Pasta "Soultz" Hair: instructions for use and feedback

Each person knows that beautiful hair requires regular and careful maintenance. In addition to the traditional use of shampoos, sometimes a good idea to put on your scalp any preventive tonics. Suit special wellness teas or facials. Particular care is necessary to care for the skin of the head, suffering from seborrhea (dandruff). Pasta "Soultz" - a great tool, it will not only help get rid of this disease, but also improve the condition of hair, make them strong and beautiful.



The main active ingredient of the drug is disulid selenium. Simply put, it is a chemical compound of selenium and sulfur. These remarkable substances normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. With these components, the paste "Soultz" is an excellent therapeutic and preventive tool for eliminating greasy scalp and dandruff treatment. In addition, the preparation contains other necessary ingredients:

  • cetyl alcohol;
  • water;
  • sodium ceteareth;
  • stearyl alcohol;
  • glycerol;
  • flavoring;
  • potassium ceteareth;
  • cinnamic alcohol;
  • citric acid;
  • DMDM ​​hydantoin.

Product form

Pasta produced in tubes of 40 or 75 milliliters. Typically, a container of the drug wears a bright cardboard packaging. Buy a therapeutic and preventive agent can be at any pharmacy without a prescription.

The pharmacological action of

As mentioned above, the paste "Soultz" normalizes the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Additionally, the product prevents dandruff and eliminates agonizing pruritus, usually accompanying this disease. Anyone who looks more attractive and fresh to shiny and strong hair. Therefore, the drug and suitable for people who have never experienced a seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff scientific name). The fact that the paste "Soultz" also prevents the formation of harmful toxins that affect the operation of the root bulbs. This process helps to improve hair growth, improve their tone. In addition, the drug is actively revitalizes the skin cells of the head, so the hair in humans are resilient, healthy and shiny.


application, particularly

Chemical specific substances containing paste "Soultz". Instructions for use of the drug says that it can not be used uncontrollably. Produce two varieties of therapeutic and prophylactic agent: one percent and two percent. They differ only in the degree of concentration in the paste of the main active ingredient, which defines methods for their further use.

  1. One percent is considered preventive drug. Pasta "Soultz" hair with selenium disulphide should be applied to the scalp twice a week for a month. Such a procedure is advantageously carried out no more than once a year. This will prevent dandruff and make the hair stronger and healthier.
  2. two percent means is curative. To combat seborrheic dermatitis it should be applied to the scalp twice a week. Duration of treatment - about three months. Very effective paste "Soultz" dandruff. Reviews show that positive results can be seen already after the first procedure. However, to stop the use of the drug is not recommended. By the way, two percent paste can also be used for prevention, but it should be used much less frequently, once a week for one month.


The beneficial effect on the condition of the hair renders the drug "Soultz" (paste). Instructions for use indicates that for effective use of this tool, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to wash your hair the cleanser that suits your hair. Water thus should not be too cold or hot.
  2. After that bad comb the hair comb with a few teeth made of natural material (eg wood).
  3. Then you need to take any number of pastas and gentle circular movements applied to the scalp. Thus it is possible a few minutes to massage the skin to means evenly distributed across the surface.
  4. , and then rinse pasta under running warm water Next to soak for ten to fifteen minutes.

should watch closely so as not to hit the eyes drug "Soultz" (paste). Instructions for Use states that they should be rinsed with water if necessary.

Hair loss

This is a big problem for many people. Pasta "Soultz" hair loss helps, thanks to its unique composition. To understand exactly how the drug improves the follicles work, you need to remember how to construct the hair follicles and which substances they need for normal functioning.

So, each hair a few steps resides in the human mind:

  • anagen (active growth);
  • catagen (intermediate state);
  • telogen (rest ending loss).

In general, every such cycle is a healthy person from two to seven years. In the first two stages is typically 90% of all hair, the final stage lasts only three months. After the loss of the old, in the follicle starts to grow a new hair. Over the years, the human cycle time is gradually reduced. In adulthood, the hair sometimes falls frequently and in large quantities. Pasta "Soultz" effectively cope with this problem at an early stage. How she did it? The fact is that every hair consists of a root and trunk. Located in the root of the hair follicle or follicles. It is from this point of growth of the hair body receives all the necessary nutrients. Each follicle requires for normal functioning of oxygen. He enters the hair follicle through small blood vessels. As part of "Soultz" drug has cinnamic alcohol, which increases the blood flow to the scalp, increases the tone of the follicles and stimulates their regeneration. In addition, each hair is made up of components that determine the degree of its fat content, elasticity, strength and health. The ratio of these components looks like this:

  • proteins (amino acids) - 78 percent;
  • the water - 15 percent;
  • fats (lipids) - 6 percent;
  • pigment - 1 percent.

It is from amino acids in the body is mainly composed of hair. They contain sulfur in its composition, which the fault is often caused by breakage, dryness and brittleness of hair. Selenium sulfide, which is the main active substance paste "Soultz" by 45 percent consists of sulfur. That is why regular use of this drug has a positive effect on the luster and the hair structure. Thus, our therapeutic and preventive agent increases blood flow to the follicles and enriching them useful substances. It contains exactly those components that contribute to normal hair growth. When the first symptoms of a large-scale hair loss need to use the drug "Soultz" immediately. This will help get rid of many unpleasant problems.


