Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

• Russian traditions, it is absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

Many foreigners feel strange Russian, talk about the mysterious Russian soul and absolutely illogical actions. So, we have a mass of traditions and common habits that foreigners can not understand or explain.

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

Russian rare smile to outsiders. A smile goes a closest, but it is from the heart.

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

Eating on holiday or guests have to prepare a lot more than you need.

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

New Year - the most important winter holiday - a lot of pathos celebrated than Christmas.

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

Russian talking at the table is very long and flowery toasts.

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

In Russian to congratulate each other after a sauna or shower, saying, "Enjoy Your Bath".

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

In the table sit down not only to eat, but also to talk about, and the conversations can last for many hours.

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

For women of any age, in addition to grandmothers, are addressed as "girl".

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

Russian tell jokes to the place and out of place. They can interrupt the conversation with "I remembered the anecdote" and tell an anecdote, which has no relation to the subject of conversation.

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

The question "How are you?" Russian answer detailed story, not clichéd "Thank you, everything is fine."

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

The majority of Russian regularly reviews the Soviet cartoons.

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

Even going out to the nearest store to shop, Russian girls dress as a holiday.

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

Before you go on a journey, made "to sit down on the track."

Russian customs, absolutely incomprehensible to foreigners

Russian often live with their parents. Accommodation under one roof grandparents, children and grandchildren, does not bother anyone.

Come to visit without a gift is considered bad form. Candy, alcohol, flowers - anything, but not with empty hands.