What should be the length pants in men? How to identify?

Sometimes it seems that there is a category of boys in the world who do not know, in principle, what should be the length pants in men. Everything would be fine if their pants were long - it looks pretty messy, but at least it does not cause laughter and bewilderment on the part of people. But too short trousers often become an occasion for jokes, which sometimes resemble outright mockery. To avoid this confusion, it is important to know how to determine the length of the pants in men. Today we will tell our readers how it is done, as well as clarify the features of the calculation of the parameter depending on the model of pants.

What should be the length pants in men? How to identify?

Measure twice and cut once!

Of course, it happens that a man has a rather unusual growth, and therefore to choose the right length of the pants it at times heavier. In this case, the owners of long legs is usually difficult to buy normal pants, because manufacturers often averaged their products to the factory settings. It turns out that men who are taller than average, flaunt in short pants and low sweep his legs in the ground.

What should be the length pants in men? How to identify?

It is another matter when the wrong length trousers for men (photo, posted slightly higher, shows the typical error) it is only the result of inattentive to this attitude on the part of the owner, and from the tailor who certainly knows the standards and rules. In addition, hemming pants, you need to do the fitting. Cut off the excess at random simply means ruin the pants.

The Gold Standard: Does he have?

Yes, the rules of men's fashion in this regard unequivocal. In special accomplices clearly states what should be the length pants in men. Moreover, stylists and fashion designers give definitions and parameters for each style of pants, because in different cases has its own peculiarities. According to the generally accepted standard, trouser leg should cover the heel is not more than up to the middle. This so-called rule of the middle of the heel. Other sources say that it is better if the leg will be located on the edge of the heel, and the gap between them should be in the range of 1-2 centimeters, then it would look nice. However, all depends on the style of trousers, which even in the classic version may be different.

What should be the length pants in men? How to identify?

A timeless classic

What should be the length pants in men when it comes to traditional pants with wide leg, the center and arrows? Such a style is chosen most often older men and owners of non-ideal shapes that using such a suit can hide flaws in the form of a protruding abdomen. To suit sat well, it is necessary not only to adjust the pants on the figure, but to enclose them correctly.

The back of the leg should be placed no higher than one centimeter above the heel, but do not descend below its middle. If the pants reach the ground, it looks bad, besides, it's uncomfortable. Front, they should cover their shoes 2/3, leaving in sight only a third of the shoe or boot, the leg in the area of ​​the lower leg is usually wring one fold.

What should be the length pants in men? How to identify?

Classic (not narrowed) cuffed trousers need to enclose a different way. They must reach the shoes lying on her, but fold on the trouser leg should not be produced. Typically, the distance from the edge of the leg to the heel equal 2-2, 5 cm.

There is another trick that helps beautifully crafted bottom of trouser leg: they need to be trimmed on the bias. Thus in the rear leg is usually slightly longer than the front.

The suit in casual style

This garment, made in accordance with modern trends and tailoring of the rules of men's clothing. Usually a jacket and pants in such suits narrowed. Pants can be with or without sleeves. In any case a recommendation for their length, which reaches the middle of the heel, is incorrect.

Length of trousers for men who want to look stylish and elegant, to be fitted with a precision reaching almost a millimeter. If you leave them long, they will not get to the floor, but will come down in the accordion. During fitting it is necessary to put on those shoes or boots that will be worn often specific data trousers and have them navigate. As is the case with classic trousers embodiment, narrowed should form one fold in the front, rear, they can not be shorter than mid backdrop.

What should be the length pants in men? How to identify?

chinos and their ideal length

This kind of pants is very popular among youth and men aged 20-40 years. Their informal style is more suited to everyday images, not burdened by strict dress code. However, chinos are perfectly combined with tight shirts, raglan, casual, jackets, but because they are often employees of the banking sector, offices and other institutions.

This model pants features a large variety of colors, in addition to this, there are many options for ways to wear these pants. They can both fall on the shoes, and to be with gateways. What should be the length pants in men, if they do not like cuffs and prefer the classic style of dress? As in the previous version with narrowed trousers, chinos should not be too crumpled at the bottom, but straight leg without wrinkles will look too short.

What should be the length pants in men? How to identify?

In the shortened form to rely on shoes and style, guided by the rule: the freer the bow, the pants can be shorter.


Fabric rib sew usually quite baggy trousers, which are more suitable for everyday wear. They are free, you can go for a walk, shopping or to the cinema. Mikrovelvet looks more elegant and does not weigh down the figure, in this case, the model can be quite narrow.

Based on the width of the pants, you need to select their length. Classic wide models can not be shortened, as rarely does the cuff of his trousers. Therefore, they should reach the middle of its length heel shoes and cover until the lace edge.

What should be the length pants in men? How to identify?

Sports - it's still a force of

In the case of clothing for training rules are standard, but with some reservation. Unnecessarily long pants can be a hindrance in the classroom and even cause injury. Trousers with straight brim must take before the soles of shoes, in any case, do not lie on the ground. But training uniform with cuffs adjust observable with difficulty - it's too complicated. Small man is better to avoid such a model, because without it the hem looks too crumpled.

Originally from Army

No less popular in the daily wardrobe of men enjoy and cargo pants. It is a model in military style, providing pockets on the trouser legs and buttocks. In contrast to the classical models, in this embodiment, there is one feature. The ideal length trousers for men who prefer the model of the cargo should be such that they have achieved shoes. When this bit leg normally rests on it without forming folds, but does not fall to the floor.

What should be the length pants in men? How to identify?

Footwear has a value

The correct length pants in men depends not only on clothes, her style or body type owner. Shoes to a certain extent is a key factor. Thus, strict shoes or boots classic style do not allow shortened trousers, ankle opening. The maximum permissible length may terminate at the edge shoe, this embodiment is called Mid.

But with the shoes, you can "play" in a sports-style moccasins, Converse, tucked trousers shorter. But not only classical models and chinos and jeans. The latter, among other things, allow the most liberties with respect to its length. Denim pants are usually made longer than usual. As a result, models with large trousers sometimes reach to the floor, and gather a few narrow pleats on shoes.