How to remove the irritation on the face

skin irritation occurs due to various factors. It can appear anywhere on the body, causing discomfort - from scabies to pain. If the skin from the outside affect any irritants (in direct contact with the allergen), there may be symptoms such as redness, swelling or itching strong.

In the case of the body's susceptibility to allergic reactions symptoms can occur by eating a potential allergen. Such symptoms as severe itching and burning sensation, and redness accompanied by breach of integrity of the skin may occur on different parts of the body, causing appreciable inconveniences.

How to remove the irritation on the face

The irritation on the face

Most often suffer from symptoms of irritation is the human face, as this area of ​​the body is always open to the environment. However, on the face of irritation can occur due to many other reasons.

  1. hormonal changes the body (there are pimples).
  2. infectious and respiratory diseases (pimples with liquid contents).
  3. Allergic reactions (dryness, violation of integrity of the skin, redness, itching, swelling).
  4. The irritation on his face after shaving (violation of the integrity of the skin, pimples, swelling).

To get rid of such unpleasant phenomenon, you should know the reason for its occurrence.

How to remove the irritation on the face

irritation after shaving

One of the most common types of skin reactions in men is an irritation on his face after shaving. To subsequently deal with unpleasant symptoms, the best solution would be prevention. To prevent irritation it is necessary to use hypoallergenic cosmetics Shaving and use reliable razors. In addition, before removing the hair skin must first prepare: to soften and moisturize. Using mesh shavers reduce the likelihood of severe irritation after shaving. Compared to shaving razors, such as a baffle plate device reliably protects the skin from contact with the blade. New machines with blades also provide a smoother shave, especially when used carefully.

For the prevention of the phenomenon of irritation on his face after shaving, you can take a small towel, soak it in hot water, squeeze out and apply to face for half a minute. It will also help soften the hair and skin. Shaving is done on hair growth or slightly obliquely. You can not press hard on the machine, it can cause cuts and irritation.

How to remove the irritation on the face

How do I remove the irritation on the face in men

Due to the frequent damage of the epidermis, which occurs after shaving, men's skin on the face has a special sensitivity and susceptibility to various reactions.

If after shaving appeared Adverse symptoms can reduce inflammation by using fresh aloe juice, mixed with olive oil. For best results, the mixture must be applied to the damaged area, hold 30 minutes, and then carefully remove the cloth without washing.

The irritation of cosmetics

The following discussion focuses on how to remove the irritation on his face, which arose from the use of unsuitable cosmetics. Such reactions are more common in women using untested means. Allergy is peculiar to any person, it all depends on individual intolerance of ingredients used cosmetics.

How to remove the irritation on the face

After direct contact with the stimulus (allergen) may be redness, itching, peeling, or more severe symptoms causing damage to the skin. Some components may accumulate in the body, appearing on the skin of a variety of unpleasant symptoms. When the reaction should stop using any cosmetics, otherwise it can cause the most severe form of allergy. To remove the symptoms need to take an antihistamine. In addition, antiallergic cream (ointment) can be applied to irritated portion. For relieving symptoms fit the mask of warm vegetable oil. For this hot oil should be applied on a gauze cloth and attach to damaged skin.

irritation of the skin on the face can occur from the use of cosmetic products that have expired. When buying cosmetics should pay attention to the date of manufacture and service life to avoid the risk of irritation of the skin.

How to remove the irritation on the face

The symptoms of food allergies

Some foods can cause rapidly developing allergies, which manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling, peeling or breach the integrity of the epidermis. Such reactions are characterized primarily for children up to three years, they cause irritation on his face. The child adverse products can provoke symptoms manifesting as redness on the face and various parts of the body. Food allergies can also occur later in life.

In such a situation, the question arises, how to relieve irritation on the face. To quickly get rid of the allergic reaction it is necessary to completely eliminate from the diet of adverse products, should take antihistamines (pills, drops, ointments, creams), but not more than five days.

As an extra treat, you can use compresses decoction of herbs such as yarrow, oak bark, celandine, sage, chamomile. These healing folk remedies can relieve the inflammation, irritation and also have an antiseptic effect.

Contact allergy

Contact type allergy may arise in direct contact with different stimuli, manifesting itself in the form of flaking, itching, redness, swelling. Often, after the use of a new washing powder and other household chemicals strong reactions may occur, manifested as irritation.

In case of any symptoms should avoid contact with potential allergens and take antihistamines. This type of stimulation may manifest severe itching inflamed skin. In case of severe discomfort should not comb the site of inflammation, as this will cause damage of the skin and infections of the skin. The best way to eliminate the symptoms of contact dermatitis - stop contact with the irritant.

How to remove the irritation on the face

Natural and climatic factors

A huge impact on the skin by external factors such as wind, hard water, solar radiation, low temperature. People who have delicate and sensitive skin often suffer from various manifestations of irritation on his face.

Sharply continental climate in Russia is found mainly in the regions of Siberia. It is expressed by such features as a low humidity, a prolonged period of cold weather, the negative air temperature in winter. Natural factors have a direct impact on the skin. Experiencing stress, the skin on the face is subjected to flaking, dryness, redness.

The summer season has a strong solar activity, which also affects the state of the facial skin. UV exposure also contributes to reducing the protective function of the skin, causing a variety of symptoms of irritation.

To prevent the appearance of redness on the face due to the influence of cold weather in the winter season it is necessary to use special protective creams for the face. Such cosmetics should be applied to the skin for at least 30 minutes before going out, otherwise they will not have the desired effect. With the onset of cold weather facial skin is experiencing severe stress due to lower temperature and reduce its moisture content. In addition, during the heating season is also characterized by a strong decrease of the air humidity inside the premises, causing irritation on his face. How to get rid of such unpleasant phenomenon? For prevention it is necessary to use special air humidifiers in the rooms, which can be found for sale in any store appliances. It is also recommended to hang wet towels radiators, this simple process can humidify the air in the apartment. Some advise to put on the window sills wide trays with water. Vaporized water molecules will humidify the air.

You can not wash with cold water in winter, it can have a negative effect on the skin. Beauticians are advised to wash your face with milk with the addition of a few drops of olive oil - is an excellent emollient for skin.

How to remove the irritation on the face

Traditional recipes for quick removal of irritation

To know how to relieve irritation on the face, you should study the properties of softening treatments for the skin.

  1. In order to protect the person from chapping apply apple mask. apple juice should be mixed with a tablespoon of cream or fat sour cream, add a tablespoon of oatmeal. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  2. If chapping person well help mask with olive or vegetable oil. Gauze cloth should be wetted with warm vegetable oil and apply on face. After a twenty-minute procedure, the remaining oil must be removed with a soft cloth.
  3. For the treatment of chapped skin suit contrasting compresses of calendula tincture - it is necessary to change a cloth moistened with hot and cold alternately infusion.
  4. It is also a potent regenerative properties has sea buckthorn oil. It is necessary to apply it on the affected areas of the face.
  5. Mask of oatmeal also contribute to the rapid restoration of the damaged epidermis. For preparation of such masks is necessary to grind the flakes rolled oats in a blender and add vegetable (sea buckthorn or olive) oil to obtain a pasty consistency. Nourishing mask should be applied for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.


If the skin in a timely manner is being protected from adverse external influences, we can not worry about the likelihood of irritation on the face or other parts of the body. Timely prophylaxis can help to avoid unpleasant symptoms of irritation.

In addition, it should be remembered that the epidermis has a property of rapid recovery and regeneration, so even appeared irritation can be quickly removed with the help of various folk or drugs.