Press 8 minutes - training complex

No woman would refuse to have a nice elastic stomach. But many people believe that the press will be perfect only after prolonged exercise in the gym. In fact, in some ways they are right: regular classes has not been canceled, but you do not need to spend much time in the room and torture themselves strenuous exercise. Elastic press for 8 minutes a day to get very real.

Press 8 minutes - training complex

A set of exercises

This program is designed for those who do not have time to visit the fitness club. Allocating to exercise a few minutes a day, you will soon be able to boast of a perfect press. Training titled "The ideal press for 8 minutes," includes nine effective exercises lasting 45 seconds each. As you can see, it does not take much time. This amount of time per day can be found even at the busy schedule.

The first exercise

Lie down on your back, bend your legs at the knees at an angle. Hands behind your head. Now climb forward, pulling the top of the body to the knees. Please note that the neck during this exercise should be straight, otherwise you injure muscles. Also ensure that the waist is not detached from the floor.

The second exercise

Press 8 minutes - training complex

The starting position as when the first exercise. Lift the upper body, trying to get the elbow of his left hand in his right knee. Then do the same exercise, only this time you need to reach for the elbow of the right hand to the left knee. The third exercise

Lie down on your back, lifting the feet, the knees are at right angles. Now drag straight arms, trying to touch their ankles. Legs during training, aimed at to buy a press for 8 minutes a day, must remain immobile.

The fourth exercise

Starting position is the same. Lift the legs, bending at the knees. In carrying out this exercise, a little tear off your lower back off the floor, lift the entire back is not necessary.

The fifth exercise

Lie down on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Now lower your knees to the right side. This exercise program "Press 8 minutes a day," is working the obliques. During its execution, the right hand should lie along the body, and the left - to be behind the head. Then lift the left side of the body and are drawn to the knees. Further flips to the other side, and we raise the right side of the body.

The sixth exercise

Press 8 minutes - training complex

Take the starting position: lie on your back and bend your knees, pull your hands in front of him, put one palm to the other. Now do the hands to move forward, trying to tear off the upper part of the body. Perform each exercise slowly and gently.

The seventh exercise

Proceed to the next exercise program "Press 8 minutes." Lie down on your back, straighten your legs and lifting his hands under her buttocks. For convenience, you can cross your feet. Now lift the lower back and legs drag upwards. The upper part of the body must be fixed. The eighth exercise

Lie down on your back, bend your knees at an angle. The hands are behind his head. Now lift the upper body, trying to get the elbow of his left hand to his right knee (knee while reaching toward the elbow). Reaching immediately change the elbow - we are now drawn to the knee of the left leg with his right hand. Please note that the exercise should be carried out quickly.

The ninth exercise

Lie down on your back, knees bent. Hands are on the press. Now lift the upper torso. The chin should not cling to the chest. Thus, we examined the complex effective exercise, in which the use of all the abdominal muscles - "Press 8 minutes." Feedback from those who experienced firsthand the program, saying that it is possible to get the perfect abdomen without the expense of time and effort.