Side effects

Pasta "Soultz", reviews of which are listed below, rarely has any side effects on the human body. In some cases, possible allergic reactions (itching, unpleasant, dermatitis, skin rashes, eczema) and skin irritation. There are cases where the use of the drug leads to the loss of or change in color of hair. However, the occurrence of such symptoms associated primarily with individual intolerance therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Any new drug should be used with caution in order to avoid possible negative consequences.


Universal health-improving agent for hair pasta is "Soultz". Use of the drug, however, has certain limitations. Means can not be used by women during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Hypersensitivity of the individual components of the preparation is also a signal that its use impractical. Before you apply this treatment and prophylactic agent should carefully read the instructions.


Pasta "Soultz" Hair should be kept away from sunlight. Heating the product above 25 degrees centigrade is unacceptable and fraught with a sharp decrease in the shelf life. Therapeutic and prophylactic agent should be kept in a dry and dark place. Bathroom for this purpose are not suitable, because it is always a high humidity. Long shelf life (approximately three years) will, if necessary, at any time, hold your hair recovery course. According to customer reviews, many are reserved for future use paste, as its price is low, and the use of tested reuse.


Customer Reviews

Many used paste "Soultz" dandruff. Customer reviews while on the whole positive. Patients say that they really fit this drug. He smells of herbs, not flowing, easy to apply and with regular use strengthens the hair and removes dandruff completely. Those who are naturally very thin hair, this tool also helps. Being natural products, the paste thus does not act immediately, but if patience, it is possible to obtain significant effect. Relatively aroma therapeutic and prophylactic agent, opinion was divided. Some people think that the sulfur smell of the paste "Soultz". Reviews of other customers indicate that the flavor of the drug reminds them of prairie grass on a hot sunny day. As you know, the taste and color of comrades there, so everyone has to choose for himself what suits him. However, even those who smell was not to the taste of, say, how effective paste "Soultz" dandruff. After rinsing the composition from the head, they say, once there is a freshness and lightness of the hair. A dandruff completely disappears after about two months of regular use.

The main "plus" paste "Soultz" consumers are called:

  • an affordable price;
  • a tangible strengthening hair;
  • the amazing efficiency;
  • the preservation of cleanliness of hair for a longer period of time;
  • elimination of itching;
  • improve the appearance of hair: they are made elastic and shiny.

Among the "cons" Customers say:

  • peculiar smell;
  • long flushing head;
  • hair loss (rarely).

These are the reviews of the application of the paste "Soultz". Like any other product, it has opponents and has devoted supporters. It should be noted that the selenium disulphide is one of the oldest discoveries in the field of medicine that studies diseases of the scalp. This substance has been used successfully to combat dandruff and hair loss for many years. Therefore positive feedback about the drug is still dominated by the Internet.


Special mask

It helps paste "Soultz" the fat content of hair. In order to make the effect more pronounced, it is possible to make a special mask at home. Its membership should include the following materials:

  • calendula tincture - 1 tea spoon;
  • colorless henna - 1 tea spoon;
  • rosemary essential oil - 10 drops;
  • essential oil Tea Tree - 10 drops;
  • salt - 1-1, 5 tablespoons;
  • paste "Soultz" - 1 spoon.

How to use:

  1. First, you need to take a deep container and put all necessary components into it.
  2. After that all the ingredients should be mixed thoroughly until homogenous state.
  3. You then need to apply the mixture on the scalp. This should be gentle circular movements of the fingertips.
  4. Further, the head should be massaged for about three minutes.
  5. After that, the composition need to hold about ten minutes on the head. Depending on the condition of the hair, this time can be increased or conversely, lowered.
  6. Next, a mask to be rinsed under running water with shampoo.


Pasta "Soultz" - for hair growth are very favorable therapeutic and prophylactic. Think about how expensive and useless remedies for dandruff daily offers us the ubiquitous advertising. While information on the effectiveness of a modest "Soultz" passed from mouth to mouth, and the price of this drug is surprisingly affordable. The cost depends on the volume of packaging and the concentration of therapeutic and prophylactic agent. One percent product in a tube of 40 ml can be bought for 60-70 rubles. Two percent "Soultz forte" (paste) in a package with a capacity of 75 ml would cost about 100-150 rubles. Given that the efficacy of the drug is already noticeable after two or three applications, this is a very modest price.


The people for the pasta "Soultz" found another unexpected use. The fact is that in its composition containing sulfur and selenium, which normalize the sebaceous glands of the skin. Because some people use the drug as a ... facials. Moreover, many reviews suggest: this tool really helps to get rid of peeling and acne. To do this, it is enough to put on face for fifteen minutes and then wash off with warm, then hot water. Apply this mask can be no more than two or three times a week. Of course, such a procedure should be carried out with great care, yet paste "Soultz" is not intended for treatment of facial skin. However, some are trying, and they like it.



Pasta "Soultz" - an effective and inexpensive product to combat scalp problems. Its application allows for a relatively short period of time to get rid of dandruff, strengthen hair and improve the appearance of their hair. The components that make up the paste is generally harmless, so use this therapeutic and preventive agent can be without fear harm to their health. A reasonable price for the drug makes it even more attractive to consumers. And as claimed by its owners, no other means, anyway - national or industrial, can not cope with the problem of dandruff is just as fast and efficiently. Regular use of paste "Soultz" and remain always fresh, beautiful, healthy, and attractive!