Rafting on Chusovoi on kayaks and catamarans: route, reviews

An exemplary route

For all the rafting you can watch the magnificent natural heritage - rock. Their greatness they can inspire, frighten, to surprise and make love. Every rock, located along the river Chusovaya, has his personal name. In just five days, the way you'll see such objects:

  • Stone Rain and Klyuchik;
  • Shaman Cave;
  • Stone and Blue Poles;
  • Stone Money and Sparrow;
  • Stone Multyk and stove;
  • Stone Giant and plates;
  • The yellow stone and a mountain of mining.

The length of the route is from 60 to 100 km.

The main feature of the long alloy Chusovoi is the ability to spend days and nights on the nature, meeting the sunrises and sunsets seeing. This is the romantic journey which can only imagine, because you can visit the coastal villages, take a steam bath in a real Russian bath, dinner on the shore of the river near the fire and spend the night in tents, wrapped in a warm sleeping bags.

river rafting Rules

Whether you are sailing on their own or together with the instructor, the main thing - to observe the safety regulations and the rules:

  • It does not matter what the distance - short or long. In any case, you should bring the necessary equipment and things of prime necessity.
  • If you are involved in an alloy on a catamaran on the Chusovaya, it is recommended to equip a life jacket, especially if you are unsure grasp on the water. Before participating in the alloy, you should understand that the mountain rivers are always current, as opposed to the lake. Even a small stream can knock you off your feet. Chusovaya river - a great waterway to navigation, and therefore the corresponding depth of the river.
Rafting on Chusovoi on kayaks and catamarans: route, reviews
  • No alcohol! Rafting, kayaking or catamaran, you and your team to control the paddle, so there is need concentration and attentiveness. Any mistake can lead to irreversible consequences.
  • If you stay on the beach and organize camp, then after themselves in any case can not leave litter. River Chusovaya - a nature reserve, home to wild animals. Any debris can harm them!


You can see with your own eyes the unique nature and historical monuments. You will witness the history that created the splendor of thousands of years. Participating in Canoeing on the Chusovaya, you can see the famous places, who participated in the filming of such Soviet films as "Volga-Volga", "Spine of Russia", "barbarians." This amazing place composed legends, sang songs and wrote epics. Now, each of us has the opportunity to explore the wild inside and share experiences with colleagues.


Reviews of the alloy only positive for Chusovoy. On popular forums and sites hundreds of opinions and stories, you can see how experienced hikers and amateurs floated along the famous river.

Rafting on Chusovoi on kayaks and catamarans: route, reviews

Pros and cons of travel:

  • Boats track exactly you will check the strength and endurance. You can not get up and leave, throw everything in the middle of the route and not swim. You either agree to the alloy from the start, or refuse and do not participate at all. River will test you and your fortitude. Those who passed the longest track in 80-100 kilometers can say with certainty that they are reborn again and opened a hidden potential. This is certainly a plus.
  • There is also a drawback: all paved routes are popular, why is very difficult to feel the solitude. Rafting on the river, you can certainly see myself in front of the tourists like you.

Each of us must at least once in a lifetime experience yourself for strength, coming down the river. In Russia, there are dozens of waterways, who kindly welcomed us with open arms ready to share its beauty and grandeur.