Household proverb

Household proverb

tasty, useful, fun ...

Although the "money tree" actually does not make money, and sprinkled salt does not necessarily lead to the scandal, many national signs actually "work". Scientists have proved that not all folk beliefs - a fairy tale. And their opinion is worth listening even to his own life has become more comfortable.

1. Apple

Household proverb

Apples - the guarantee of health.

According to research conducted by the University of Western Australia, the use of only 100 grams of apple every day can significantly increase the lifespan. In particular, apple rind has high levels of flavonoids - plant compounds that help prevent cell damage, reduce the risk of cancer and help maintain healthy weight.

2. Banana

Household proverb

Do you want to give birth to a boy - eat bananas.

Naturally, this does not guarantee anything, but actually increases the chances. It is known that in bananas a lot of potassium, which is key to conceive a boy. It was found that women who regularly consume bananas, 56% give birth to boys, and those who do not have - 45%.

3. Full Moon

Household proverb

The Full Moon is changing behavior.

Yes, that may be true. According to the results of several studies have shown that the number of crimes, patient revenue in the emergency department, surgical errors and other unusual events occur more often at night during a full moon than the other nights.

4. Carrots

Household proverb

Carrots improve eyesight.

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a red pigment, which helps to produce vitamin A - a key ingredient for healthy eyes. Also, this vitamin can prevent the occurrence of cataracts and a little to improve night vision. But you can not overdo it - an overabundance of vitamin A can cause negative side effects.

5. Chicken Soup

Household proverb

Chicken soup cures colds.

Scientists believe that a bowl of chicken soup can actually reduce lung inflammation. It is believed that the chicken soup slows down the activity of leukocytes, which may cause inflammation.

6. Glass and newspaper

Household proverb

The windows are best cleaned newspapers.

Newspapers are made of dense fibers which do not contain solid scratching materials. Compared with paper towels, newspaper fibers are stiffer and will not peel off and stick to the glass. Moreover, in most newspapers now use inks based on soybean oils that make the newspaper more good glass cleaner.

7. Fish

Household proverb

fish - food for the brain.

Researchers at Rush Medical Center in Chicago have shown that eating fish is really good for the brain. Those who regularly ate fish much less likely to have Alzheimer's disease. While some fish have elevated levels of mercury, which may have negative consequences for the health benefits of including fish in the diet is easy to outweigh the risks.

8. Chocolate

Household proverb

Chocolate helps relieve menstrual cramps.

It is known that dark chocolate contains nutrients and antioxidants such as anandamide, which are thought to have a calming effect. Therefore, the use of chocolate before menstruation can really help.

9. The old-forecasters

Household proverb

The old people can predict the weather.

Older people sometimes say that it's going to rain, because they have 'aching bones on the weather. " This statement may be true. Bad weather preceded the fall of air pressure, which causes pain in the joints of those who suffer from arthritis.

10. Honey

Household proverb

Honey relieves pain and sore throat.

A few teaspoons of honey added to hot tea or water with lemon, it does help soothe a sore throat. However, it expects that it will cure the infection, you should not.

11. Walnuts

Household proverb

Walnuts and furniture.

Although this idea may seem crazy simply, scratches in the furniture, you can "cover up" walnut. Walnut, with its texture and color, perfect to fill in scratches on the tree.

12. Baths and Fertility

Household proverb

Hot baths can reduce male fertility.

This statement was confirmed by a three-year scientific research. Sperm 5 of 11 men with fertility problems, has become a "prolific" 491% after the men stopped taking hot baths for a few months. The heat from the laptop and tight underwear can have the same negative effect on sperm count.

13. Cheese

Household proverb

Cheese causes bad dreams.

Cheese as other dairy products, comprising tryptophan, which serves as a precursor for inducing production of the hormone serotonin sleep. However, study participants who consumed dairy products (including cheese) before bedtime, have reported that they often had nightmares.

14. Luke

Household proverb

Onion relieves the pain of a bee sting.

In fact, it is so, not only from the bite of bees, but wasps, bees and other insects. Simply rubbing the bite of a slice of onion, you can prevent the formation of tumors, because enzymes break down plant toxins from the bite.

15. "Larks"

Household proverb

Early lie down and get up early - you will be healthy, wealthy and wise.

Several scientific studies have proven that people who wake up early in the morning is usually healthier and happier, more persistent, diligent and active. they are also better able to cope with negativity and stress.