Soda hair. As baking soda affect the hair?

Even in ancient Rome and Egypt used soda for a variety of hygienic procedures. It was believed that with its help the skin will be kept clean for a long time, protected from infectious diseases. Anyway, then there was no detergent, but to cope with different pollution helped soda. In Russia, as this product is used not only in the preparation of tasty dishes, but also replaced the shampoo.

Properties soda

Baking soda is great dissolves fat. That is why it is often used to remove grease stains from dishes. But many people use it and to clean your hair. The advantage of this means is obvious: it is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, so damage to the scalp will not be applied. Of course, this is only in case of compliance with all requirements. So, you need to rinse thoroughly after using soda, otherwise there is a risk to dry up hair. In addition, it can help to even be bothered to wash off the paint, but the process may take some time.

How you can still use the soda?

sodium carbonate - is an excellent means by which to strengthen not only the hair. Application of large soda. It is used not only in industry, cooking, cleaning. Many girls and women maintain their beauty with its help. So, it is good strengthens nails, improves their appearance. Suffice it only once a month to make a mask on the basis of soda to the nails did not break, and looked healthy. In addition, it has excellent bleaching properties. Therefore, it is also used for imparting whiteness teeth, removal of pigmented spots and freckles. Such widespread use of soda was possible in view of its cheapness and medicinal properties.

Soda hair. As baking soda affect the hair?

Influence of soda in the hair

Of course, hair soda, reviews of which it is most often positive - this affordable tool that is much better for the skin of the head, than any shampoo. The effect of it is just wonderful: clean hair, the lack of fatty plaque. Harm from the use of such a drug is practically no:

  • It is a mild scrub, so exfoliate the dead particles of the epidermis. And it stimulates the blood circulation of the skin, allowing it to "breathe". As a result - the hair is growing much faster.
  • You can use it a little to lighten hair, and even wash off the paint. Therefore, if there is no need to paint rinsing, then from this "shampoo" should be abandoned.
  • With the help of this tool, you can increase the volume of hair. In this case, you need to add a little soda into a regular shampoo and wash your hair thoroughly. After drying, the hair should be noticeably bulkier.
  • Shag silky, shiny, soft.

However, the food for the hair soda can be a bit dry scalp. It is not recommended to use such means girls who have hair ends too overdried.

Soda hair. As baking soda affect the hair?

Why ash?

Many people ask why the hair washing soda enjoys such a high popularity. And this is due to the following factors:

  • Soda - it is an alkali, which can be used to remove sebum, which was formed on the head. At the same time it is completely dissolved, and there will be no trace of him.
  • Although it is not a natural product, it has no harmful substances, which are contained in modern detergents. These include, for example, preservatives are added to the shampoo for a long time retained its properties.

Why soda - unnatural product?

It is known that organic foods - those that are found in nature in its pure form. These include salts, minerals, water. But the formation of soda occurs chemically. Under the influence of NaCl ammonia released sodium carbonate. There are other ways to produce, but they occur in the course of chemical reactions. Despite this, it is completely harmless to the human body.

The difference between washing your hair from shampoo washing soda

The first is to say that washing soda hair is very difficult. It does not foam, so when flushing it difficult to determine where there are still pieces of it. Therefore, the first few times the hair may look dull due to the fact that the alkali was not completely removed. But hair soda has a number of advantages. Thus, it has no emulsifiers, preservatives, stabilizers, and other components that are available in the shampoo. Before you start washing soda hair, you need to be prepared that the addiction process may take up to a month or more. Therefore it is necessary to be patient and not get frustrated once again.

Soda hair. As baking soda affect the hair?

What is the process?

Many women do not know how to wash hair soda, take a powder and rub it into the scalp and the hair itself. But to do so is strictly prohibited. After soda itself may damage the bulbs, because of what the hair will start to fall out. Even if this will not happen, they just become unruly and hard. Therefore, sodium carbonate must be diluted. For this taken baking soda in an amount of two tablespoons of glass and filled with hot water. Should start a chemical reaction (quenching soda), so it can be heard hissing. This solution must be distributed to all of the hair and rub into the scalp. Then you need to thoroughly wash away the remnants of soda.

Soda hair. As baking soda affect the hair?

The wash soda?

Further, there is another challenge - hair remover. Called soda powder which becomes almost colorless when dissolved in water. Therefore, it would be difficult to completely remove with curls. It may take several treatments before will be able to find the most suitable method of washing. Of course, you first need to wash away the remnants of the substance in the shower with hot water. Next, you must be sure to rinse your hair. To do this, you can use different solutions. Many advise vinegar and water solution. But after using the hair can become rigid. Therefore it is better to prepare a herbal infusion, which will need to squeeze the juice of one lemon. The resulting liquid is necessary to rinse the head. The tips are not whipped, they can lubricate essential oils (such as lavender).

