How to understand that you do not use their potential

How to understand that you do not use their potential

The words "you can do anything" heard so often that long since become an empty slogan, which few people pay attention. To find out what you can do, you need to constantly throw up their new test. But understand that you do not use your potential, you can now. Heroine made the list, which will help to realize that you are limiting their opportunities.

Do not speak when asked not to

Your motto: "Mind your own business." And this applies to all cases that are solved collectively.

Do you have an opinion, but you have not voiced it, if told to do so directly. You do not see the difference between the upstart and enterprising man. Fear to get into an awkward situation always overpowers the desire to participate in the conversation.

Maybe you have this happen during the study: the teacher addresses the audience with a question, you know the answer, but you're afraid that it is wrong, why wait until the answer someone else. Understand that in life one will not cause the board and give the chance to show off, you have to look for the opportunity itself. You can avoid the awkward situation or embarrassment if keep silent, but at the same time you lose the chance to develop, acquire new experience and help someone.

Avoid conflicts

How to understand that you do not use their potential

You prefer to remain silent in response to criticism, put up with the fact that you do not like, and do not know how to refuse people. This tactic does not improve the relationship with the team, but it turns you into a rag. If you show weakness, there is always someone who will take advantage of it. You do not begin to live life to the fullest, until you learn to talk to others in person, you feel actually. Sometimes the best way to improve relations - to quarrel openly express claims and splash out emotions. If at the end you come to a compromise, the conflict only bring you closer and help you better understand each other. This applies both to personal and to the working relationship.

You put the sand first, and then the stones

Maybe you heard about the parable of "The stones, pebbles and sand," which explains how to set priorities in life. One bank needs to put large stones, pebbles and sand. If you first nasyplesh sand - there will be no room for anything else in it.

So the sand - it's the little things that rob us of a lot of time: a quarrel with a colleague, unread emails in the mail, the dream of a new dress; and the stones - the most important things in life: family, love of self, self development. When you first take care of the important things, the little things resolve themselves.

When you feel that all the time busy, but nothing happens in life, if you buksuesh in place - then it's time to change priorities.

Best of all a parable illustrates this video, because here, in life the bank, there was a place even for a couple of beers.

Do not know how to accept criticism

How to understand that you do not use their potential

years, remember the phrase, thrown by someone in your address, and either feel sorry for yourself for an unfair insult or defect self-abasement and convinces himself that the offender's rights. Both options - destructive behavior, which does not bear nothing but negative emotions. If you can not take to heart the criticism of others, think twice about the purpose of the message. Who says it - you respected people or just an acquaintance? How this person relates to you and whether it is important to your well-being? In what situation did it happen?

Hear unpleasant words from a loved one is especially painful, but very few people will be more honest with you so. Take criticism as an attempt to get better, not as a blow to self-esteem.

Do you have ideas, but no plans to

What good is a dream if you do not even try to fulfill them? Any business starts with an idea, so pay attention to the thoughts that come into your head. Write it down in notes, take the time to examine them in more detail and make a plan. When you think, "It would be nice to do something", but immediately swept aside these thoughts, then she deprive herself another chance to become happier.

Are you sure that your are using every opportunity?