Famous typos in history

With the pre-Revolutionary times to the present day for an unfortunate typo in the press sometimes paid careers and even lives. We have gathered the most famous errors that demonstrate how one missed letter can be fatal, and publications such mistake turn into collectible rarities.

Famous typos in history Famous typos in history

"Bible adulterers"

The most malicious typo was found in the English editions of the Bible in 1631. one of the Ten Commandments was missed particle "no", and the combination of "Do not commit adultery" was printed as "adultery" - The text of the gross error was made.

Typo was spotted a year later. Then almost the entire edition was able to remove and destroy, but a few copies survived. By order of Charles I of Bible publishers were summoned to court and found guilty. They were fined 300 pounds (more than 40 thousand pounds at current prices) and have no printed license.

Famous typos in history

As the Empress in Finland rested

Very uncomfortable out when the pages of the official press gets netsenzurschina, especially in the title, especially crowned faces ... So in 1910 in the newspaper "Kievan Thought" on the front page would be printed the headline: "Stay the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna in Finland", but that's only instead of "p", "about" appeared in the first word. So there was a scandal, because of which the editor put on trial.

Famous typos in history

Coronation in Odessa

Informing citizens about the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty, the newspaper "Odessa Gazette" on January 13, 1913 published the following message: "Yesterday, in the performance of the National Anthem at the Moscow Kremlin on the heads of their Imperial Majesties has been assigned a crow." Of course, a misprint was seen, and the next day put in the newspaper editors due apologies to the clarification: "Dear citizens of Odessa. In the latest issue of our newspaper, alas, allowed (among others) is very unfortunate misprint: instead of the word "crow" should read: "cow". "

Famous typos in history

Death of the letter

The newspaper "Pravda Vostoka" from October 25, 1944 edition became fatal: the whole team shot newspaper. The reason was the only one missed letter in the word "commander in chief." Circulation whole issue was hastily withdrawn from sale, and in apartments of subscribers went Cheka and committed searches and confiscating the newspaper found. Copy of the photo - one of six survivors, who now cherish collectors.

Although as soon as Joseph Stalin did not call: and Sralinym and Stadinym, and Salina. Needless to say, that the typesetters, proofreaders and editors like "anti-Soviet" typos instantly became the latest in a career, and sometimes in life.

Famous typos in history

"The Truth" is never wrong!

And sometimes in the Stalin era journalists forgive their missteps. This happened with the newspaper "Pravda", which is mistakenly called the miner Stakhanov-drummer in his report Alexey, although his real name was Andrew.

The censors noticed the mistake after the publication of the newspaper and reported it to Stalin. The journalist could not be good, but the leader, lit his pipe, categorically stated: "The newspaper" Pravda "is never wrong!" After these words, Stakhanov immediately replaced all the documents, making it Alexei.

Famous typos in history

Selling woman ... or rather, a farm!

The concept of "typo" was included in the authoritative French encyclopedia "Larousse", which gives an example of the late XIX century, classified, has caused a great scandal in France. The text of his was: "For sale or rent a beautiful woman; with proper treatment is very productive. " The fault of the corrector instead of the words printed femme ferme - "woman", and the guardians of morality came in awe of such shamelessness.

Famous typos in history

for the smallest Biology

Leningrad newspaper "Change" published in the 1970s, photographs of zoougolka, accompanied by the words of the "little long-eared animals." Misprint occurred in the word "long-eared": the letter "y" and "x" swapped. Editor as follows ogreb the party line.

Famous typos in history

Recipe racist pasta for 20 thousand

In 2010, the Australian branch of Penguin inadvertently corrector at the center of a major scandal. And all because in the cookbook The Pasta Bible mistakenly published a recipe racist pasta: it is recommended to add to the dish "freshly ground black people" ( "freshly ground black people"), although, of course, they talked about "freshly ground black pepper "(" freshly ground black pepper "). Because of this oversight publishing fell by 20 thousand dollars: 7,000 copies of the cookbook with the error had to be destroyed.

Famous typos in history

Here is an excerpt: lasted 100 thousand kilometers!

In the Saratov and Nizhny Novgorod regions and in Siberia, there is an old journalistic bike. Its roots are not traced, but the story is fun. The newspaper published the regional scale sketch about the driver-Intermediate. The hero of the plot traveled without accidents and failures of 100 thousand kilometers. Essay titled brightly: "100 thousand kilometers - not perdel".

Famous typos in history

obort orbit

According to another journalist bike in 1963, lost his job editor of the newspaper "Gorky working", said that "Valentina Tereshkova made 17 obort around the earth!".

Similar bike told reporters Altai, only the number of "obort" they call quite different (right) landed de Tereshkova, near the village of swag, and then Habarskoe local newspaper issued a front-page headline: "48 obort Valentina Tereshkova."