What foods contribute to weight loss: the list

From dream to get rid of excess weight, many women and men. Naturally, they want to find the easiest and quickest way to solve this problem. And it is - it is the use of healthy and wholesome food. Moreover, you should know what kind of product promotes weight loss. This issue will be devoted to an article. You will be able to competently make your diet and lose weight.

What foods burn fat and promote weight loss?

Science is still not known whether there is any kind of food that actually burn fat cells. However, it is safe to assert that there is a group of products that cause the human body to work hard and to squander a significant part of calories eaten per day. For this reason, dietitians recommend to always include them in your diet for weight loss. These are the following products.

What foods contribute to weight loss: the list
  • Pineapple.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Ginger.
  • Tabasco.

What foods reduce appetite and promote weight loss?

This category generally refers is the food that contains protein in large amounts. Simply put, this protein foods. It is due to a feeling of satiety protein is retained as long as possible. Therefore, if you eat a meal, for example, for dinner, then the next morning you just do not pull to the refrigerator for a snack. For protein products to help reduce weight, include the following:

  • Chicken.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Eggs.
  • Nuts.

What foods are low in calories and help you lose weight?

To reduce weight, good low-calorie foods. From them it is simply impossible to get fat, so they should include in your diet. In addition, the reduced calorie products are very useful for health. They are so many that the list is endless. Therefore, it will be better to bring a small list. What foods contribute to weight loss due to the reduced calorie? It:

  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Greens.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Dairy products (low-fat).
  • Fish.
  • Low-fat cheese varieties.

Certain categories of products should be given special attention. Therefore, below it is considered that it is necessary to eat, to quickly get rid of the hated kilograms. So, what foods promote weight loss?

What foods contribute to weight loss: the list


  • Apples. Eat these fruits every day, and you will be able to maintain her figure in perfect shape. Scientists have proven that eating an apple before the main meal greatly reduces the number of calories assimilated to eat meals. Nutritionists recommend to give preference to green varieties and not to peel, because a lot of nutrients in it.
  • Pears. These fruits have insoluble fiber, which has a positive effect on the bowels. It removes from the body all the toxins, toxins and heavy metals. At the same time a lot of pears, fructose and sucrose little. And it is very important for a beautiful figure.
  • Pineapple. This is a very low-calorie fruit that helps to lose weight through a unique enzyme complex bromelain. It speeds up digestion and assimilation of proteins. Nutritionists advise eating before eating pineapple. Since saturation of protein foods will be much faster.
  • Grapefruit. What foods reduce appetite and promote weight loss? If we talk about fruit, the first thing is the grapefruit. It stimulates metabolism, improves digestion, the production of gastric juice, food intake and fat burning process starts. Also this fruit reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, removes from the body all the toxins and excess fluid.
  • Kiwi. Outputs from the body cholesterol metabolism and builds digestion. It contains vitamin C, which has an active influence on the shape. Also this fruit burns fat blocking the artery.
  • Avocado. It is quite nutritious, but it still helps to lose weight. And the thing is that the fat of the fruit quickly absorbed and retain the feeling of satiety for a long time.
  • Dried fruits. They are also high in calories, but are a valuable food product. They are high in fiber and vitamins. Dried quickly saturate, so they can be used as a snack instead of cookies and chocolates.


What foods contribute to weight loss: the list

It has been said that vegetables contribute to a better sharing and weight loss. Which products from the beds in the most effective, it is worth considering in more detail:

  • Carrots. Excellent prevents the formation and accumulation of fat in the body. Also, this vegetable can be consumed in the form of fresh juice.
  • Cucumber. Very low-calorie, rich in minerals and vitamins. They have diuretic properties. It is best to eat the cucumbers with the skin in the season.
  • Cabbage. It is best known vegetable with zero or even negative calorie. If you eat it, the body in its processing costs as much energy as it is not in the product itself. Moreover, cabbage improves digestion and absorption of nutrients. It cleanses the intestines of toxins like a broom that sweeps away everything unnecessary.
  • Laminaria. is valued due to its high content of iodine, which is a must to improve the metabolism and normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Often it is the lack of hormones of the body leads to obesity. Therefore, sea kale definitely need to include in the diet and not wonder what foods burn fat and promote weight loss is best.
  • Celery. It improves metabolism, helps with constipation and flatulence. In this case, there is almost no fat, and it helps to reduce them. This is an excellent product with a negative calorie diet.


Actually, any berry good for the body and a beautiful figure. They speed up metabolism and accelerate the burning of fat. So try to eat plenty of different berries: gooseberry, currant, honeysuckle, blueberry, and all the others, growing in your area and available for you. For example, consider what is useful for weight loss or that the berry:

  • Raspberry. Due to the high content of vitamins (especially group C) fine frees from fat cells.
  • Strawberry. Lowers blood sugar, despite its sweetness.
  • Blueberries. It normalizes the digestive system, reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. It is also a great antioxidant.

you can eat for weight loss both fresh and frozen berries. In any case, they will benefit. What foods contribute to weight loss abdomen and the whole body?