Clarification of hair by means of soda

Lightening hair soda - this is quite a lengthy process that can take several months. In addition, the soda itself is not a clarifier. But it can help to accelerate the process of clarification of honey or lemon. Of course, this method will not help radically change the shade of hair, but a few shades they can become brighter. For this to happen, you just wash your hair with soda, and after - rinse it with a solution of a liter of water, half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey. After the first procedure does not need to wait for a stunning effect. But after 4-5 applications the result will be visible there.

Can I remove paint using a soda?

If after coloring your hair look terrible, but you do not like the resulting color, then you should not run immediately to the store for a special stripper. Of course, it will cope with the task very quickly, but from her hair will get a huge portion of the chemical elements that are very undesirable. After all, they are so damaged due to the use of shampoos, conditioners, lacquers and paints. Get rid of the dye on the hair will ash. Moreover, she will do it without apparent harm to the hair itself.

Most of the girls are faced with another problem: in the process of repainting the blonde hair has acquired a greenish tint. In this case, it is not necessary to apply another layer of paint, as the hair will look unnatural. Just enough to make the soda scrub that will need to be applied to the entire length of hair. He is very simple: take a tablespoon of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, add a few drops of essential oils. The resulting mass is necessary to mix well, apply on hair and leave it for about 20 minutes. After this time the hair should be thoroughly washed with water. Soda for the hair in the form of a scrub can be used not only in the removal of paint. It can be used well to clean the skin of dirt and dead cells. It should be noted that this is a very important procedure. Very often clog the pores, which is why the metabolism. And that could be the reason why the hair looks unnatural, dull, does not have the desired gloss. Generally soda - it is very soft and delicate scrub. It is completely dissolved, without irritating the skin. The same can not be said about salt.

Soda hair. As baking soda affect the hair?

In addition, it can help to completely neutralize the sebum, which is released in large quantities. Because of this may appear greasy hair effect. However, to resort to the scalp peeling not often recommended. It can cause dryness and irritation to the skin. Enough to perform such procedures are not more than two times a month.

Getting rid of dandruff

Most girls who have already tried the soda, argue that it can be used to effectively combat dandruff. For this purpose, it is necessary to add to the water used for washing the hair. Suffice 2-3 teaspoons 3 liters of water. This will lead to the fact that water will become softer, which beneficially affect the hairstyle looks. Because dandruff usually appears in people whose scalp is very sensitive to external influences. And if you ever wash your hair in hard water, the skin is too dry, because of what and dandruff. A hair soda can help resolve this issue.

Soda hair. As baking soda affect the hair?

Hair removal using ash

Women who have tried many ways to remove unwanted hair from the body, back to the good old razor, because almost all of the options have been ineffective. Hydrate of unwanted hair will also not for everyone, because each the fairer sex structure of the hair may be different. And some women will be able to easily remove hair soda, but for others, this process will not be possible. Anyway, it's worth it, because maybe it is you get lucky. To do this, take a teaspoon soda (better to take with a slide), then it is recommended to stir it in a glass of boiling water. It is better to take boiled water, not just hot water. It is necessary to quench the reaction took soda. The resulting liquid should be cooled until it reaches room temperature. Now, in this solution it is necessary to thoroughly wet piece of gauze. Its dimensions should be fully repeated portion sizes, which grow unwanted hair. Before you apply gauze to the skin, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the soap. After all, a little soda burns, and may cause irritation in contact with dirty skin. On top of the gauze should be covered with cellophane. It is supposed to be a kind of compress. Leave it must be for 12 hours. Therefore, to do such a procedure is better at night. In addition, at night the body is inactive, therefore, decreases the likelihood that the gauze fall. After removing the bandage is not necessary to wash the skin. You have to wait a few more hours, and only then go to the bathroom. To achieve the desired result, repeat the procedure should be 3-7 times. Soda for hair, which reviews are mostly positive, will help not only to improve their condition. You can use it to effectively combat the unwanted vegetation.

Soda hair. As baking soda affect the hair?

Getting rid of facial hair

Hydrate of facial hair - is a terrific tool for women who do not help other means. It is no secret that many girls mustache removed using tweezers, special creams, but it is a very painful procedure. Clarification peroxide hair also does not help everyone. Getting rid of facial hair soda is on the same principle as on the body. The soda solution and water wetted fleece or gauze. After that it is fixed in the facial area. To bandage kept, it is possible to fix the plaster or adhesive tape. It will take a few sessions to forget all about the so-called "antennae". Basically this means only leave positive feedback. Women argue that the main thing - do not forget to moisturize the skin, which could suffer a bit because of the impact on her. Even if a slight burning sensation appears, it will pass very quickly. Of course, after some time the hair can grow back. But now they will be much brighter and almost invisible.