Linseed oil for facial wrinkles: reviews, recipes. Linseed oil in cosmetics

Today, many women want to learn more about the natural beauty recipes, choosing natural remedies as an alternative to purchase cosmetics. Decoctions and infusions of plants rich in valuable components of natural oils, clay, honey, milk, beeswax newly replenished arsenal beauties, as it was centuries ago. Many believe that with the help of ingredients of natural origin can solve a lot of the primary tasks: to get rid of wrinkles and age spots, even out skin tone, cure acne and rashes, completely remove the ubiquitous black dots, enhance elasticity. Rejuvenate in total. Become more beautiful and healthier.

But do not think that any natural remedy is completely safe. Nature gives us not only drugs, but also poisons. If you want the selected component you just went to the benefit, it is not necessary to spend on themselves bold experiments. Take into account the views of professionals and, of course, listen to those who have time to try this or that product.

Linseed oil for facial wrinkles: reviews, recipes. Linseed oil in cosmetics

Our article will talk about how to use facial wrinkles linseed oil. Reviews can help you avoid common mistakes. A selection of simple recipes useful to those who decided to make a useful means of their own. And the opinion of professional beauticians finally to dot the i.

Natural cosmetics with an ancient history

Multiple studies confirm that using linseed oil skin courted even contemporaries pyramids. In ancient Egypt, it was used for the production of ointments and bathing. In order to maintain youth and beauty, and it was used as food. Using linseed oil in cosmetics is also a resident of ancient Rome and Greece. In the early Middle Ages, Byzantine and Khazar merchants readily purchased or bartered it maslitse to subsequently sell it much more expensive.

In Russia flax grown for centuries. The use for cosmetic purposes and flax oil, and seed steamed in water and milled in a mortar to a state of slurry.

The fiction and reality: Does flax seed oil wrinkle really?

If you collect a lot of reviews about any product, among them will be both positive and negative. When it comes to natural resources, it is almost natural. First, as many natural products, linseed oil has a high allergopotentsial. Secondly, his misuse of a good result will bring. It can only do harm.

Linseed oil for facial wrinkles: reviews, recipes. Linseed oil in cosmetics

Because of this, many people may have doubts about the effectiveness of this tool. But do not judge solely on the basis of customers' opinions.

Pharmacists and cosmetologists have long responded to the question of facial wrinkles is useful if flaxseed oil. Reviews professionals are unanimous. "Yes!" - tell us the developers of beauty products, but remind that you need to properly use maslitse.


And to no one in any doubt, consider the composition, by which is famous and flaxseed oil. The properties of this product are due to the presence of the following components:

  • unsaturated fatty acids (responsible for the rejuvenation effect);
  • Thiamine (necessary for smoothness)
  • folic acid (evens creates a barrier);
  • phylloquinone (whitening effect);
  • niacin (skin tones);
  • choline (has an excellent sedative effect).

The effectiveness of the oil from the seeds of the flax repeatedly confirmed by laboratory and clinical tests. Today, its effectiveness will be considered valid and irrefutable.

Purification of the inside

Did you know that you can not only be used externally for face wrinkle flaxseed oil? Its use in food is also very good for health and beauty.

Linseed oil for facial wrinkles: reviews, recipes. Linseed oil in cosmetics

In the reviews, many women claim that since they had begun to use this maslitse food, they have greatly improved nail, hair and skin.

According to doctors, this approach is rational and justified. Fresh raw flax oil has many useful properties. It is not in vain considered to be products of beauty. It really improves the elasticity of the skin, helps to eliminate excess moisture from the tissue (and hence, eliminates wrinkles and swelling).

If you are interested in this tool, remember that it is impossible to drink often and in large quantities. It is quite incomplete teaspoon a day on an empty stomach. Excessive consumption of loads liver, and it really does not add beauty.

in modern cosmetology Linseed oil

Some believe that the herbs used only village grandmother whisperers yes swindlers issuing suspicious funds. In fact, modern science makes extensive use of the centuries-old traditional medicine achievements. Today flax seed oil in cosmetics is very much appreciated.

