The most unusual formation in space

• The most unusual formations in space

The most unusual formation in space

Let's be honest with ourselves even in such petty matters as space exploration. We do not know about him almost nothing - and it's true. All the studies concern only a tiny fraction of what could actually happen, not even in a galaxy far far away, and right on the doorstep of the solar system.

As examples of surprising, frightening infinity surrounding (the planet) of the world, we have gathered some of the most bizarre things found by scientists at the moment.

The planet from hell

The most unusual formation in space

The name at the moment - Gliese581C Forest04Gliese 581. It is smaller than our sun twice. And closer to the planet in four. A unique situation has led to the fact that our potential new home (and this is true, because of its proximity to the Earth 581) retains a terrible balance in space. One side is constantly turned to the star: it literally boils the surface.

There is a chance that a hell of a planet will become the new home of mankind.

But on the other reigns eternal arctic cold. But, hypothetically, in the midst of these extremes there is a fit for habitation zone, where and going to an expedition inhuman scientists. Science requires sacrifice that much.

Space strawberries with rum

The most unusual formation in space

In the last few years the attention of many astronomers, the Earth has been focused on a cosmic cloud near the center of the Milky Way. If God really exists, in the sense of humor he did not deny: it is the formation of smells and tastes like strawberry rum.

Fifteen men on the ship, yo-ho-ho and a planet of rum!

Sagittarius B2 consists of hydrogen, ethanol, formaldehyde, formic acid and ethylene glycol - the appearance of the data on this base and gave astronomers to so bold hypothesis about the taste and olfactory features cloud.

The Planet of boiling ice

The most unusual formation in space

In the same system (if the creator of a joke put all hellish surprises in one basket), spins and another crazy planet. Gliese 436 b is similar to Hoth from "Star Wars" with one small exception: it is constantly ablaze.

Burning ice in the volume of the planet: welcome to the new reality.

But water molecules can not evaporate even in such a terrible temperature, because gravity is so great that constantly attracts water molecules to the center of the planet. All together, it looks like a real madness.

All the water of the universe

The most unusual formation in space

A total of twelve billion light years away, there is the huge water tank in the universe. At least acquainted with parts of it.

In the center of the black hole is the dream of every surfer's land.

Most interesting is that this super-pond is located right in the center of the black hole, which in turn is the "eye of the storm" quasar. There is contained in 140000000000000 more water than all the oceans of the earth. Surfer's dream!

Diamond Planet

It's more like a duck out of the weekly morning show: Astronomers have found a planet composed of diamond! Its owner turned out to be (here you need to put the name of the objectionable political figure)! But such a planet exists in reality: 55 Cancri e is covered by one-third in these diamonds. Planet greedy rich, not otherwise.

graphite content is so high in its soil, which, according to scientists, in the next three hundred years, it is completely transformed into one huge jewel.