How to build back in the gym
The Basics training back
Dorsi combined into one training task are the largest formation in the body. This fact alone suggests that their study is not an easy task and requires a lot of effort and calories. Therefore, the question of how to pump up the back, should be divided into several components and address them individually. However, we must not forget that these muscles perform one function in terms of building muscle. Training of the areas of the body are best divided into parts with the same physiological problem. As a rule, distinguish upper back and her bottom. In addition, exercise divided into creating thickness and width.
Separate training
Novice athlete will never wonder how to pump back the regions, as its location, just two or three exercises that without much fatigue can be done in one workout. Another thing - a seasoned athlete. Here classes aimed at the elaboration of the back, are divided on separate groups of muscles. Such athletes arise even more detailed questions, such as how to pump up a dumbbell back, bottom block by a hyperextension and t. D. In any case separate training of the body region is effective, when sufficiently large muscle mass. Insulation and base
Basic exercises can affect the growth of absolutely every muscle in the human body, but the insulation is necessary in order to athletes who are trying to improve the ratio of the proportions of various groups, as well as the best of their development in order to improve the definition. For the back muscles, in addition to the deadlift, there are more specific exercises that have basic character. These include lessons on the crossbar and the post. For example, the question of how to pump back on the bar, it refers to the area of sports knowledge. Pull-ups on the bar - one of the basic exercises, aimed at the creation of this area of the body width.
What exercises use
If a question arises about
how to pump up the back, then in training mainly base should be used. This grabbing and pulling all kinds and with different widths, and a tilted thrust rod or dumbbells, and traction units. It is important to observe the regime of muscle fiber hypertrophy. Suitable training in this case should last from 25 to 40 seconds, and the number of repetitions - 8-12, the time between the working sets - 2-3 minutes. Training schedule
training schedule should be planned so that one region of the back field was worked about once a week. For example, studies on the separation regions on a single exercise performed to establish the thickness (horizontal thrust and traction in the slope), and the other - the creation of width (the vertical thrust and pulling). Such a schedule will allow to pump up the back, and to maximize the strength of her muscles. In addition, significantly improved embossing muscles in the body region. Of course, any exercise of the back must match the first features of the body of the individual.