A few decades ago, workers who do not have much choice, satisfied that it was possible to buy. Today the situation is completely different. Why buy household chemicals and phosphates's Skin funds from parabens, if there are a lot safer analogues? Funds from oil and flax seed, we can see among the many worthy products cosmetic brands. As an example we can recall natural cosmetics with this component by Natura Siberica. Extensive use of flax American brand iHerb - one of the world's top producers of organic products for health and beauty. Among the products of this company have the means to flax oil, clean oil and capsules for oral administration. Use this component and Korean companies have long proven in the market.

Domestic use of linseed oil

Many of those who have ever tried to cook a home cosmetics, claim that this process is very exciting. It allows you to not only have confidence in the quality of all the components used and to save money, but also brings pleasure. The home of cosmetology widely used for facial wrinkles linseed oil.

Linseed oil for facial wrinkles: reviews, recipes. Linseed oil in cosmetics

The recipes that earned the maximum amount of good feedback, we will look at in this article. You can use not only pure oil, but also the seeds themselves, as part of which it, too, abound.

Masks based on linseed oil

Remedy for tired, aging skin can be cooked so. Whisk whisk egg yolks, add a teaspoon of liquid honey. Drip flax oil droplets 4 and 10 drops of lemon juice. Continue beating until foam appears. Pour a handful of ground oatmeal to mass became dense enough for the application. Do the procedure is recommended only once a week.

This mask from linseed oil from wrinkles for those who wish to smooth and rejuvenate the skin. Boil 2-3 tablespoons of seeds in a glass of water, cool down and kill a pulp. Add 0, 5 h. L. young honey, egg yolk, 1 hr. l. of warmed olive oil and 1-2 drops of flaxseed. Apply the mask on your face, cover film, hold a quarter of an hour, and then rinse and apply your favorite moisturizer.

Linseed oil for facial wrinkles: reviews, recipes. Linseed oil in cosmetics

Very good work compresses decoction of flaxseed. It is composed of oil is also present. Soak a decoction of cotton cloth and apply on problem areas. Prepare the broth is simple: boil for 1, 5 table spoons of seeds in half a cup of water and strain.

You can carry out any experiments, enriching proven formulations of masks pair of droplets of butter flax. But it is worth remembering that you can not use facial wrinkles undiluted linseed oil. Reviews say that it often causes swelling and worsen the skin condition.

What not to do

We already know that this useful product to be mixed with the other ingredients and not used in pure form. There are some other limitations.

Linseed oil from the wrinkles around the eyes should be used with extreme caution. If you put a mask for the first time, do it in a day.

Do not use old oil. If the product has been unsealed more than a month ago, he was not suitable for the person.

Linseed oil for facial wrinkles: reviews, recipes. Linseed oil in cosmetics

Do not be lazy to spend allergotesty. Apply a small amount of a cosmetic product on the inner surface of the wrist or the elbow crease. It is not necessary to conduct experiments on his own face.

How to choose the best linseed oil

The properties of this product over time, not only weakened, but also deteriorate. This is the case when a cure can turn into poison.

Do not buy oil from occasional sellers. Make a choice in favor of a conventional pharmacy, not the grandmother on the spontaneous market.

Carefully look at the date. Oil produced more than 3 months ago, is not worth buying.

Storage of linseed oil at home

There are several suggestions on how to securely store at home facial wrinkles linseed oil.

Linseed oil for facial wrinkles: reviews, recipes. Linseed oil in cosmetics

Reviews confirm that it is preserved much better than clear in a dark container. Always to try to choose natural oils jars and bottles of brown or green glass.

The room temperature is not appropriate for this tool. Send butter in the refrigerator. And if there is a possibility sklyanochki sealed cork lids that allow breathing but prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

Buy a small butter package so you can use this product for a month.