Look into the armpit 5 symptoms that can not be ignored

Usually we pay attention to their armpits only when shave this area or use deodorant. At other times, we almost do not think about their existence and do not even try to look at them in the shower. But this part of the body works as a secret agent, which first sends an important message from the body. There are several symptoms that manifest themselves in the armpits, which are absolutely can not be ignored, as they may be signs of inflammation in the body hidden.

1. Unusual odor

Look into the armpit 5 symptoms that can not be ignored

Any fragrance emitted by the body - a natural process that occurs due to the accumulation of sweat on the skin. The wet surface is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria which cause a pungent smell. You can use a deodorant, as well as take a shower, but if the smell of it is not changed - it is a serious reason to see a doctor.

Most often, the modified body odor indicates problems with the thyroid gland and hormonal imbalance. If there is the smell of spicy and sweet at the same time, or like the smell of nail polish - it can be a symptom of ketoacidosis. This means that your body can not cope with the produced sugar and, therefore, may also be a precursor to diabetes.

2. Pain

If you feel pain in the armpits, do not rush immediately written to the doctor. Most often, the pain in this area may be due to soreness of muscles in the arms, for example, after you have had a hard workout or you wore gravity. In this situation, the pain will manifest itself immediately, but only every other day, and it runs on its own. But if the pain does not recede within a few days, it makes sense to check the lymph nodes for extra tumors.

3. Itching

Look into the armpit 5 symptoms that can not be ignored

As well as body odor - to feel tingling in the armpits - is absolutely normal. However, if it is strengthened and does not disappear with the passage of time, it is quite possible you have severe irritation, which may be a reaction to shaving, tissue, or even a new deodorant. Also, continuous itching can be siptomy bacterial and fungal infections - so it makes sense to consult a doctor to identify whether you have latent disease.

Do not forget also that in no case can not use other people's hygiene products that can transfer you to someone else's microflora. On it's your body will produce a protective response. Epilation postponed for a few days and do not use special cleaning agents, taking a simple shower to restore the environment.

4. Rash

Because regular perspiration and bacteria accumulation your underarms become a prime target for rashes and yeast infections, accompanied by itching and redness. Self-diagnose them too hard and much safer to consult a dermatologist. The rash can also be caused by allergies, excessive sweating and overheating, so watch out for, so that your clothes were easily ventilated and are made from natural fabrics.

5. Cones

Look into the armpit 5 symptoms that can not be ignored

in your armpits there is more than one lymph node, which is absolutely not noticeable until the swell. If you see an inflamed part - this means that your body is trying to cope with a particular infection. Most often, they are reduced in size by yourself, but if this condition persists for a week - it is important prokonsultiovatsya with the therapist. Checking the lymph nodes helps to detect cancer at an early stage, so it is better not to delay the time of admission.

Do you notice changes in their armpits during illness?