Cream for stretch marks, "Mama Comfort": reviews and Benefits

During pregnancy - a perfect time in every woman's life. During this period, some of them feel uncomfortable in a bad state of health, toxicity, fatigue, due to low hemoglobin levels. But all this is nothing compared to the feeling of the imminent birth of his child. Most women are wondering how to prevent the occurrence of unwanted stretch marks in a given area. After all, they appear no one is immune.

The use of properly selected and effective cream for stretch marks is the key to a beautiful body of a pregnant woman. If the means of good quality, it supports the skin and restore the elastic properties and smoothness. The solution to this problem will help to implement the product - cream for stretch marks, "Mama Comfort". Reviews, price, benefits funds will be considered in this article.

Many women appreciated the results of the use of this cream, and they exceed all expectations. That is why more and more pregnant women prefer this means.

Cream of stretch marks "Mama Comfort": customer reviews

Cream for stretch marks,

The demand for means of "Mama Comfort" is great, and the use of its positive results. From the first weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to use a body cream for stretch marks Mama Comfort. Reviews on this product are numerous. Consumers tell us that, start using the cream from the first months of pregnancy, have noted: the skin becomes compacted and humidified. It prevents the appearance of stretch marks because of body cream "Mama Comfort". Reviews also tell us about the good part of the means and the excellent results after its application. During pregnancy, the skin is exposed to tension. Cream should try to prevent these changes from the stretch, "Mama Comfort". Product reviews are positive in most cases. Women who tried facility remained satisfied with the results.

Cream for stretch marks,

More buyers say that only after learning about the pregnancy, you should immediately contact the pharmacy network for advice on how to buy a cream for stretch marks. Almost all women in the position using this product during the entire pregnancy observed positive results and thereby prevent the appearance of striae. "Mama Comfort" - body cream that can solve the problem of excessive dryness of the skin. For effective results agent must be applied every day, 2 times a day, as recommended in the instructions. consumers of the product, "Mama Comfort" advise the facility to all their friends and acquaintances. All of them refer to the high quality of the product.

Where to buy and how to use a cream for stretch marks, "Mama Comfort"? Guest experts

Cream for stretch marks,

Buy product from stretch marks and stretch marks can be either in the pharmacy network or via the Internet, to whom it is convenient. cream the cost varies from 190 to 210 rubles. Suffice economical price for high volume packaging. Cream restores skin elasticity, prevents or reduces existing stretch marks. But in order to achieve the effect, you need to use it regularly. Experts recommend rub cream 2 times per day for areas subject to the appearance of stretch marks (abdomen, hips, buttocks), massaging the area of ​​application as long as the agent is not completely absorbed.

means Ingredients of striae "Mama Comfort"

The main components of this wonderful product are:


  • plant extracts;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • horse chestnut extract.

All of these components contribute to hydration, nutrition, giving skin elasticity pregnant women, which is so prone to stretch marks during this period. If you use a cream against stretch Mama Comfort, reviews of which are positive, you must first apply body scrub, if you already have small defects on the skin.


Regu-Stretch - the name of a specially developed innovative complex, which is part of a means of striae "Mama Comfort". Because of this complex is an active control of the broken structure of collagen and elastin fibers, because of which the recovery process is accelerated as much as possible.

The advantages of using the product of striae "Mama Comfort"

Cream for stretch marks,

One important factor is the almost complete absence of odor that will not allow to strengthen the action of toxicosis in early pregnancy Rokach. Another important factor is the cost of the product - a small price for a decent package of 200 ml, which is enough for a long time. According to the reviews, the cream is presented in the form of means lean texture and has good absorbency. He leaves no greasy residue on clothing. Negative impact on the unborn child does not have, therefore, can be used on the abdomen without fear. Owners of sensitive skin cream is suitable due to the fact that is hypoallergenic. After the child was born, a cream "Mama Comfort" is recommended to use next. It will improve the elasticity of the tissues and the skin quickly returns to its original state which it had prior to pregnancy. Regular use of funds will help to get rid of stretch marks and restore the elastic properties of the epidermis.