7 the TED presentations, you need to see before you turn 30

7 the TED presentations, you need to see before you turn 30

How can teach us motivating biographies of successful people, to change their lives is never too late. But is not it better to live just so as not to wake up in 40 years with the question: "What am I doing here?". Heroine Magazine collected several developing video lectures for you to visit in age from 20 to 30 years. There is good advice on how to go forward, to be proud of their mistakes and climb the career ladder.

1. "Success, failure, and the desire to do more," Elizabeth Gilbert

Succeed - not the most difficult, and the author of "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert is well aware of this. Her novel has become incredibly popular, but Elizabeth continued to associate themselves with an unknown waitress with a dozen refusals from the publishers, where it was a few years ago.

Gilbert explains why the sudden success can mislead as much as a failure. After the sensational book it was difficult to start work on a new novel. She felt the pressure of society and fear that will not be able to create anything worthwhile.

Elizabeth teaches the most difficult - how to go forward, regardless of the results.

2 "looks are not important. Believe me, I'm a model, "Cameron Russell

Model and activist Russell Cameron recognizes that won the "genetic lottery" - she's beautiful and she knows it. In her speech, she changes the perception of the fashion industry and demonstrates that appearances are deceptive too to give it great importance. She explains that there is no such thing as a perfect appearance. Cameron urges to look inward and tells what is really worth paying attention to feel confident.

3. "Why do we have so few among women leaders," Sheryl Sandberg

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg explains why it is still in many sectors are so few women in leadership positions.

It gives three very important tips for girls who want to grow in their careers. Cheryl captivating honesty and realistic view of the problem of the "glass ceiling".

4. "Why 30 - is not the new 20," Meg Jay

A clinical psychologist and author of the books in the genre of non-fiction Meg Jay is convinced that years of life between 20 and 30 - crucial in the life of any person. This is not the time to be windy, and after 30 to heal in an adult.

Jay tells how important it is to put long-term goals. If you are now in life nothing significant happens - it does not mean that you can not lay the foundation for future success.

Meg gives three pieces of advice to help you make between 20 and 30 years prevail.

5. "Do not be afraid of mistakes," Kathryn Schulz

I think you did not hear what mistakes useful. But this knowledge does not help much to not be afraid of failures.

Katherine explains that, perceiving his mistake as a failure, a person astray. It tells how to take their own life punctures and even proud of them. Her performance will change the approach to everything you do.

6. "This video will change your mind," Lara Boyd

Your brain controls everything. But you control the brain, which means that you can reprogram it and form the desired settings. This is what Dr. Lara Boyd explains in detail in his lecture.

She shares advanced brain research proves that our opportunities really are endless. Boyd will show simple techniques by which you can control yourself.

7. "Teach girls to be brave, but not flawless," Reshma Saudzhani

Reshma speech caused a great debate about how we educate girls. According to her, the girls are taught to be perfect and strive for perfection - which is impossible. At the same time, the boys are told to be brave, take risks and not be afraid to fail.

Reshma Saudzhani - founder of the nonprofit organization Girls Who Code, which helps girls become programmers. Reshma's mission is to inspire women to take risks and to learn skills that will help develop the society.

I need each one of you said, every young woman that she was comfortable to be imperfect.

What are the motivational lectures TED do you like?