Women's haircut hedgehog: to do or not?

Today, virtually all women lead an active lifestyle. Therefore, their credo - beauty without time-consuming. It is for this reason that many stylists adore so natural. Less and less possible to see a girl who makes a difficult day make-up and wind the long hair every day. Most of the ladies prefer eyelashes and make a stylish haircut hedgehog. Women's logic in this situation is understandable. After all, it's easier to maintain its beauty on the proper level.

Does Everyone goes haircut hedgehog

Women's haircut hedgehog: to do or not?

The girl, who has decided to change its image, always starts with the hair. And if you want to drastically change, the hair is trimmed very short. But it is necessary to understand that a woman's haircut hedgehog is not for everyone. The main thing - it's not fashion trends and your taste preferences and the structure of your face and body type.

Who would fit female hedgehog haircut? Hair thick and lush, you can safely try on different hairstyles. In this case, color will not be visible bald spots, and if the shape of the skull is not entirely smooth, luxurious head of hair can hide this shortcoming. Girls having a perfect oval face, too, can try a short cut. Hedgehog framing comely attractive face, will emphasize the right facial features and will surely attract the attention to the eyes.

Changing the hairstyle, take into account the need not only the structure of the hair and the shape of the head, but the whole piece as a whole. Fragile girl of small stature can safely ask the hairdresser to make it trendy hedgehog. But women with excess weight did not differ miniature size, it is better to refrain from such extravagant hairstyles.

How to style short cut

Women's haircut hedgehog: to do or not?

Some of the girls who have just recently changed its image, still unaware that their hair has many variations. Women's haircut hedgehog can be cheeky, romantic, classical or extravagant. All will depend on the method of installation.

Create a daring way, you can use the gel. Wash the head and nedosushennye hair lightly hammer jelly. We must obtain the individual strands sticking out in different directions. To create the effect of wet hair, you need to add more gel.

Make a romantic styling hair will help. Even very short hair can be nice to put in the presence of some practice. My head, and then with a hair dryer and comb the hair must be dried. The strands need to pull a little cheat. Outcome fix varnish.

If a girl has a fringe, it can combine several styles in one installation. For example, all of the hair to give volume via fleece and the front lay strands via gel.

The best ways to color short hair

Women's haircut hedgehog: to do or not?

Today, in a fashion natural and naturalness. Therefore, if you are not a fan of experimenting with your hair, your female hedgehog haircut can be quite monotonous. If this staining option seems too boring, you can try something more interesting, such as machinery and shatush balayazh. This type of staining mimics naturally bleached hair. And in the first embodiment, the strands should be located in a chaotic manner, and in the second case, hair coloring is a specific pattern.

Every year is gaining popularity women's flat top with elements of shaving. In this case, it is painted those figures, such as the stars, which you have portrayed a hairdresser at the temples.

Men are like short haircuts?

Strong half of humanity is too conservative in their views. Therefore, there is a rare man who will appreciate feminine short haircut hedgehog appreciated. According to statistics, 78% of men prefer women with long hair. They seem to them younger and sexier.

In fact, statistics show that women are drastically decide to change its image in the years 30-35. At this age, many people already have a family, and I will give children more concerned than his own appearance. Therefore, if you just start a relationship with a man and want to look attractive in his eyes, it is not necessary to cut the hair. This can be done when the girl had won the heart of the elect. In fact, after the first love comes that stage of relations, when the hairstyle is not a big deal. But add a touch of spice to the image it still can.

Pros haircut hedgehog

Women's haircut hedgehog: to do or not?

In spite of that, women like short hairstyles. It's incredibly convenient. Head can be washed in the morning, and she will have time to dry naturally at a time when she would cook breakfast, to engage charging or direct marafet. During the day, it is not necessary all the time to correct the hair. This means that you can always be confident in his own irresistible. It's nice when you come to the mirror, only to once again make sure that you see there is beauty.

Young mothers cut their their long tresses because small children will not be for them to pull. This means that the hair will not be confused and quickly get dirty.