What foods contribute to weight loss: the list


  • Salad. Activates digestion, metabolism, has a slight diuretic and laxative effect. Also prevents the formation of salt deposits and outputs the harmful cholesterol from the body. Of all types of special attention should be paid to the ordinary and arugula lettuce. The latter has a mild choleretic effect and normalize digestion. Arugula also reduces appetite and improves metabolism active.
  • Punch. Useful in any form as vitamins and rich in organic substances. Also, that green does not contain calories and activates fat metabolism.
  • Stinging. It contains many natural substances that speed up metabolism. Nutritionists advise to lose weight every day to eat a salad of young leaves of the nettle. But first they need to be parboiled.
  • Spinach. If you are looking for, what foods promote weight loss abdomen and waist, then pay attention on the greens. Spinach has a laxative effect and perfectly combats fatty deposits, especially in the lumbar region.

Protein products

  • Fish (especially sea). It is an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are solvent of many vitamins groups. Those, in turn, are part of enzymes that break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In addition, marine fish contains iodine, an omega-3, the system takes care of the heart and thyroid gland.
  • Meat. It is a valuable source of protein. But it should be noted that not all types can be called dietary and meatless. Diet will be useful chicken, turkey and beef. But from pork, lamb and duck will have to give.
  • Egg. Are able to saturate the body for a long time, so it is recommended to eat for breakfast. Besides yolk contains iron, calcium, lutein, zinc and vitamins set.
  • Legumes. In a large number contain vegetable protein, which does not go with fat in muscle mass during dieting. Legumes are very nutritious and hearty, so they must be included in the diet as often as possible.
What foods contribute to weight loss: the list

Also, nutritionists recommend to include in the diet of those foods for weight loss, which is made from milk.

Dairy Products

  • Milk. It has a lot of nutrients, so it is necessary to drink every day. But weight loss is better to take the skim milk.
  • Cottage. It contains calcium, sulfur, phosphorus and easily digestible protein, so satiety is stored for a long time. It is an excellent means to increase energy and stimulate metabolism. The protein, which is contained in cottage cheese, absorbed by the body easily and quickly than the one that is in the meat, fish or the milk.
  • Kefir. It is a popular dietary product that helps to not only lose weight but also improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It also removes toxins and restores the microflora. Kefir is quite nutritious, so it is easy to lose weight on. But it is necessary to choose drinks with a minimum percentage of fat.
  • Whey. This is a very good drink for weight loss. If you drink a glass of whey before each meal, then you will decrease your appetite and activates the metabolism.

Cereals and grains

  • Buckwheat. This is exactly the product, which facilitates the rapid weight loss. The buckwheat is practically no carbohydrates, from which often get better. But it has a lot of protein, which quickly and permanently saturates. Also, this barley has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body and lowers cholesterol levels.
  • unpolished rice. It is good that there are a lot of B vitamins Rice absorbs and removes from the body toxins, salts and other harmful substances.
  • Oatmeal. Adjust the level of cholesterol and blood glucose. Help to lose weight, but only on condition that the flakes are not subjected to heat treatment.
  • Bran. to normalize not only weight, but also overall health. They can not be exposed to enzymes, but establishing the operation of all systems and organs.
What foods contribute to weight loss: the list
  • Muesli. Contain dietary fiber that are slowly digested, so it helps a long time to get rid of hunger. Also muesli establishing peristalsis and removal of residues from the body.
  • Rye bread. Oddly enough, but this product contributes to weight loss. Some of it good? The fact that rye flour or wholemeal promotes faster digestion and prevents the formation of fatty deposits on the hips and abdomen.
  • Dietary bread. are useful for health and shape that body to digest them spends a lot of energy.


  • Peanuts. Though bold enough, but it lowers cholesterol. Quickly saturates, so is ideal for snacking. But it is necessary to take into account that the peanuts are very high in calories, so it can be eaten in small portions.
  • Almonds. Displays cholesterol and reduces the amount of lipids.
  • Pine nuts. Due to the content of linoleic acid are well reduce appetite. Compared to other nuts have a higher protein content.

Spices and condiments

  • hot pepper. Among the spices are the best foods for weight loss. You can eat all varieties of hot peppers, chili but is particularly useful. It contains capsaicin, which destroys the extra calories after a meal for twenty minutes.
  • Horseradish. it contains enzymes contribute to the destruction of fat. Therefore horseradish flavor is worth all the meat and fish dishes.
  • Ginger. Preheat body from the inside and increases blood circulation. This, in turn, stimulates the metabolism and digestive processes. Therefore, nutritionists for weight loss are advised to eat fresh ginger and add it to tea.
  • Apple cider vinegar. discourages eat sweet and reduces appetite in general. It also breaks down fats, carbohydrates and stimulates the metabolism. For weight loss is recommended every day, drink two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water. Also, they can be replaced with an ordinary household vinegar.
What foods contribute to weight loss: the list


  • Water. Which product promotes weight loss, in this case is the most affordable? The answer is obvious - this is, of course, purified water. Every day you need to drink it in the amount of two liters. Coffee, juices, etc. are not included. If the body fluid is insufficient, the slowing of metabolic processes, decreasing blood glucose level appears dizziness and weakness.
  • Green Tea. In this drink the human body needs is not less, than ordinary water. Green tea - is a strong antioxidant. It binds free radicals, and outputs them from the body. Also includes substances that promote fat burning, especially in the abdomen and waist. In addition, this drink contains minerals necessary for health, accelerates digestion and metabolism.
  • Olive oil. Although it is not a drink, but it helps reduce weight. It is an excellent source of fatty acids that speed up metabolism. So every day, eat one or two tablespoons of olive oil, and best of all - add it to the salad.

Now that you know what product promotes weight loss. Keep a diet that is right for you, but do not forget about the physical load. They are nevertheless an integral part of effective weight loss.