Oil amly - a great way to improve your hair

Amly oil - a natural product derived from the fruit of the tree Emblica officinalis. It grows in most parts of India and in the Himalayas. This tree has long been used by local residents to obtain medical and preventive means. Amly oil is used in the cosmetics industry, and in the means of hair care products. That's all - thanks to a range of nutrients that are contained not only in the fruit, but the leaves and wood of this plant.

Oil amly, composition and use of

Oil amly - a great way to improve your hair

As part of Amalaki are various forms of ascorbic and gallic acid, tannin complex. The fruits of this tree possess immunostimulating effect, contribute to enhanced production of hemoglobin, have antioxidant effect. This plant in India used to cleanse the bowel, blood and liver, for the treatment of anemia, strengthen nails and hair, bones and teeth. In Ayurvedic medicine it is considered one of the most effective means to restore and rejuvenate the body: it stimulates the formation of new young cells and red blood cells. Fruit extract from them and used as the oil for ingestion (special release form) or for external use. Oil amly hair

This means India has a very wide range of applications. In our country, oil amly

Oil amly - a great way to improve your hair

are primarily used in cosmetology to repair damaged hair and accelerate their growth. For this tool is rubbed into the scalp, insulated and left for a long time (at least half an hour at most - how many have the patience). After completing the procedure, the head washed with shampoo and rinse with warm water. If your hair is in need of intensive rehabilitation, to do such a mask before every wash. After some time, the effect will be obvious. To repair damaged, split ends smear them with oil - after five or seven steps, you do not know them. Get healthy hair lasting shine, becoming denser and silkier, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp (oily hair longer zhirneyut not dry - do not dry), comes to "no" skin irritation and dandruff disappears. All this you get if you regularly use oil amly hair. Feedback from those who have already used them, yet they say, and a significant acceleration of hair growth. What other means to help achieve these results? Oil amly - the appearance of

Oil amly - a great way to improve your hair

Sell it means a small capacity bottles 100, 200 and 300 milliliters. The oil has a strong grassy smell and bright green. The smell of its natural, not chemical, but concentrated enough, but after a few weeks of use, seeing the results of his "work" in the mirror, it you pay less attention - Hair beauty compensates for some inconvenience. If you want to have a gorgeous shiny hair, regular use oil amly. Reviews of applying it inspire confidence in the near future improvement of the condition and appearance of hair.

Masks with oil amly

If pure oil compresses you not happy, you can make them more diverse. For example, add the yogurt, honey. Not a very pleasant smell can be masked by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil (natural). There are no ready-made recipes: we are all different, different, and our problems and their solutions. Because try and decide what is best for you.