5 tips on how to properly do push-ups

Push-ups are necessary not only to raise the stairs grocery bags without any problems. This exercise will involve all major muscle groups: arms, chest press, buttocks, thighs - so it is worth to include it in their charge. We tell you how to master the push-ups for those who have never held in the hands nothing heavier than a laptop.

Stand with knees

5 tips on how to properly do push-ups

If you have a habit of push-ups with knees, know you are not alone. This version laytovoy push girls are often taught in physical education classes. Nothing wrong with it there, but the advantages are not so many.

With any level of training you have the chance to learn how to do push-ups in an adult. We'll show you how to do it gradually. And the first step - to give up push-ups with knees.

Use a different pivot point

5 tips on how to properly do push-ups

We offer push-start not from the floor but from a vertical position. First times might seem too easy, but it's even better: the simpler you, the better the body will cope with a further increase in load.

Put your hand straight on the wall at the height and shoulder width apart. Step back a few feet, so that the body is at a slight incline. Tighten the muscles and do 10 push-ups, bringing the upper body to the wall. See that you are not sag at the waist. After several approaches to the wall go on to the table. Sets hands shoulder-width apart and do 10 push-ups, keeping the body straight and tensing all the muscles: buttocks, the press, and not only the hands.

The next stage - the seat of the sofa or chair. The last point will be the floor.

All these transitions do not happen overnight, gradually build up strength, spending 2-10 minutes exercise a day.

Learn to do push

The most difficult part of the push - push off from the floor. To prepare for this exercise, the hands, be engaged with dumbbells.

Take in each hand on a dumbbell weighing 2 kilograms. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the dumbbells to your shoulders by bending the arms. Do 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

5 tips on how to properly do push-ups

Stop bar in high

Planck employs the majority of muscle groups, so it is useful not only for push-ups.

The main rules strap: direct hands shoulder-width apart, body elongated in a straight line, the arm muscles, press, buttocks, legs stretched.

Stay as long as you can. Use a stopwatch to add exercise element of the game, every time you try to linger for a few seconds longer than the previous one. It is not only the right to stand, but also get out of the bar. Do not fall to the floor sack and lowered slowly, still not relaxing the muscles. Remember that it is better to stand a little less, but slowly descend than to beat his record, but fall sharply.

5 tips on how to properly do push-ups

Do not try to do everything at once is ideally

Separately should stay on the position of hands: with the right push-ups elbows should be held tightly to the body. But first, you can do as you're comfortable, do not worry, if you put your elbows wider than necessary.

Enough to spend on each of these exercises for 3 minutes a day, and over time you will feel the progress. Do not worry if it is not as fast as we would like: each of us has a different level of training and body.

How much do you bench?