Plié squats: Appliances correct execution

In recent years, around the world began the craze for sports and exercise for weight loss. Throughout opened fitness centers, plenty of blogs appear on the Internet with a similar theme, but on "Youtube" upload a video with the exercises. This is not surprising, because the sport - is a guarantee of health and beauty. But, despite the fact that the types of athletic training there are so many, the most popular among them are plie squats, which allows you to quickly achieve stunning results.

Origin plie exercise and its purpose

Plié squats: Appliances correct execution

initially like squats were considered solely a ballet term. Ballerina around the world for hours doing this exercise, only to conquer the audience shapely legs, from which it is impossible to look away, and perfect dancing skills. Now this exercise have not only a ballet dancer, but also any other women and men who want to have beautiful legs and elastic hips.

Want to know why for finding the ideal leg is so important plie squats, what muscles are working when performing this exercise and, finally, that you get with regular repetition of this exercise? We answer in order.

  1. The significance of these sit-ups is that they make it possible to quickly lose weight and regain a beautiful shape.
  2. In the exercise stimulates the deep abdominal muscles, ankle and soleus muscle, as well as pumped quads and tightens inner thigh.
  3. In the regular performance plie squats we have excellent posture, slender legs, a strong press, as well as elastic hips and buttocks.

Features exercises

Once we figured out where there were plie squats, which muscles are involved in it and why is it needed at all, you can move on to a description of their characteristics and the principle of performance. First of all this activity is remarkable in that it will be very important, both for complete amateurs in the sport, which is only to physical education as a child and went, and for the training of elders in dealing with them for several years. Execute it is also possible in special rooms, and right at home, how to use the additional shells, and without them.

Plié squats: Appliances correct execution

themselves plie squats performed a very simple manner. Legs we arrange wider shoulders, feet, expand 120 degrees and start squat. Particular attention is drawn to the back, which should be perfectly straight, hips, which at the squat should be parallel to the floor, and the lower leg, which at this point should be completely perpendicular. In this case the hands should be crossed or on the chest, or they must have a shell that keeps to himself or falls down. You will need to perform 4 sets of 10-12 times.

Rules of squats

Most importantly, fulfilling the above plie squats, strictly adhere to certain rules, without a precise sequence that not only can not achieve the desired result, but can cause serious damage to your back and knees. So, doing exercise, it is important to:

  • Before making the joint to make a workout and a good warm up.
  • During squats in any case can not slouch or round the back.
  • Use of the squat, it is impossible to fill up her knees inside.
  • Under no circumstances should you take your heels off the floor.
  • Knees squat should never go beyond the toes.
  • The breath should be done by lowering into a squat and exhale - when lifting.

Differences from the plie squat exercise sumo

Plié squats: Appliances correct execution

Since there are so many possible kinds of squats, then new to the sport can get lost in this diversity. Very often confuse laymen exercise plie and Sumo, which are made almost the same. So, unlike the squat sumo plies must be carried out with a perfectly straight back in, while performing sumo back to be tilted forward and retract the pelvis, though is behind the chair on which to sit down. Thus, doing plie, we will be more to load the inner thighs, and when sumo squat emphasis on the buttocks, which after repeated workouts become more elastic and bulging.

exercise Difficulty levels plies

Plié squats: Appliances correct execution

As mentioned in the beginning, plie squats can be performed as a novice in the sport, and the elders. But any layman after constant training sooner or later cease to be. That is why there are different types of exercises plie, which allow to complicate their training, thereby not allowing his muscles to relax and figure out of shape.

  1. Performing plies without any weight.
  2. Performing exercises with dumbbells.
  3. Performing squats.

The main thing is not to force things and not try to have a couple of months to take up the post, because in this case we only get maimed joints and lower back, but if you increase the load gradually, the result will be as follows.

Exercise plies with dumbbells

Plié squats: Appliances correct execution

Now move to the second level of complexity plie squats, equipment which on the whole is very similar to classical training, but has some differences. And the main difference of this exercise is that the hand is no longer crossed on his chest, and hold the dumbbells with any weight (enough to start and 1 kg each).

  1. Take a dumbbell in your hands and keep them at chest level so that they are parallel to the floor.
  2. We place your feet shoulder width apart, toes deploying the most in hand.
  3. Do the traditional sit-up to its maximum and at the same time omit the dumbbells down to squat while arms were stretched, and the shell was almost touching the floor.
  4. We get up from the squat and return arms to starting position.
  5. Repeat this exercise 10-12 times in 4 sets.

perform plie squats with a barbell

Plié squats: Appliances correct execution

Performing exercises with the bar also has some of the features. And chief among them is the fact that the complexity of this exercise can be increased almost indefinitely, constantly increasing weight. The only caveat, do not need to immediately take multikilogram pancakes for the rod, weight gain should be gradual, otherwise injuries can not be avoided.

  1. Starting position - feet apart slightly wider than shoulder width, arms bent at the elbows, the bar is at the level of the blades from the back.
  2. to do a classic, deep squat as much as possible, with the arms do not move.
  3. We get up with the squat, again, in any case, without moving your hands. Rod all the time to be in one place.
  4. Repeat this exercise 5-8 times for 3 sets.

Mandatory streamer

When we do plie squat, working muscles very tense, so that in the morning not in awful pain after training necessarily need to do a little stretching.

  1. Sit on the floor, straighten your back and starts to pull their socks. Pulling up to them, expand them to him, and so freeze for 30 seconds.
  2. becomes more even and try, in any case, without bending your knees, reach palms to the floor.
  3. becomes more even, clasps his hands in the castle keep them above his head and begins to pull up, keeping the heels on the floor and looking straight ahead.
  4. We become close to the wall and hold on to it with one hand as a support for, raise one leg sticking her free hand and stand as 15-20 seconds. Then change legs.
  5. Lie on the floor, presses bent legs to the chest, grabs their hands and more strongly attracted to him. Lying as 30 seconds.

Proper nutrition for perfect results

Plié squats: Appliances correct execution

If the result of constant training, you want to see the discarded weight and beautiful shape, one of the important aspects of achieving the desired is proper nutrition. No plie squats will not help in finding a beautiful toned body, if in parallel with regular exercise will not execute the following rules:

  • In no case can not be hungry, since from it you will have a lack of power and you can not train hard. And after weight loss skin will hang like a rag.
  • Before training you need to eat a good 2-3 hours before its start. The diet should consist of cereals, meat, pasta durum, cottage cheese, eggs or seafood.
  • If the time for food is not enough, then you can eat half an hour before a workout fruits, dried fruits and dairy products.
  • An hour after exercise need to eat properly, preferring protein and carbohydrate food, which is prepared with an excess of energy goes on building muscle mass.
  • Dinner should consist, for the most part, solely from protein foods, then, while you sleep, calories will be burned by themselves, which means you'll lose weight in your sleep.