Poisonous creatures, which are found only in Russia

In spite of the relative safety of the Russian mountains and forests, you can not lose vigilance in nature. Even in Russia can be found creatures, after the meeting which need help. Some of the poisonous creatures live only in Russia, but a dozen of them can meet only in our latitudes.

Poisonous creatures, which are found only in Russia


The composition of venom karakurt more like a chemical laboratory. Neurotoxins, phosphodiesterase, cholinesterase, kininaza - believe me, you do not want to experience it all for yourself.

Poisonous creatures, which are found only in Russia


Dangerous viper poison only poison of a cobra. A single bite is deadly to humans. It is interesting that as an immediate remedy it was used an extract from the same poison: serum "Antigyurza" used in large quantities produced in Central Asia.

Poisonous creatures, which are found only in Russia

Amur starfish

Most often this dangerous ocean dweller is found at great depths. However, sometimes the Amur starfish moves nearer to the coast and then step on it, you can chat in the surf. Poisonous creation in any case can not be eaten - it threatens a serious poisoning.

Poisonous creatures, which are found only in Russia


Ussuri cottonmouth

meet Ussuri copperhead snake snap In Primorye. This snake is not, but a week in the hospital will have to carry out a deadly danger to humans.

Poisonous creatures, which are found only in Russia

Large sea dragon

Perhaps this is the most dangerous fish, which you can meet in the Black Sea. Fins and gills of dragon located tiny spines emit poison. It documented several cases of human death after an accidental collision with this fish.

Poisonous creatures, which are found only in Russia

Rocky cottonmouth

Rocky copperhead vipers enters the squad and poison it has the appropriate properties. Neurotoxin affects the nervous system, causing paralysis and hemotoxin promotes thrombosis and extensive necrosis.

Poisonous creatures, which are found only in Russia

Common frog

Of course, the encounter with a man frog will not kill. Released toad slime dangerous for small animals and large mammal can get off a serious chemical burns. What you will agree, too unpleasant.

Poisonous creatures, which are found only in Russia

South Russian tarantula

South Russian tarantula gradually spread over more and more areas of our country. Earlier meet this dangerous spider could only Central Asia, but now tarantula crawled already in Saratov and Astrakhan region. Death after being bitten by a tarantula in humans does not happen, but gangrene can develop fully.

Poisonous creatures, which are found only in Russia

Motley Scorpion

Contrary to popular belief, a person attacked by a scorpion as a last resort and only in self-defense. Many scorpions are generally not too dangerous, but it does not apply to a colored scorpion that lived in the Lower Volga and the Crimea.

Poisonous creatures, which are found only in Russia

Tiger too

Remember, as a child said that snakes are not poisonous? So, Tiger really - the exception to the rule. Amazing snakes specifically prey on venomous toads, after which their own glands are filled with the same bufodienolidami. The case when bitten by a tiger snake 50-year-old man was seriously poisoned.