What you need for comfort during menstruation

A rare woman can not associate menstruation with a feeling of discomfort, fever, and the illusion that it is too "dirty" to all cases that are scheduled for the day. Gradually we learn to perceive menstruation as a body cleansing process, but with concomitant pain and lack of hygiene can be difficult to make happens every month. Your body at this time is experiencing a lot of stress, and the best way to deal with it - maintain the purity of their genitalia, preventing the risk of infection, infection or skin irritation. Today we are talking about, which is extremely important to remember during menstruation to feel fresh and clean.

Cotton underwear

What you need for comfort during menstruation

In the days of menstruation you absolutely contraindicated wear too narrow underwear with lace or other ornaments. It can cause a rash, itching, and even injure your skin that tight clothing increases the accumulation of heat in the area of ​​the vagina.

In the days of menstruation are advised to wear cotton underwear - this fabric is "breathes" and allows to keep the temperature under it. And if you do not overheat this area - the smell does not increase.

The menstrual cup

What you need for comfort during menstruation

The best thing invented millenialy - menstrual cup. At the moment they are the most hygienic way of protection during menstruation. Bowls do not cause allergies, prevent the development of bacterial infections and also keep your pH is normal.

The main problem of napkins and tampons is that menstrual blood is constantly in contact with those parts of the vagina, which are very sensitive, which can cause irritation. But the menstrual cup is easy to stop the flow, they are easy to clean, wash and re-use, without feeling that you left something else.

Regular shower

Simple common sense - how can you expect that your vagina will feel fresh and clean, if you're not going to rinse it regularly? Wash - the best way to remove any residual blood, and it's worth doing at least once a day to avoid stagnation and bacteria development.

It is extremely important to remember that you do not need to break the acidity of the vagina, so as not to collide with thrush or other problems. The vagina has its own cleaning mechanism, which comes into effect at the time of menstruation, and the products of artificial hygiene can prevent the natural process leading to infections and bacterial growth.

Use warm water without aggressive lathering agents and be careful to not put yourself microtrauma. You also should not be used at this time scented sanitary napkins or any other means of transmitting the smell of your body.

to menstruation Lingerie

Most likely, in the days of menstruation you choose are the ordinary cotton underwear dark colors, which is less than a pity to spoil and discard. Buying special clothes for these days may seem unreasonable to you a luxury, but it will be an excellent investment in your own comfort and hygiene.

Now most of the companies creating such clothes, allow you to choose among several options of models - slips, shorts and even thongs. In addition, almost all the companies that are involved in the production of waterproof shorts are the ethical and supporting gender equality. Some of them, such THINX, donate part of its profits to charities.

Only one object hygiene

What you need for comfort during menstruation

Many women prefer to use both tampons and sanitary napkins, or bowl in conjunction with panty liners. This avoids unnecessary leaks, prevent stains, but the combination of two different objects makes you forget about the need to change the tampon or cup. The accumulation of blood begin to multiply bacteria and it causes infection. It is much better and safer for the body - to use only one subject for blood collection and change it as often as possible.

The correct disposal of

Another important step - the destruction of the used pads and tampons. Carefully wrapping them before throwing - the bacteria do not spread. Do not flush them down the drain, because it will lead to the accumulation of water and an increase in the number of bacteria. Do not forget to thoroughly wash your hands after you throw away used means - in fact you'll probably related to contaminated area for replacement.

What do you usually use during menstruation?