Pepper sprays: how to choose and use the right

Gas cartridges - this is one of the most famous and popular in the Russian self-defense tools. They are very effective, but they must know how to properly use it. Just putting this tool in your pocket, you will not feel safe. Pepper spray is also necessary to be able to choose the right. How to do this it will be discussed in the present article.

spray type and amount of balloon

When choosing a self-defense mainly pay attention on two parameters: the type and volume of spray. By spraying type distinguish these types of containers:

  1. Aerosol spray - such pepper spray creates widest cloud of gas and the lesion. Perfect for protection against the group of people attacking. Such a balloon is capable of creating a gas curtain.
  2. Aerosol-spray jet - considered universal. This jet is easier to hit the target, and is quite effective.
  3. The inkjet spray - Data pepper sprays is better to use in the room.
  4. Foam Spray - data containers allowed in the face of a man attacking a narrow jet of foam, which deprives him of the opportunity to see what is happening around. Suitable for indoor, car.
  5. Gel spray - is the latest pepper sprays. Reviews of them the most good. Thick gel is difficult to wash off the eye, besides the jet is flying much farther than other funds (up to 3 meters).
Pepper sprays: how to choose and use the right

Gas cartridges are different and by volume. Which balloon will be more convenient for you to decide.

  • 25 ml - bottle is compact, fits in any pocket, but suffice it to only one or two applications.
  • 65-75 ml - universal size. Easily fits in your hand, pocket, but the duration longer.
  • 100 ml, 650 ml - large tanks for storage in the home or car.

Most pepper sprays: "Control-UM"

Rankings pepper spray is a tool called "Control-UM." Powerful gas will help you defeat any enemy in close combat. It will help to deal with persons in a state of alcoholic and narcotic intoxication, with people who have a reduced pain threshold (including those who have mental deviations), with aggressive dogs and other animals. For an even more exact hit in the aggressor, some models are equipped with a powerful torch light. "Control-UM" - is effective, the best in Russia pepper spray. Their price varies between 500-600 rubles.

Pepper bottles "Shock"

Cans of "Shock" is also very popular in our country. On their wear is required permission, they are effective, compact, easy to use. Fuse, available on the container, allow you to easily carry it in your pocket, nothing to worry. Natural extract of hot pepper, lying in the basis of the means causes irritation of the upper respiratory tract, impaired vision, lacrimation. About 20 minutes is required striker person to fully recover. "Shock" - a convenient and effective pepper sprays. The price of the average for the country is equal to 490 rubles.

Pepper sprays: how to choose and use the right

What is the pepper spray you choose?

Selection of an appropriate cartridge for you depends on where you will use it and what your goals are.

  • If you wish to use the balloon to protect the house from thieves, then choose the means of large volume (100 to 650 ml).
  • The foam and spray cans large capacity is ideal for self-defense in the car.
  • For fragile girl best suited pepper spray 25 ml.
  • Experienced men can carry two containers: the jet - to accurately hit the attacker in the face and spray - to protect from the group of hooligans or pack of aggressive dogs.

Pros and cons of pepper spray

Gas cartridges are popular and have a lot of merit, but if they have any disadvantages? Let's deal in order.

Advantages of weapons

  • When properly used cans are effective.
  • are not able to kill all attacking people.
  • Do not require any permits to carry.
  • In comparison with other means of self-defense (electroshock, etc.) Are inexpensive.
Pepper sprays: how to choose and use the right

Cons weapons

Have gas pepper spray and a few minuses. Among them:

  • The ability to pass gas, which can cause loss of the owner or the rejection of the action in an emergency.
  • Do not always act in cold frosty weather.
  • When improperly use or application in a small room can injure and owner.

How to properly use pepper spray?

In order to properly load the cartridge in an emergency situation, you need to be able to use it correctly. And learn about the mechanism of action is necessary in advance, not at the time of the attack.

Pepper sprays: how to choose and use the right
  1. Keep the tank in a designated place for it, such as in a pocket, which is easily accessible. Avoid situations where the balloon is lying somewhere on the bottom of her purse.
  2. Do not assume that the balloon - it's your faithful Savior. You need to know some self-defense techniques of combat or to be able to run fast.
  3. It is important to know how to "step on the gas." You do not just sprinkle attacking someone's face and follow his eyes, because he will dodge and hide his face. Be prepared for this turn of events!
Pepper sprays: how to choose and use the right

If you are in a cloud of gas, do not panic. Try to quickly get home and wash the eye with milk, it is perfectly removes burning. If the milk is not in the apartment, rinse eyes with plain water. can for the offender not to worry about the effect of the gas will soon be over!