Holiday home: clown makeup with your hands

There are not only monotonous everyday life, but also fun holidays in the life of any family. This New Year, and March 8 and birthdays, and graduation in the school or kindergarten, and wedding anniversary. Particular attention has traditionally been paid to children's holidays. For younger family members are usually satisfied with the whole presentation. You can of course order the script and actors in professional agency. But how much more original and fun will organize their own theater, the game or the circus.

The value of the make-up in house productions

In order to make the holiday a success, you need to develop a script to prepare props, gifts and surprises. It is also necessary to take care of costumes. They can be made from old clothes, blankets or sheets. But in order to create a complete image of any hero, you need makeup. And if arranged amateur circus - no funny clowns can not do. How to make a clown make-up at home?

Home dressing room

To clown makeup was bright and persistent, you should consider several important points. If you simply paint the face of conventional paints, then this option will not be durable and effective. Professional makeup artists use paints, oil-based. At home, they are easy to do yourself. Need to buy unsalted bacon, heated with oil from it (or buy a ready in the store), mix with ordinary watercolor. Mix the fat and better paint on the glass surface, and then to shift the resulting mixture in a small jar, for example, from under the child nutrition. So you can prepare different colors of paint, alternately rubbing them with fat base.

Holiday home: clown makeup with your hands

Make-up on the basis of animal fat looks very bright and has a dense structure. If the holiday is planned to be carried out in a small room, you can mix paint with mineral oil. Then it will look more natural.

for adult clown image

Adult clown makeup with your hands can be done easily and quickly. It is important to follow a few simple rules. Before applying make-up be sure to cover the face with a fat cream or Vaseline, then tonal basis. You must be aware of allergic reactions (it is better to carry out a preliminary test on the crook of the elbow). Removed the paint from his face with the help of the same fat cream. Before applying the paint on the face need to cover up your hair a special hat or scarf.

Holiday home: clown makeup with your hands

The classic clown makeup includes several components. After pre-treatment is necessary to cover the entire face with white paint or whitewash the mouth and eyebrows. Then draw a big red mouth, densely draw eyes with black paint, draw eyebrows and eyelashes. You need to complete the image of clown nose and wig. If the scenario of the holiday clown has to be a little sad, it is possible to slightly lower down the tips of the lips and draw a big tear on her cheek. After the end of the creative process needs a little face powder.

Features Makeup for a child

The main heroes of children's holidays can be both adults and kids themselves. In this case he makeup of the process can be a fun adventure for the participants of the ceremony. But painting the children to remember about safety. The skin of babies is very delicate and sensitive. Therefore, for children's makeup is better to use water-based paints, which are easy to apply with a soft brush and just as easily washed off with soap and water. We should not forget about allergic reactions. Akvagrim home can be done by mixing corn starch with water, cream and food coloring. With flowers, you can experiment as you wish. Ways to create interesting masks on children's faces with the help of a huge number of colors.

Holiday home: clown makeup with your hands

Make-up clown - one of the most accessible images, even for the novice artist. Be covered with white paint the mouth, eyebrows and eyelids. Then draw a big red mouth, his nose, too, put the red paint. Depict colored eyebrows and eyelashes. Add freckles. Grim clown ready.

A variety of clown masks

Clown can be not only a member of a cute children's holiday. Clowns are known, are different. They can be kind, fun, sad, angry, scary even. No wonder many films criminals put on a clown mask. It is fashionable to carry out various theme parties and masquerades. Having mastered the basics of classic makeup of a good disguise, you can try to create an unusual way and surprise your friends, for example, on Halloween. After completing the original clown makeup at home (for example, photo below), can be hit and even frighten others.

Holiday home: clown makeup with your hands

In any case, whether it be a cheerful children's holiday or private party for adults, family or corporate performance masquerade, you can approach the creation of his image creatively and make a lasting impression on all. And the skills of professional make-up artist, produced in the home, in this case, very useful.