How to get rid of stretch marks on the skin?

Stretch marks, also called striae, - the problem of large numbers of people. Most often, this woman's face. Caused by the appearance of stretch marks critical changes in body size on the background of hormonal changes. The most common appearance of stretch marks during and after pregnancy, in the course of drastic weight loss or due to obesity.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the skin?

The reason is that due to the hormonal changes, the skin on some parts of the body such as the chest, abdomen or thighs thinner. By the way, this can also be done the opposite conclusion: the appearance of stretch marks - a sign of hormonal changes in the body. In addition, such defects on the skin are often hereditary factor, transmitted from generation to generation. So if your mother suffers from the presence of stretch marks, do not be afraid of their appearance on his body after pregnancy, do not be nervous, and ask yourself: "How to get rid of stretch marks?"

How to get rid of stretch marks on the skin?


And, as always, the best treatment - is prevention. For the prevention of stretch marks to begin to take care of their hormonal and, if necessary, in good time to visit an endocrinologist. If you know that you are at risk of stretch marks, it is necessary in advance to take care of their skin. Even if prevention does not save one hundred per cent, it will not aggravate the process, making it easier for subsequent reflection on the theme: "How to remove stretch marks?" For the prevention of stretch marks, there are many different creams, both distributed through pharmacies and through cosmetic stores. To do this, use special tools that can improve the elasticity of the skin. In addition to ready-made creams are very popular and folk methods for facilitating the prevention of stretch marks. Typically, they are a mixture of different kinds of oils, e.g. Petitgrain oil, known for its ability to return skin elasticity, and almond.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

Striae after his appearance on the skin through three stages of development: first, they are barely visible, pink. Against the background of an itch there. If at this stage to draw attention to them and think about how to remove stretch marks, the result can be achieved much faster and easier than later. The next stage - stretching acquire a bright, red or purple color. At the last stage, they become white or silver. And even now, do not despair and give up - with some effort, stretch marks can still be overcome.


For best results, in addition to carrying out the necessary procedures, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and diet. To improve the condition of the skin, including for improving its elasticity, the following items should be consumed: seafood, vegetables, fruits, herbs, mushrooms, dried fruits, cereals.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the skin?


Now, how to get rid of stretch marks with the help of procedures. To start the problematic part of the body is recommended to apply the scrub. For example, coffee: thick sleeps coffee mix with any oil and rub into the skin for at least 15 minutes several times a day, but not less frequently than once daily. In addition, it is necessary to rub mummy. EXAMPLE mixture of 1 g of mummies, spoon boiled water and 80 g of baby cream. The resulting composition is mixed. Rub mummy is necessary simultaneously with massage. Causing the mixture on the problem areas, start with warm-up strokes. Next proceed more active movements as tingling and rubbing. Complete the procedure as strokes. To massage combined with rubbing mummy is recommended once a day. If you are wondering how to get rid of stretch marks, try to follow the recommendations, do not despair, and your skin will again become smooth and taut. But this takes time and patience!