Interesting facts about Apple ...

• Interesting facts about Apple ...

Despite the fact that about Apple's dozen books have been written and filmed a feature film, the company has its own interesting facts that even the most loyal fans do not realize.

Today - time to find out interesting facts about Apple:

Interesting facts about Apple ...

1. Apple was founded by two people:

Wozniak and Jobs - the first founders of the company, although there was a third founder, whose contribution can not be underestimated. His name is Ronald Wayne, with whom, working in the company of the Atari, Jobs met. Wayne is the creator of the famous Apple logo. But it frightened Jobs eternal ideas, and he sold his stake in the company for $ 800 million, and his career has remained in place. Now he sells coins in a trailer park Nevada. He was not even the company's product, while in 2011 he presented at the Ipad.

Few people know that initially it all started from the calculator:

Everyone knows that in those time any computer and computer equipment was not cheap, and programmable calculator Woz was considered almost its weight in gold. And the price was $ 500, presently $ 2,000, taking into account today's exchange rate.

2. Few people know that the original Apple I computer sold for the sum of 666, 66 dollars.

Interesting facts about Apple ...

3. The most photographed place in the world is Apple store (the same glass cube).

Interesting facts about Apple ...

4. The first slogan of Apple: "Byte into an Apple", and the byte is interpreted not only as a unit of information, but also as a 'Bite' in translation - "bite".

Interesting facts about Apple ...

5. In the 50 most visited sites is website.

6. Instead of ferries and barges, Apple products are delivered aircraft, even though it is much more expensive, but the benefits are still there. Firstly, the products displayed in stores again and again, that does not characterize the delivery of ferries and barges. Secondly, most aircraft safer because it is more difficult to capture or rob. The company on the Transport of Cathay Pacific-is a regular customer of Apple.

Interesting facts about Apple ...

7. Macintosh name is not particularly liked Steve Jobs. When Steve Jobs became interested in the project Jef Raskin-Macintosh, then sales have gone much more quickly. Who would have thought that Ruskin will name his company after his favorite apple variety ( "Mac"). The company has carried this name but Jobs is the name did not like and did not last long name.